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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12508489 No.12508489 [Reply] [Original]

>The wealth of more than 2,200 billionaires across the globe had increased by $900bn in 2018 – or $2.5bn a day. The 12% increase in the wealth of the very richest contrasted with a fall of 11% in the wealth of the poorest half of the world’s population.

>As a result, the report concluded, the number of billionaires owning as much wealth as half the world’s population fell from 43 in 2017 to 26 last year. In 2016 the number was 61.


>> No.12508513
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feels good to be rich

>> No.12508515
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>> No.12508530

That's because the majority (the poor) are retarded and would rather buy a new pair of shoes for $200 then to do anything useful with the money.
Imagine blaming the rich when you're poor and can't even save money because you want to consume so badly. Sad.

>> No.12508534 [DELETED] 


>> No.12508845
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>> No.12508955
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>tfw when you realize the claim "globalism makes us all richer" is the billionaire media owners talking about themselves

>> No.12508971
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when you know you're going to be poor forever, why give a fuck ?

just smoke some weed and do whatever, mane
some people don't cherish the rat race, scumbag

>> No.12508983

When you realize every single thing said in mass media and Hollywood is just elites talking to each other.

>> No.12508988 [DELETED] 

>tfw ywn lick her ass hole clean.


>> No.12508996

Well yeah, with that depressed mentality you'll be in the mud until you kill yourself in a few years. Nobody with the slightest self esteem would consider themselves that useless.
Doesn't it feel weird to you that you're absolutely useless to society though? Fucking illegal Pablo mowing a lawn is more useful than you

>> No.12509016


>useful to society

That is not a marker for self worth. Society is made up of drones who are programmed to do whatever the TV tells them. Fuck society.

>> No.12509112

But Jeff Bezos JUST became -50% poorer

>> No.12509128

If you buy SAFEX you can be one of them one day.

>> No.12509684

You live in a society. You are born into a society. You are being isolated from your society because of liberalism. Fight back.

>> No.12509784

>and that's a good thing!
- /biz/ January 2019

>> No.12509879

Wow you're stupid. The poor are those who are in 3rd world countries who can't get basics like electricity and clean water, since this thread is about the global state. Poorfags in 1st world countries do not apply to the OP statistic of the poor.
You are seriously stupid my guy.

>> No.12509906

us and russia divided ukraine, iran, syria. capitalism on a global scale. there is always someone who suffers

>> No.12509929

3rd world deserves to be poor

>> No.12509954

Shut up.

>> No.12509965

When you're gonna be poor forever it doesn't matter. I already knew that the world was going to end soon.

>> No.12510065

Hate to say it,
But as a rich businessman, (130k a year + much more with stock market).. conservative americans are stupid when it comes to the economy.

They still vote to give people like me more money.
They still are repeating the incredibly stupid idea that rich people arent hoarding all new money.
I dont know if they all beleive they're gonna be rich one day or something, but lol sucks to be them

>> No.12510090

Man where do naive pieces of shit like you even come from? Nevermind i will pick myself up by the bootstraps and shake the hands of the nearest business man i meet so he can make me a billionaire. Fuck you and fuck your kind and im not even that poor (10+ btc)

>> No.12510114
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Except interest rates are low so even if you save, you won't be able to outrun inflation.

>> No.12510134

>bull market
>stocks go up
>rich people net worth goes up
>leftists are outraged

>bear market
>stocks go down
>rich people net worth goes down
>leftists don't care

>> No.12510179

Stock market really doesnt indicate economic strength for anyone except those who own stocks
Aka Not the middle class.

>> No.12510187

The problem is the left just wants to tax people as a solution. It's not easy reallocating capital from the rich to the rest. And politicians are all wageslaves to billionaires. That's why many in the DNC would rather go after a dentist making 200k per year instead of Jeff Bezos.

>> No.12510197

Too true ma

>> No.12510206

Rich people net worth depends 99% on the stock market, being outraged at the rich getting richer during a bull market is the stupidest thing you can do

>> No.12510207

How's high school?

>> No.12510212

Better being useless than harmful.

>> No.12510234

He heard that line from his dad during dinner last night.

>> No.12510242

>They still vote to give people like me more money
As far as I know, conservatives don't vote for corporate welfare. Less taxes is not more money, is simply less theft.
>They still are repeating the incredibly stupid idea that rich people arent hoarding all new money.
No one actually believes this. Hoarding money is the literal definition of being richer. Is something everyone should do. The only thing that can stop someone from doing that is the state.

