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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12516439 No.12516439 [Reply] [Original]

What businesses have you started? How much do u make?

>> No.12516530

i sell weed i make bout tree fiddy patna

>> No.12516612

Nobody on 4chan does shit. Go ask somewhere else

>> No.12516631
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i steal capn crunch to sell so i can buy weed
>tfw /biz/ IS the economy

>> No.12516719

I grow homunculi and sell them on my site, shipping is a 50/50 life or death

>> No.12517091

Unironically this.

>> No.12517114
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I'm not wasting my time here, because this thread will be 404 in an hour. Sad times.

Check out MJ Demarco's forum for real business talk.

Good luck real biz bros.

>> No.12517263
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apps on android/ios + some stuff for Unity game engine
i dont really want to work so only 200 bucks per month from that, passive.
though google and apple have updated their os breaking my apps, dunno if i can fix em.
meanwhile i get negative ratings from tards blaming me when i arent the one breaking shit. and even if i fix it they never ever update their reviews. the star rating system sucks

>> No.12517386

Started a law firm about 2 months ago. Made about 15k so far which I am happy with. Also going to try and get a weed delivery business started in NY when they legalize this year, I'm in a prime position to get a license for it.

>> No.12517451

Free dating website

$2200-4500/month with ads networks

I don't recommend. Its seems like an autopilot, but its not. You've to moderate a lot of dick pic, scammer, fake profil, etc

>> No.12517521

pay a pajeet on fiverr to do the moderation for you

>> No.12517567

How did you get traffic?

>> No.12517588

Anime commissions
I think I made like $100 last year

>> No.12517626

I just help my parents with their business so they can be comfy when they retire

>> No.12517899


Google mostly but it took a while. Without a push from a newspaper/reddit/X its can take 4-5y before you see a real revenu.

My advice is don't take seo pack, they'll create worthless backlinks, try to get an article on a news website instead. Quality > Quantity

But in general the market on the web is satured. Better go with an APP on Android or iOS. Its taking less time to win money.