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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12507613 No.12507613 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the most fucked person here?

>No qualifications, literally nothing
>Zero lucrative skills
>Never had any kind of job in my life
>40 years old
>Multiple criminal convictions
>Non-terminal, but seriously Ill health
>Health condition requires spectacularly healthy diet, using foodbanks would kill me
>in England - Tory government, so all disabled benefits stopping (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/tory-austerity-deaths-study-report-people-die-social-care-government-policy-a8057306.html))
>Own house outright
>Own house, 7k in bank (parents)
>Parents recently diagnosed as critically ill, all money stopping

You'd think i'd be terrified, but in truth i think it's funny that i've managed to become quite this incomprehensibly fucking ruined. My house will save me from homelessness, but without income i'll have no electricity, gas, food or way to pay for insurance/council tax. My employment options are basically zero, because thanks to ulcerative colitis I shit blood uncontrollably 30 times a day and frequently am in so much pain I can't get out of bed for months (hence being in this fucking mess incidentally)

Is anyone even close to being this fucked? If so do you expect to survive? If I do I think i'll write a book about my whole experience. But honestly I'll probably just die. And having spent literally my whole adult life cosy and not having to work, at my age I feel like I can embrace whatever hell is coming without throwing too much of a tantrum. Is one single person here this screwed?

>> No.12507626

sell everything you have and come with me in pattaya

it's like heaven but on earth

don't lose more time

>> No.12507635

you are almost having it good
read the bible once, just in case

>> No.12507643

just imagine being an alcoholic 40 year old failed criminal who still relies on his parents for income
at least you own a house, cheer up autismo

>> No.12507670
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this. if hotwheels did it, who is 100% more fucked than you is, you can too

>> No.12507689

Is a reverse mortgage an option there?

>> No.12507744

wow, theyre hideous

>> No.12507752

Im Sorry to hear that anon, i feel for you.
I would say the only possibility for you to make some money is learn a skill that you can do from home on your computer. Probably learning web developing would bè the fastest way...theres tons of courses out there you can get for free (eaven the paid ones, just download them on torrent)...HTML and css are really easy if youre at least a bit computer sawy...than JavaScript and php which are much harder but pay really really well. But you could make some money woth only HTML CSS (+WordPress so you dont have to start sites from scratch) making sites for small business or freelancers...
Affiliate marketing maybe? Dont know anything about that though...
If youre good woth Photoshop you can find work on upwork...youll bè competing with tons of pajeets but it's still better than nothing...

>> No.12507754

imagine the smell

>> No.12507806

so let me get this straight

>didn't work for 40 years
>didn't study in school
>did whatever the fuck her wanted (i.e. crime)
>drank tonnes and smoked dope
>still owns own house and has 7k

Man you lived the life. Why do you think you're fucked?

>> No.12507819

You own a house so you are far from being the biggest loser. I have seen threads of faggots being homeless or sleeping in their cars

>> No.12507831

This. He had a more interesting life than the average wagecuck working 9-5 for 5 days a week and paying mortgage for his cuck shed (in the UK houses are small as sheds).

>> No.12507832
File: 38 KB, 396x385, 1511889991657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao they wont remove disability benefits you brainlet, they want everyone to think england is a first world country

not a third world shit hole

>> No.12507845

I'm in the UK living in a shitty little town in the middle of nowhere. No job opportunities and little money coming in because I'm on neetbux due to an illness. Unironically going to kill myself if I don't make it in crypto.

>> No.12507853

i've considered this, but if i can i'll stay in england. cambodia looks interesting because it's cheaper than pattaya, plus there's weed for sale on the high street.
already read it, didn't help...
i'm actually perfectly content, quite happy even.
nah my credit rating is ruined
thanks man. i know HTML actually, doesn't seem to be much money in it nowadays, too easy/automated to be lucrative.
i mean, i'm soon to be in a position where i have no income, nothing, and i'm running out of food.
you're right though. it's a hell of an achievement to have literally never worked. should i put it on my c.v?
i agree, shit has been fucking great
nah its already happening. 140,000 dead, expected to be 200,000 by 2020. see the link i posted. or just google "PIP controversy"
doesn't even matter how ill you are...




>I'm in the UK living in a shitty little town in the middle of nowhere. No job opportunities and little money coming in because I'm on neetbux due to an illness.
doesn't matter how ill you are, anon. the tories are genocidal fucks.

>> No.12507860

>I shit blood uncontrollably 30 times a day
this has to qualify for some sort of gibs

>> No.12507865

>i mean, i'm soon to be in a position where i have no income, nothing, and i'm running out of food.
you're right though. it's a hell of an achievement to have literally never worked. should i put it on my c.v?

According to you you'll also die soon from your illness anyway (which I presume was genetic or unavoidable) so considering you only had 45-50 years to start with, you've spent 90% of your life living like a king.

>> No.12507904

you'd have thought so but no. literally if you shit yourself 30 times a day BUT you're able to wipe your own arse without assistance, you don't qualify. proof:


often literally if you can even make it to the assessment, you're declared fit for work. if you miss the assessment though, you're sanctioned for not turning up. they're savage. 140 thousand dead, and more to come. there's no help available in the UK, you either look after yourself or die like the hundreds of thousands who have already died.

i won't die for a while, but even if this shit does get intense and kills me, you're right, it has been a god damn blast.

>> No.12507919

At least the immigrants get plenty of gibs. Nice work UK..

>> No.12507989

It's an absolute joke of a system. I remember signing on and seeing a paraplegic guy being wheeled into an assessment room...

>> No.12508000

>needs to eat extremely healthy
>moves to cambodia

you'll be dead in a week

>> No.12508084

>All fresh, organic, locally produced, void of chems, not corporate 'food'


>> No.12508142

I am a boomer. Wow man. You really fucked up good. Number one on /biz/ fucked up. Amazing bro