>> No.12510255

I think you guys are missing the simplest point.
They already have it all.
Theyre making millions on interest and stocks and hoarding all new money.

Yes the left wants to take more, but its looking more and more certain that thats whats going to be neccessary
>we have to start taxing 70% after the first 10m made
Sounds exactly right.
Unfortunately we have to start taking directly from their hoard of money.

>> No.12510294
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This kind of statistic is awful as it tells me nothing about how poverty was created in the first place.
Last year, millions of Venezuelans became miserable, a lot of them are starving and the middle class ceased to exist in the country. The rich escaped to better nations long ago, and are probably making more money than before.
South Africa and other African nations are getting poorer and poorer, as always.
People becoming richer is NEVER a bad thing from an economic perspective, so there's no reason to care about that at all. Stop treating economy as a zero sum game. And stop posting socialist garbage like guardian on a money board.

>> No.12510328
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Imagine caring about what should be done with rich people's money in the age where people can simply move all of their wealth to a fiscal paradise, or just buy crypto.

>> No.12510381
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Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.12510595

>leftists will propagate these statistics everyday and still not a single mention of the moral issue of usury

>> No.12510602

the real question is how are they making the money? running the banks? selling consumer good?

>> No.12510802

I'm getting taxed 35%, and I make shit money while Amazon doesn't pay a dime. Stop taxing individuals, tax corporations instead and get rid of these retarded work arounds they use.

>> No.12510914

There's no way this is real. R-right? Average whites dont have 140k.

>> No.12510962

Is there a version of this image that includes Jews?

>> No.12510973
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Fake news. The poorest half of the world has zero wealth. You can't lose 11% of zero.

>> No.12510988

Marx is still wrong

>> No.12511036

for the dream that some day you might

>> No.12511435

Both things are true.
You need to tax corporations without the loopholes, and you can definitely tax billionaires more since we are basically forced to since they hoarded all the money already.

>> No.12511544

Do you compete in anything?

>> No.12511582

Who the fuck cares? The deserve to be poor. Show me any significant innovation of these shithole countries in the last decades. They are still busy corrupting their own people.

>> No.12511709

Im a business man who makes 130k+ and im way up in the stock market.
im not worried about me. Im worried about you.

Im not a retard who pretend the rich arent hoarding all new income.

any questions?

>> No.12511737

all in chx and join the revolution op

>> No.12511774

My question isnt the validity of the tax, or the idea behind it, its that the pieces of shit like ACO shilling for 70% tax, want to spend it on what is essentially socialism.

Have you read about their "Green new deal"? If not, do so, its scary that this is the democrats now, that Americans are being swindled into thinking socialism (the stepping stone to communism) is acceptable.

Besides that, the high earners will just get everything over 10mm in non cash payments. The government is not smarter than them.

>> No.12511822

You have all the billionaires raising the average

>> No.12511858

are you ignoring that she suggested 70% tax AFTER your first 10 Million made per year?

Socialism isn't a scary word.
the dems are using it n place of "tax the rich more and give health and school for free"

The funny part is, theyre looking more and more right as time goes on.
All of new income is collected by the very rich.. how can we combat that?

>> No.12511889

The tax won't cover it. It never does.
If it even got voted in, the program starts, high earners leave or offshore the money, then you are left with the bill

Guaranteed job, healthcare, housing, food, no fossil fuels, open borders, life on easy mode. Think its reality?

>> No.12511950

You can still punish offshore movers if you really want to accomplish this.

and you're eating too much propaganda.
im not a liberal, but no democrat actually wants open boarders. you're feeding into the slippery slope theory on communism.

simplify man
1% of the country has all the money.
They are collecting all the new money.
We basically are Forced to take osme back by upping corporate tax rates (WITHOUT loopholes) and by hitting billionaires harder.

it wont solve all of our problems, but I don't know why you don't agree with at least those starts.
"sorry guys, you had your fun. you rigged the system and have been fucking everyone in the ass for years.. now its time to give back."

>> No.12512104

What car brand do you drive?

