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12511630 No.12511630 [Reply] [Original]

The first woman under 25 to make a billion dollars on her own

>> No.12511647

>on her own
Her mom did it for her she just took selfies for instagram

>> No.12511648

>on her own
But good for her no homo.

>> No.12511655

>being this deluded

>> No.12511669
File: 2.98 MB, 3242x4579, A266C360-29D7-430C-88C3-74F0E4164CA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting, she’ll never be half as hot as her sister

>> No.12511671

On her own? Are you retarded??

>> No.12511676

famous coz of her family, rich because we turn young women into vapid consumer whores => well we unleashed their nature which is being vapid consumer whores.

>> No.12511683


>> No.12511695

You think she would be a billionaire if her older sister didn’t fuck Ray J on camera? You think she would be a billionaire if she didn’t piggyback off multiple rappers (like her older sister) to get attention? You think she’d be a billionaire if she really worked on her product, instead of just being a face?

>> No.12511701

2008 to 2028 will be remembered as the thot bubble

>> No.12511719

>on her own
There's thousands of thots who look like her. The only reason they can't do what she does is because they dont have the following nor connections. Which she only has because of her family. Her mother whored out the entire family.
If she had a different last name she'd be reviewing products on Instagram to 60k followers for 500 bucks a pop, nothing close to a billionaire

>> No.12511720


She might as well be naked kek

>> No.12511721

>if she really worked on her product
that's how she made the billion. and who cares about any of that other shit? clout is clout
>i only respect honorable billionaires
why not get a vasectomy while you're at it?

>> No.12511722

this. this guys right. gotta think how i can profit from this thot bubble

>> No.12511725

I'm a 25 year old manlet, how can I mimic her success?

>> No.12511730

you dont get to call yourself a self made billionaire if you started as a multi millionaire.

>> No.12511743

>clout is clout
Rent my your sister or mom you beta faggot, I bet I could easily make $100k from them

>> No.12511749

Fuck off nigger

>> No.12511768

>>being this deluded
being this nigger

>> No.12512424

>If she had a different last name she'd be reviewing products on Instagram to 60k followers for 500 bucks a pop, nothing close to a billionaire
She is the Paris Hilton of this generation.

>> No.12512449

>on her own

>> No.12512460

>on her own
Nice bait

>> No.12512466

Why do Armenians love black dick?

>> No.12512481

Not even that. She'd be a random ghetto hoe who fucks niggers and gets pregnant at 18.

She's useless without the Kardashian fame.

>> No.12512503
File: 35 KB, 546x519, IMG_7451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to short women?

>> No.12512542

So fucking below average 4/10 would not bang

>> No.12512559

billionaire man: founded a company to research and develop space travel so that one day humans can live on another planet

billionaire roasty: made some lipstick

i hate roasties so god damn much.

>> No.12512576

photoshop edit around the hips u can see it still

>> No.12512582

Why didnt her half sister kim turned out to be - the typical ghetto trash that lives on food stamps? multimillonair, basically every person on the planet has heard of you, met the president of the usa in person.

How much people can say that about themselves?

>> No.12512585

is the man supposed to be the honorable one here? lmao elon is a snake oil salesman whose more concerned with his image as a dashing intellectual than running a company

>> No.12512588

Not true, Cleopatra was a billionaire by her times standards and made it from being the world's best prostitute

>> No.12512592

why are you guys mad that some girl is better then you?

>> No.12512597

She's been rich all her life. Lol.

>> No.12512667

She's wishes faggot

>> No.12512820

Looks like a tranny......which is pretty hot

>> No.12513255

You put Kim's sextape ahead of O.J's trial?

>> No.12513502

>There's thousands of thots who look like her
That's only because they want to look like her. Her family started the ghetto coalburner look.

>> No.12513557

These zoomers are too young to remember or probably even know about that

>> No.12513570

mad poor and ugly

c-c-c-c-combo breaker

>> No.12513616

Thots will auto short.
Muslim majority, passes pro muslim legislation. Women stripped of all rights
u rape a woman, you marry her...when you think it through perhaps the ultimate punishment for rape and ultimate deter ant.
White male...turned out better than expected

>> No.12513648


>> No.12513651

The oj trial was before my time.I was born in 2000 kek.

>> No.12513668

royalty and nobility doesn't count in this they are above us

>> No.12513688
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Literally every single "american entrepreneur success story" is the winners from the pool of people born on rich families. Waggies cope by thinking they can get rich too.

>> No.12513690


>> No.12513736

Burn the coal, pay the toa-

>> No.12513762

So that's why they have so many wives. Makes sense now.

>> No.12513768

this, it's true for Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Trump, etc etc

>> No.12513802


Kys please

>> No.12513814

You wish you were 18 oldfag. Life is so ez right now.

>> No.12513815
File: 33 KB, 450x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one does biz prefer? Caitlyn?

>> No.12513829

will you insufferable faggots stop arguing about the kardashians for g-ds sake

>> No.12513830

>on her own

>> No.12513854
File: 170 KB, 500x730, 1533045228375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao 94 master race you little fucking kid

Yes I am the golden age of oldfags who bought ETH at $7.50 while you just now are learning about how to buy my bags

>> No.12513876
File: 30 KB, 300x418, 68ABA4FC-3391-4B26-8257-5C87F1AA85E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hol up, if you were born in 94 you wouldn’t remember the OJ trial either

>> No.12513898

there has literally never been a self made non-male billionaire

>> No.12513921


>> No.12513968

I never really gave it much thought before, but I'd rather be a poor man than a rich woman

At least if I "make it" I'll still be a man. She's made it (because of her family name and wealth)...now what? A lifetime of vapid thottery

>> No.12513975

how does Oprah not count?

>> No.12514139

Guys. Think of this as a challenge , not hate.

>> No.12514226

They don't appreciate their wealth because they literally are not self aware. Like the negro, a woman is just a wild animal. No true sentience

>> No.12514633
File: 582 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190121-215748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are pleanty of self made women who became billionaires without the help of their husband after the age of 25

>> No.12514685

I know Epic well. Cool campus, lesbo CEO

>> No.12514722

Thot genocide when?

>> No.12515159

>whiteknighting this hard

>> No.12515624

This just goes to show how much money women waste on makeup

>> No.12516488

She is undoubtedly the most sexy and intelligent woman who ever lived. All women should aspire to be more like her.

>> No.12516519


>> No.12516585

Thot takes a billion dollars from other thots. She's great. You should aspire to be like her.

>> No.12516703

Been a while since I’ve been on biz. When did all the nogs and normies flood this board?

>> No.12517858

sort of funny that this the type of woman who girls look up to / admire

>> No.12518007

Yeah but she made her money on easy mode

>> No.12518040

wtf im pro islam now

>> No.12518622

t. roastie

>> No.12518703

>The first woman under 25 to make a billion dollars on her own

She was born into wealth and her along with her sisters became billions by being literal whores