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12514427 No.12514427 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12514435

scam coin

>> No.12514439

inb4 nothing burger

>> No.12514455
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1515281852125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally nothing
Enjoy the avalanche of disappointed linkies dumping their bags over the nothing burger

>> No.12514470

1k sats eoy

>> No.12514482
File: 1.08 MB, 1640x1246, 1545966973968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two days!

>> No.12514495

It's so obvious it's going to dump. The amount of times sell the news happens yet people still don't learn. Also the event won't even be livestreamed. Why are people waiting is beyond me

>> No.12514536

Nolinkers makes this more entertaining. It’s like bitcoin in its early days

>> No.12514741

>It's so obvious it's going to dump

swing trader rage.

You shouldn't have to sell, retarded. You tought you were smart swing trading that's what you deserve, next time hold and shut up

>> No.12514792
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HOLY FUG! Is something gonna happen in 2 days?

>> No.12514822
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>> No.12514853

We over $0.50 boyos

>> No.12514885

>We over $0.50 boyos
Sorry retarded here... what will happen in 2 days? Singularity? It's all meme, Chainlink is a meme ahahahahahah

>> No.12514900

Why risk your passive income future over gathering more stonkies? If you have at least 10k just wait and stake them until singularity. It’s literally that easy, $100 per link guaranteed

>> No.12514914
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It was just over .52 a bit ago. This fucking coin sucks major dick! Enjoy your bags fuckos!

>> No.12514943

Quality cube delphi

>> No.12514948

>It was just over .52 a bit ago. This fucking coin sucks major dick! Enjoy your bags fuckos!
>he doesn't know whales want his cheap swinged linkies
he doesn't know, ahahhaha what a retarded
> he will miss the singularity because he was swinging trading
>if we could back to the days, he would have been the guy who sold ethereum at 14$ thinking he was ''''''''smart''''''''
> if we could go back in the days he would have been the bitcoin pizza guy

>> No.12515030

> bear market
> btc dropped from 4k resistence
> link goes x2 in a month regardless
> sell the news gonna happen in 2 days
> not even gud news
Why bet on 1000 things that can go wrong and wait for singularity, when you can sell now, take profits, wait and get back your stack if u r so attached to it?
All u lonkies like to remember the guy who sold eth. What about the guy who never doubted Enron?
I bet u kids dont even know what it is.

>> No.12515118


Enron is what taught us about the 1000x bull run you literal brainlet boomer

>> No.12515742

>> bear market
>> btc dropped from 4k resistence
>> link goes x2 in a month regardless
>> sell the news gonna happen in 2 days
>> not even gud news
>Why bet on 1000 things that can go wrong and wait for singularity, when you can sell now, take profits, wait and get back your stack if u r so attached to it?
>All u lonkies like to remember the guy who sold eth. What about the guy who never doubted Enron?
>I bet u kids dont even know what it is.

>he fell for the 3 years bear market meme
Accept the reality: bull can came out of nowhere my nigga, because whales are here to fuck you, they don't give you confidence, the less you expect the bulls the more likley thy came, this is it my friend. Accept the risk while you swing trade. Who the fuck told you that LINK is gonna dump to 20 cents again? We found a pretty support at 40$, the chart looks bullish as fuck, ready to explode

>> No.12515784
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>it won’t be live-streamed
I know 100% for a fact you are wrong

>> No.12515812

>the less you expect the bulls the more likley thy came, this is it my friend

>believing this

>> No.12515824

you just want to buy my linky for cheap and watch me stay pore

>> No.12515826

It will dump. But it will pump a lot before then.

>> No.12515840

>>believing this
Yes I believe this, cause it's a sum game theory, and they have to fuck you to make profit, and they fuck you when you less expect it. When you are bearish they are preaparing for the bullish, when you are bullish they are gonna dump

>> No.12515871


Link is absolutely "bullish" for the newfags

>> No.12515873

You should start day trading with your peanut brain. Easy 1000x guaranteed!

>> No.12516315

link is always been bullish, the coin that lost less value over one year. Also not a newfag, following LINK since Februar 2018, BTFO my friend (I love you, btw, I am not here to hate, I understand your fudding, you only try to accumulate more.. but try not to be too greedy, greedy is a sin, man, you're gonna lost your mind and whealth if you are too greedy in life)
GTFO swingy linky

get rekt all over again

>> No.12516385

>February 2018
>the coin
Top kek

>> No.12516426

not a newfag, Feb 2018, anon STFU.

>> No.12516527

>not a newfag, Feb 2018, anon STFU.
Nigger shut up... even faggots who will came in 2020 will be early on this one.
You don't understand what you're holding

>> No.12516620
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>> No.12516710

It’s that easy.

Buying Link right now is the equivalent of $11 Ethereum, yet the meme goes on and in 2 years time we’ll see the usual “it should have been me” posts.

Well, the world can always use more wagie wagers.

>> No.12517356

Close, but there's no reason why chainlink won't hugely surpass ethereum.

>> No.12517409

Why do you say 11 dollar ethereum? What price do you think link will top out at?

>> No.12517429

I'm too brainlet to run a node, and I don't have LP shares so my staking priority will be low...in my scenario, would it be better to just DCA more link tokens?

>> No.12517450

Was holding 2k link - had my card stolen over Christmas and all my money spent - had to withdraw linkies to pay my bills till i get it sorted - now the bank bank has cleared it up and i got my money back , will Link drop to sub 0.3 again in another drop?

>> No.12517727

Honestly, unlikely. We dropped from 55 to 46 and found good support and are now going up again. You could if you are not sure buy now and then buy in a few weeks again regardless what the price is now. If the price then is higher you are happy you at least bought some now if it's lower you still have some money left to buy.

>> No.12517748

>expecting anything significant from some fireside chat.
This is just going to end up with Sergey "basically" Nazarov droning on about decentralised oracles and smartcontracts, while Tom supports him with well timed prompts and remarks, as we saw back during SXSW. LINK might pump or dump doesn't matter, but this isn't the catalyst for the singularity of mainnet

>> No.12517794

Closer to 20c Eth.

>> No.12517841

so you'll be streaming?