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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12506833 No.12506833 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons no larp. Where to make money on internet now? e-commerce? What will be booming in next years and now its still niche? lets share all the ideas.

Oh and did you know any forum where people share and discuss such ideas?

>> No.12506842
File: 1.02 MB, 832x573, 1547416243534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make up a new uber cool pyramid scheme to milk more reddit fucks. The memes can take you anywhere my boy.

>> No.12506895

yeah but fuck it. No crypto. Im thinking about affiliate marketing but I need some niche to start with. Do you know any forums where people share such ideas? something like /biz from '15?

>> No.12506922

gambling sites

>> No.12506943

but what? make one? affiliate them? lose all money on them?

>> No.12506990

anyone here publishing novels on amazon?

>> No.12507014
File: 342 KB, 1536x991, 6C630BB2-CB4A-4BDC-A695-F2814401F100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your free share of The next generation infrastructural equity dividend DAO.


https://discord dot gg/fQrZ48

>> No.12507016

definitely last one. affiliate works if you have a large userbase. making one is great but you need the ressources

>> No.12507130

really there are only chainlink holders here?

>> No.12507528

oh cmon lets find something together

>> No.12507615
File: 52 KB, 592x232, Schermafbeelding 2019-01-15 om 14.39.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptokleding.com - resell services to normies at x5-x10 the price

>> No.12507621 [DELETED] 

I have an idea but need 1eth to fund it. Want to be my partner?


>> No.12507623

Something unsaturated not amazon fba or shopify. Niggers and jannies are huge red flag in business if they are in it’s too late.
T. Fell for the fba meme

>> No.12507649

yeah I know. When you can see dropshipping ads on insta and youtube you know that its too late. So where can I find some niche?
I've read somewhere that erotic novels are the things on amazon. Sometimes even 10k words stories are selling for $5 and people buing it.

>> No.12507877


>> No.12507901

Unironically, ig meme pages and other ‘shoutout’ services

>> No.12507951

so what? just posting memes? How to gain followers on this and how to monetize?

>> No.12507971
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>> No.12507993

You post memes every day. You gain followers organically or you can pay to boost them. If you’re reasonably popular brands will contact you (or you can solicit them) to do shoutouts or other types of ads.

The problem with this is most blizlets haven’t the slightest clue how to consistently post memes for normies

>> No.12508003

I know a few ways but not saying never ever. There are too many normies and redditors in this board that don't deserve to know

>> No.12508022

I wouldn't mind taking the time posting good memes. How long does it take to build a big enough following to monetize it?

>> No.12508080

dunno. Seems like instagram is also overhyped now

>> No.12508371
File: 2.33 MB, 960x960, 55F17990-D542-4B72-935C-11997B7F584D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanted an answer, you got it. But all you did was spew the first reason that popped into your head why it wouldn’t work, almost immediately with no practical experience to back it up. ‘Instagram is overhyped’, how could you possibly think you have any insight into that? IG is bigger than ever and only going to get more monetized- and no, do not ask me to explain that, take a modicum of effort and research it yourself.

Dropshipping works. There are still ways to make money in crypto. But you will never, never make it because your first reaction to everything, even the idea you made this thread asking for, is to find the first possible reason to not even try. ‘I don’t have enough info, it’s too late, it’s not popular enough, it will take too long’, fuck you. You would rather make these threads and whine when nothing happens because you won’t do any work. Who gives a fuck how long it takes, you have something better to do?

kys lazy beggar, wage slavery is just the thing for you

>> No.12508396

What do you guys think of the scam thread? Does extorting boomer pedos for bitcoin work?

>> No.12508483
File: 37 KB, 400x300, 5435345636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to get into affiliate marketing but no idea what to try to sell. I need both something I know to create a good landing page and something that sells well.
>just follow your hobbies bro
My hobbies are browsing 4chan and playing videogames, fuck your shitty advice. The latter sure is marketable but also already exploited and vertically integrated.

Been stuck 2 weeks on finding what to sell, figured I'll go with Amazon affiliate stuff but the issue is to find the product now.

>> No.12508565

I dont like you

>> No.12508573

Cry some more

>> No.12508662

He's right though, having some common sense when picking a business idea is good, but the majority of people just give up before even starting due to thinking that everything is too late or not doable anyway.

>> No.12508740

just go to cryptokleding.com , they offer 1000 followers for 0.20 usd kek

>> No.12508756

/biz/ is literally pajeet level in terms of making money

>crypto scams (crypto is dead)
>instagram pages

fucking kek

>> No.12508831

>Instagram pages

You are stupid af if you think social media marketing is a meme. Boost accounts with pocket money and sell that shit to losers who want to have sponsors.

>> No.12509131


>> No.12509158

so share with us some "legit" business

>> No.12509188

why would I saturate my market?

>> No.12509254

come on tell us, noone is gonna do anything we'll just keep jacking off

>> No.12509259

no fucking way, then every immigrant here in America will be doing it

>> No.12509285

IM from eu so chill. And on /biz there are like 50 people daily so chill

>> No.12509298

all it takes is for one idea to catch on, then it's memed in every thread and Pajeets find out about it and phone their cousin abroad


>> No.12509744

I have a good idea for an app. How do I find a developer to make it without him just taking the idea?

>> No.12509915

>You are stupid af if you think social media marketing is a meme. Boost accounts with pocket money and sell that shit to losers who want to have sponsors.
meme saturated level

>> No.12509960

I could help you out, but what's the idea? I was at a startup but just got laid off due to funding issues.

>> No.12510088

>I have a good idea for an app. How do I find a developer to make it without him just taking the idea?
This is not 2013 kiddo
''an app meme''
i'll give you a tip to make it: get STEM education and land to USA and gain 60k per year

>> No.12510113

Shut up shill. Stop promoting your gay ass site in every thread.