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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12523547 No.12523547 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more pathetic than a man who is near 30 and has

>no wife and kids
>no house and 6 figures worth of savings
>no high paying career where he is a director or Vice President

What is even the point of living at that point?

>> No.12523558
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>> No.12523567

Is there anything more pathetic than bucko spamming biz because his life is so empty

>> No.12523569

Learn to bait faggot 0/10

>> No.12523589

That or being a dicklet under 11 inches.

>> No.12523604

Shitty bait fucking newfag. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.12523618

>My life is great
comes to /biz/

>> No.12524060

>paying out your ass in taxes

No thanks, I'll live in this shitbox forever - no matter what I earn

>> No.12524076


do you own a house? Or are you just a shitposting underage?

>> No.12524077
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>mfw 32
none of above but 11incher, white and handsome, life is easy mode but no fulfillment

>> No.12524091

I'd rather be homeless in Hawaii then slave for life just to pay off a house

>> No.12524200

>implying being homeless in Hawaii could ever be a bad thing

>> No.12524436

Is there anything more pathetic than a man who is near 30 and has
>posted the same thread on /biz/ daily for the past two weeks
>Thinks living in NoVa is worthwhile
>Would pay $2,000,000+ for a McMansion
What is even the point of living at that point?

>> No.12524443


no debt

>> No.12524480

you just described your the vision of wageslavery success

even a guy making 1000 a month passively is richer than a guy making 150k working 50+ hours a week. the passive guy is rich in time, plus he can grow that small money system exponentially in a relatively short amount of time

>> No.12524494

I'm gonna change your life m8. All you gotta do is have a standard. It doesn't matter how high it is.
If you don't have standards, then there is nothing to fulfill. Once you have standards, then you can go about fulfilling them.

>> No.12524531
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>> No.12524533

What is even the fucking point of this?

>> No.12524793


Because I hate lazy incompetents who hope to strike it rich by doing nothing. They are no different than entitled niggers

>> No.12524828

Some people retire early, that doesn't mean they don't have work ethic.
>comparing yourself with others

hate is a strong word

>> No.12525412

Why would you want to live in those sterile ass places with shit tier commutes?

>> No.12525495
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