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File: 84 KB, 768x1024, DC723D07-3DB5-414C-BD72-163B21BB23B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12504491 No.12504491 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ schizo meme or legit shit?

source me brotendos

>> No.12504505

In 1933 the United States went into Chapter 11 restructuring, hence bankruptcy. Chapter 11 is a form of bankruptcy designed for corporations, not governments. When this bankruptcy took place our Constitutional Republic was dissolved and replaced with a corporate democracy, social corporate fascism. Our elected representatives became the trustees and the international banksters became the receivers.

>> No.12504507

What are those delicious looking things? Can't do those on keto.
I'm not sure I've ever heard this particular conspiracy theory before.

>> No.12504511

Japanese fluffy pancakes huh? Wow.

>> No.12504517


>> No.12504522

Man you keto faggots are worse then vegans or racists.
I and many other people do not give a fuck about your shit.
I love to beat off everyday but you don't hear me mentioning that to every god damn person I talk to.
If it works for you then do your dumb diet. Don't need to remind people

>> No.12504524

That doesn't make sense to ask.

>> No.12504534
File: 1.30 MB, 927x6648, 1547341601327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look it up. There's a lot of fringe shit that isn't public knowledge because they don't want the public to know. Google 1933 bankruptcy

>> No.12504552

i looked it up because of that and it’s only on conspiracy sites with no other sources.

not convinced, and the burden of proof is on you guys

>> No.12504706

Yeah it was going well and made a lot of sense up until

>Global warming isn't real
>There is no "shadow government"
>Vote Trump (as if he's somehow not ruled by the Jews)

Also, wasn't the United States just mostly Republican back in the day (WWII), anyway? Then people just became more democratic

>> No.12504707


>> No.12504980

I'm not doing keto, dickhead. My brother is, though, so I just recently got a whole earful about it. And even if I were, how did you get anything remotely like I was trying to shove it down your throat? Chill the fuck out, fatty.

>> No.12505015


Back in the day the parties were different. Republicans were the party of wealthy, educated coastal progressive elites who wanted minimal government with a more libertarian take and Dems were the party of the working class with a broad base in the South and Midwest who supported a strong social safety net and unions/workers’ rights. Democrats dominated US politics from 1932-1972 due to the Great Depression and lost their grip because of Civil Rights and feminism. Kennedy and Johnson’s support of the Civil Rights and Women’s movement changed all that in the ‘60s.

>> No.12505020

Those pancakes look fucking delicious.

>> No.12505021

>An anon uses critical thinking skills to call out an obviously bullshit far right conspiracy theory on 4chan.

Anon, I...

>> No.12505027

Yoo, u got a link to the actual post? Want to give a friend the pill but picture may be too obscure for him.

>> No.12505042

Found the easily triggered blobhog

>> No.12505272

so many dots and connections yet you choose to obsess over a detail. Even if the bankruptcy was a hoax truth remains that most democratic parties are cancerous towards the strength of the host nation

>> No.12505576

i know that, but i specifically asked about the bankruptcy, because obviously that would have massive ramifications. but i’ve yet to see a shred of evidence for it

>> No.12505588

All the relevant acts are public knowledge if obscure. While they didn't actually declare bankruptcy as a country cannot do that as it is a function within the country itself they did it in essence.

>> No.12505597

keto haha more like pee toe. haha poo toe
pee pee poo poo key toe

>> No.12505610


>public knowledge


>> No.12505646


who are you virtue signaling your faggy BLACKED ideology to here? youre on 4chan

>> No.12505692

exactly what's being talked about here is a liberal interpretation of the emergency banking act by james traficant in 1993. He was disgraced at some point later on, all I can remember was he was in court and said that if the bailiff didn't let him go to the toilet there was going to be a high magnitude earthquake in the building. Seems pretty based to oldfag me.
I can't find an official source on what he said in congress because the available records start in 1995.

>> No.12505771
File: 43 KB, 1587x259, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled it and it turns out he's dead. RIP

>> No.12505775

That's a huge fucking pancake

>> No.12505818
File: 1021 KB, 1080x1837, 80C72653-C4F0-424A-BE4C-D217480D2EEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objective fact: Old generation Okinawans ate 90% carbs

*Cherrypicking extreme vegan diets & junkfood vegans is dishonest.*

*Millions of healthy Vegans.*

*1000s of Vegan Pro-Athletes.*

*Many Vegan Champions/Record Holders*

*Zero no-carb champ athletes.*
(Shawn Baker consumes dairy for carbs & has gyno & roid acne on chest.)

*No-Carbers can't compete.*

*No-Carbers bonk.*

>> No.12505865
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, Hi-Score-Girl-mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12505868

you forgot
>typically eats meat

>> No.12505889

Read Ray Dalio's new book Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises (free PDF on Principles.com).

The Great Depression section builds up very well in explaining the chain of events leading to the decision of FDR having to go to the Gold standard.

The poster might be onto something about bankruptcy being declared, that may have been hidden from the public to prevent a collapse of the banking system. Think about the effects on the banking system and government debt financing if a T-bill/treasury note was in process of default, especially considering what Germany was going through at the time.

>> No.12505894

off the Gold standard**

>> No.12505896

I'm from Youngstown and this dude was fucking laughing stock and presided over most of the decline of this shithole.

Now whether or not this was in retaliation to him having some insider knowledge he was about to drop on the public is up for debate.

>> No.12505902

Not without tools or disease.

>> No.12505907


apparently this is a transcript to what you're referencing i'm reading now

>> No.12506055


1933 mandatory gold turnin followed by the depreciation of the dollar by 40%

>> No.12506076

he lobbied on behalf of a concentration camp gaurd set to hang in Israel. Do the math.

>> No.12506246

Because the bill carries no value, but can be traded as if it has value. The U.S is using global scale trading to siphon value out of other nations, to stave off a default then? Frankly all of this sounds to crazy to be real. It's a currency represented by debt to half the country. And a currency represented by labor to the other half.

>> No.12506252

democrats used to actually be white and care about white people
funny how things change

>> No.12506293

If you still want to vote blue. Just say.
>Long game
>4-d Chess