>> No.12512221
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>> No.12512246
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>> No.12512252

Like i said
>My question isnt the validity of the tax, or the idea behind it

Should they be hit more on tax, yes
Will they avoid it, sure
Should it go to fund some socialist agenda, no

The government is notoriously bad at managing welfare programs, and if people want money and services, they should earn it

Start some infrastructure programs, spend some money to upskill some people. Put a shovel in their hand

>> No.12512255
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Minimum wage was around $10 adjusted for inflation.

>> No.12512312

Dude i think you're having a problem accepting some issues with human nature.
No boss nor business can be trusted not to grind their workers to the ground for peanuts. Their power has grown.

Youre talking about "earning it"
The entire middle class is working their asses off and going backwards.
Youre complicating this.

Listen, of course the gov isnt great and will be wasteful..
But at&t making 20b in savings in 2017, then cutting 10,000 jobs...

Trickle down was a lie. The rich keep their money.

>> No.12512439

Why do the poor keep having children, makes no sense.

>> No.12512491

You're under 25 arent you

If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

>> No.12512532

Dude, ive heard the quote.
Its dumb.
Maybe morons should stop voting for tax cuts for the rich as if theyre going to "reinvest it into the community"
Were living in the failures of these ideologies.

>> No.12512565

Go make something, invest back in the community yourself

No one is forcing you to buy an iphone, car, tv, fridge, shop at chains, use fossil fuels, consume

Stop thinking anything is owed to you

>> No.12512628

I make triple yout salary and im way up on the market.
Im a genius, im doing great as a business man, im not worried about me.

It isnt about me. Its about your family suffering.

This isnt even "whats gonna happen"
Its all but hindsight now. This is the result.
Everyone's fucked but people like me.

>> No.12512643

you do realize how much debt ATT took one with the time warner deal, right? a recent cut of jobs doesn't mean they won't hire more than that after 5G kicks in. Such limited thinking

and "trickle down" isn't a lie. Every private job is a "trickle down". The biggest issue in the US is how wasteful people are with their money and doing stupid things like having children or buying 1000 phones when they cant afford them.

I make a little over 100K per year. I am able to invest 40K in new capital every year while also reinvesting all my dividends and capital gains. How? even with my sizable mortgage, I don't take a vacation every 3 months, I don't drive when I don't need to, I don't eat out every night, and I don't drop $500 a weekend on bottle service to try and get roastie slags who will just end up costing me more money.

i live with my gf, we do comfy things like hiking, bars for certain sports, go to parks, explore neighborhoods, etc. We meal prep and workout at home and travel occasionally.

>> No.12512651

>Im a genius
>as a business man
hows that lemonade stand going?

>> No.12512686

You still live at home dont you. Daddy teaching you the value of money (not giving you any) and you want a new daddy (the government) to let you live that teenage life for good

>> No.12512689

Listen man, i live the same life style.
You and are smart people though.

You seem to forget that Most people are significantly dumber than us.
90% of construction related workers dont have the social cues to even ask for a raise.

The fact is costs are continuing to rise quickly.
And peoples pay is going no where.

Everyone is screwed.
The last 2 generations had it 10x easier.

>> No.12512706

Not now kids, people with money and brains are actually having a conversation about what to do with you lot

>> No.12512736

Rich people don't use 4chan. Nice larp.
You're selfpwning yourself so hard with these posts

>> No.12512760


>> No.12512771

define rich.

I think its someone with over $1.5M in high liquidity investments that doesn't include the equity in their home.

>> No.12512784

>I think its someone with over $1.5M in high liquidity investments that doesn't include the equity in their home.

not people who talk like this

>> No.12512822
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>and "trickle down" isn't a lie.
who are you trying to convince. us, or yourself?

>> No.12512879

so creating jobs doesn't trickle down, or...?

>> No.12512890

so then you agree that we should stop allowing low skilled workers to enter the country and drive wages down?


>> No.12512899

my liquid assets amount to about $370K not including my home. Does that make me rich?

>> No.12512903

So Mexicans are responsible for McDonald's and Starbucks having low wages?
I didn't know they hired Spanish speaking staff

>> No.12512920

have you not been to a mcdonalds lately? and starbucks isn't bad at all, you get full benefits and stock options.

>> No.12512945

Creating minimum wage burger flippers/ register openers isn't what america needs

>> No.12512948

Do you mean, typing?

>> No.12512954

God damn it, i thought you were smart man.

>net immigration from mexico basically 0
>work force demands
>undocumenteds pay millions a year in taxes
>undocumenteds are less likely to commit crimes
>fucking airplanes exist
Lets build a 10 billion dollar symbolic wall.

