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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12512200 No.12512200 [Reply] [Original]

It's interesting and sad how passionate people are about turtlecoin. People get so passionate about shit like that because they are living such empty lives, that's all they have. They don't really do anything, stand for anything, believe in anything. They just go to work, go to sleep. So they have to care a lot about a shitcoin or they'd put a bullet through their head if they didn't have that escape.

>> No.12512210

1c EOY

>> No.12512306

You what? Turtlecoin is a biz coin, from way back, hello you must be new, welcome to this space.

>> No.12512723
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>> No.12513045

really strange statement
its like the most /biz/ coin to be minted till now
the people are passionate about crypto advocacy outsite their own coin and provide tutorials to learn about privacy coins which is as far as i know one of the most difficult concepts to explain to mainstream people
really makes me wonder why you are so salty about them doing outreach

>> No.12513074
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>> No.12513274
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>> No.12513583

just like I see through the lies of the devs when they say they're not rigging markets for profits. I mean seriously rocksteadys last commit in the repo that has been mediocre for almost 2 years now with a head dev who is young enough to be my Husband, like seriously. TELL ME the devs are not only causing these markets to fix but they're making "mobile guru" z or palmy or whatever out to be great when he probably sucks. Like how many shitcoin charts have y'all watched, like really watched because I've watched plenty and I think that dude is just ordering a fucking pizza and not writing code and the team is giving them these gains. Remember when tradeogre ceo definitelynotrocksteady couldn't get shit out of us and we're meant to believe a 30 year old dude is fucking a mastermind who can fix markets. Yeah I'm not buying that, and even ibmc we're meant to believe that he can have all these great fucking codemonkeys on his staff when none of them can code coins success, yeah right. Y'all can be sheeple but I see turtlecoin for what it is and refuse to watch any more games until the devs acknowledge the lies they have put forward to the community.

>> No.12513725

What, i had to read that shit twice and it still was ballshit, lay of the energy drinks

>> No.12513766

excuse me ?

>> No.12513801

get the word out
