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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12509247 No.12509247 [Reply] [Original]

I used to sell Kirby vacuum cleaners door-to-door. We would sell them for over $1000. The thing is these fuckers are online all day long for under $300 on sites like craigslist.

I decided to cut out the upperman and just buy them off craigslist and sell them myself door-to-door as a fake Kirby salesman. I already knew all the tactics and it's been working. I've made tens of thousands of dollars.

Problem is one of the customers called kirby and they somehow got my number and now I received a letter telling me they are taking me to court. Do they have anything on me? Is it illegal to simply sell things yourself?

>> No.12509261

i dont see that many problems if you didnt call yourself a representation of the company. if you did you are in deep trouble

>> No.12509273

More like if they have proofs about it

>> No.12509279


Well, I used the same pitch and even made replicas of my id, the forms and final contract.

But how the fuck would they know?

>> No.12509368

if customers have the form the one who called should have one too? the question is if they can get more than one

>> No.12509388

Call a lawyer sounds like you are screwed for being a scumbag

>> No.12509444

Kek if not larping I would love to hear about how this plays out

>> No.12509464

anon run

>> No.12509482

You are so fucking dead

>> No.12509496
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>made replicas of final contract

Ruh roh

>> No.12509517

I think I know who it is. I left my real number because I also sell accessories and belts for the thing. This one lady called me pissed off because both her vacuum belts snapped.

What's a good way I can pay her a visit and "convince" her she made a mistake?

>> No.12509529

>I committed fraud by faking employment, making thousands and immitating a real seller.
Why didn't you just make your own business selling them cheap?

>> No.12509538

thats fraud, you're fucked.

>> No.12509543


Because I had the whole routine down. Figured it's easier to just continue on my own keeping all the profits.

>> No.12509551

The pitch doesn't really matter, but faking financial contracts and an ID is pretty serious.

>> No.12509565

Not with fradulent paperwork retard. You could have used the same pitches, not said you were from the company and had your own paperwork that would have not gone back to Kirby and been fine. Have fun losing all the money you made and more before heading to prison.

>> No.12509570


It's not fake if I really gave her the product and she paid me for it. It was more for show than anything else plus I figured it would be less likely they would regret it and want their money back.

>> No.12509572

don't worry it's probably another FBI honeypot thread to coax anons into discussing fraud

these faggots are all over every board now ruining this site trying to create criminals cause they have nothing better to do

>> No.12509580

The sale isn't what is fake, it's the paperwork and impersonation you absolute brainlet.

>> No.12509581

you're going to court anyway, but if you kill her, you might get away since nobody will be able to identify your face.

>> No.12509593

Why's it legal for the law to lure people into breaking the law? I could probably exploit someone and make them break the law on a vulnrable day. Fuck you FBI go do something real like chasing aliens.

>> No.12509601



But I used my real name.

>> No.12509605

You weren't impersonating you, you were impersonating a Kirby salesman.

Look at it this way, there's two properties: Anon (that's you) and Kirby Salesman (aka KS)

So, while you were still Anon, you weren't Anon+KS, but everybody you sold a vacuum to, you said "I am Anon+KS".

>> No.12509612


I'm not going to kill anyone, I meant from a persuasion perspective.

Like I already convinced her to buy an overpriced vacuum. There has to be a way to convince her to call the company saying she made a mistake.

>> No.12509630

Probably a fat bribe, but you might be open to further extortion by her.

You're pretty much fucked fullblown at this point. Why would you use your real name and ID and phone number while you're cutting someone out of profit? Even if you figured it was legal, you'd have to be worried Kirby would be mad.

>> No.12509654

>i have a serious legal problem!
>i know! i'll ask 4chan and reddit about it

as soon as you got fucked you should've hired a lawyer.

>> No.12509668

Leave town and get a new cell number. Kirby won’t want to spend the money and effort tracking you down.

>> No.12509669

Wow hahahah

>> No.12509671

If he’s scamming vacuums he doesn’t have cash for an attorney.

>> No.12509698

I remember being a broke college kid looking for a job and applying to this and showing up to a room of 20 people for selling this fucking shit vacuum lmao.

Some fucking black guy with piercings was trying to tell me how he makes fucking thousands a month in commission sellings these vaccuums. I was supposed to ride around in a van with (literally some dude who came out of jail and was tatted up), and we were supposed to show up to some upper middle class home and demo a vaccuum that costs thousands of dollars?

People actually spend thousands for a vaccuum? Anyways, I left when everyone went out for a smoke break. I wish I left right away when I saw wtf it was about

>> No.12509722

Nice laws lol

>> No.12509724

(((They))) should know we endlessly spam false information about ourselves and any profile made only serves to make both the investigation and investigator a joke

>> No.12509757
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>> No.12509772


>> No.12509812

I was going to say the same thing. Once the shock wears off of being sued you'll realize that no one wants to go to court, and Kirby isn't going to spend the time and effort to track you down.

>> No.12509844

>replicas of my id

yeah, you fucked up.

>> No.12509887

I told you not to do it, Kevin

>> No.12509913

go back to >>>/law/
oh wait, there is no such board
why isn't there a /law/ board?

>> No.12509914

I used to work for them too for like a month, sold 4 of the fucking things to retired people in motherfucking rural croatia (theres only a few shittyer countries in Europe), they were almost 3k€ back in the day (2007)...the fucking poor boomers were taking a 3 years financing prpgram (loan?) to buy a fucking hoover ...the tactics u use to sell them are absolutely pajeet-tier...but people were buying them...fml

>> No.12509931

back in the 40s-60s hoover and kirby were premium vacuums that did just about everything. today they're overpriced for what most people need