>> No.12512961

it is for young people, but idiots think its a career. valuable skills are developed there.

manufacturing, IT, computer science jobs that require higher education are jobs that wealthy people are creating by being venture capitalist or investing in VC firms.

>> No.12512971

And I don't get why they consider Mexicans inferior if Mexicans are able to do the same jobs that whites can do which basically drives down wages.

Who will pick the fruit if you build the wall?

>> No.12512986

richer than a lot for sure, good work
but not "rich" like the people this other moron is talking about

(try) tax them, but do something with purpose with the money, not handouts

>> No.12513012

jesus, correct the record back to shill the green new deal, or did you just drink too much koolaid?

>> No.12513020

>undocumenteds pay million sin taxes
they have a net negative on the US economy somewhere between 60 and 80 billion dollars

they also send billions of dollars per month to mexico (which the wall can be paid for by increasing the interest on the cost to send money to mexico).

I want a 20 billion dollar wall to be able to go 30 feet below ground and 30 fee above it to prevent drug trafficking as well. This coupled with requiring all businesses to use E-verify (government paid - this is something I'm super happy to pay for in my tax dollars) will actually disincentivize illegals from border jumping

>undocumnenteds are less likely to commit crime
as someone who worked in both criminal law and immigration law, this is far from the truth. Every single illegal had an illegal SSI number that was fucking up the credit of some innocent sap living hundreds of miles away.

Any way you look at it, illegal immigration is a net detriment to the US. If we need more immigrants for labor, we can import them on a case by case basis and only bring in ones that will help support the economy.

The rest should be catapulted to Mexico and if they're from further south, that's meixco's problem because they allowed free passage through their country

>> No.12513026
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forget that guy. its not about economics,its about demographics. do you want whites to be a minority in the US? you're right that the wall is symbolic, it wont change anything. the birthrates are already there.

>> No.12513040

:c im sorry man. You drank the kool aide.
Spoiler. If it came from trump - it wasnt thought out.

Yeahhhh i hear you. That shit dont phase me though. We got bigger problems.

>> No.12513043

this is when I will move to a super capitalist asian country. anytime non-whites run a country it goes to shit.

not even racist, just noticing that no non-white country has been prosperous in the modern era. look at South Africa for gods sake, its becoming a worse shithole than under apartheid.

>> No.12513044

thats not to say that the white and black working class arent being raped by migrant wages. but thats beyond fixing at this point.

>> No.12513046

>undocumenteds less likely to commit crimes than nativeborn
>mexico a failed narcostate more dangerous than active warzones

Back to shill school, fuckhead

>> No.12513056

>Yeahhhh i hear you. That shit dont phase me though. We got bigger problems.
we got bigger problems? you really are happy with being replaced? You want your grandchildren to grow up in a country run by hispanics and blacks? where they are a despised minority? you know the same thing is happening in parts of Europe too

>> No.12513061


>literally just repeating slogans from rich people

>> No.12513066


This should be: Jews - Whites - Hispanics - Niggers

that would be more telling

>> No.12513078

This isnt europe man.
The problem is pussies like this guy

Immigration in many countries is a major problem.
Immigration in the US isnt a real problem.
Its manufacturered.
We have the infrastructure, the room, the police, etc

>> No.12513085

>literally just repeating slogans from rich people
this is a business board, not some socialist circle jerk reddit "community"

>> No.12513093

ok let me ask you something. what are the demographics like where you live? like in your neighborhood.

>> No.12513104

This is a LARP board lmfao. Imagine going on a joke bitcoin board obsessed with retiring early and pretending you’re aligned with the elite.

>> No.12513127

What if your house is worth 300K? And you have 1.5 mill in other assets. Or maybe your house is in a place that skyrocketed, now worth 2 mill but you only have 100k in shares. The definition of rich is stupid...its totally dependant on point of view. To a poor indonesian, everyone in this thread is rich.

>> No.12513166
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Jews win, most likely. 44% with incomes of $100k or more. No data on "wealth" though, which is what your picture was about.

Suck it whitey.

>> No.12513201

the reason I differentiate liquid assets vs a house is that it can take serious time to sell a house. it takes 30 seconds to sell stock. and even when you sell a home, there's realtor fees, etc. that depend on the value of your home and then you only get the equity (value minus what's still owed)