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12501849 No.12501849 [Reply] [Original]

Yes. Share scam tactics that made you money.

Currently thinking of a romance/pedo scam.

>> No.12501989

>be me
>do magic tricks
>tell feds i want the money computer
>they like ok
>have debit cards under names i write different bins
>can spend whatever
>doesnt charge back at all

name a better scam

>> No.12501998

>be runescape 2007
>doubles on kalphite queen
>go with some lower level noob
>get all the drops since I deal most damage
>get dragon chain every time
>never shared

>> No.12502020
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I don't understand and think this might be an attempt at derailing but you're the first one so have a bonbi..

>> No.12502031

its how i scam basically, its better when the money doesnt chargeback right away.

>> No.12502035

what the fuck are you trying to say

>> No.12502049

Start a token for (((decentralized oracles))) and raise 32 million. Use some of the money to pay pajeets to shill it. Keep the rest.

>> No.12502063

amazon kindle unlimited
we made ~500k in one year.

>> No.12502085

Selling Trump related art and gear. That shit is easy mode.

>> No.12502091
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Good one marine...
Elaborate please.

>> No.12502101

That sounds pretty legitimate and sounds like actual work tho

>> No.12503049


>> No.12503066

I wanted to write my own short kindlebook however it seems most of the garbage on amazon that sells are things for little kids and stupid teenagers with mommy's credit card.

>> No.12503214

A guy I used to work with at a church would repay every volunteer with Gift cards and stuff. But he would make it where if he had 5 volunteers he would tell the church he had 10 and pocket the 5 other gift cards for himself. Did this for a year and got out clean with over 20k in gift cards. It wasn't until after he left for "medical reasons" and moved up north that the math didn't add up with the higher ups.

>> No.12503343
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Sounds like a good one, nice concept. Could be applied to much more I guess.

>> No.12503627

My scam is in process, but be warned about an occasionally shilled coin here, I won't say more, but once order books are full enough I'm going to dump on the market hard

>> No.12503858
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this is pretty much describing our management of the Iraq and Afghan wars in a fucking nutshell.

>> No.12503865

If you send me 0.1 ETH I will send you 1 or none back

>> No.12503875

>be me
>rs 2007
>befriend a noob
>strengthen friendship over a few days
>"lets explore the wilderness"
>and "bring your rune"

>> No.12503914

I don't get these gifs. Why would she dress like that what is going on?


>> No.12504580

>romance/pedo scam
Good one pretty reliable if you have skills and resources, just simple social engineering.

Get rich quick schemes on Facebook/YT still work plenty good, just give them a little bit of free info to get them hooked on for more then sell them courses in pdfs or even made by other people that do that for living.
(Hell, even better all you can do is bring leads to webinar and they will sell their shit to them for you, obviously you get % from sales)
(You probably know that kind of shit; "earn 10k a week from home working 2 hours/day" etc.)
(Pretty good stuff since all you need is some marketing skill/brand building and being good at making shit up it scales nicely once you get hang of stuff)

Get fake facebook account that look legit or even stolen ones then join groups for migrants. (Works best if you are non-English)
Just join those huge groups and scam people that you lost job and don't have money to live, that you were kicked out of your house, that you don't have enough money to come back etc.
Ask for small sums so cops and justice system wouldn't be able to do anything.

>> No.12504726

>Why would she dress like that what is going on?
That's her scam tactic

>> No.12504742

she's an e-thot who dresses up and makes those "Cute" faces to fleece beta males of their money

>> No.12504757

What’s her @

>> No.12504762

fuckin zoomer

>> No.12504767

>Currently thinking of a romance/pedo scam.
Blackmailing pedos is based and redpilled. Make sure to report them after squeezing them dry.

>> No.12504788

Doesn't surprise me, religious non-profits are terrible for that

t. auditor

>> No.12504815

Help me out bro cmon

>> No.12504869

I lived in Philippines and I knew someone who scammed old sexpat boomers regularly. They were also a foreigner so it was super easy and no suspicion. It went like this.

>make profile of girl with questionable age photo
>say looking for sugar daddy
>select from assortment of boomer sexpat that message you
>collect personal info
>offer to meet up
>get them to say they want sex
>explain that you are still in high school(ends at age 16 in phil)
>when they say they don't care get them to travel to some shit hotel for the "meetup"
>drop the hammer and demand your amount or you will go to police ($500-$1000 typically)
>have some flip pick up cash from western uniom
>let them go
>report them to the police anyways and send chat log
>tell them you contacted the police anyways and that they only have a couple days to leave the country
>they usually disappear after that

Pretty clever, but I figured someday some psycho boomer was going to find him and light him up.

>> No.12504905

Is scamming pedos profitable? I'm thinking about the collateral damage, some guy will eventually find out and shoot you in the head.

>> No.12505003

It's pretty risky, since you are putting someone into a life or death situation. It's also illegal and if they don't give a fuck or actually know the law, they can potentially come after you.

The guy targeted the true dregs of sexpat society. The pension boomers who didn't own any property and were hanging by a thread as it is. It would be stupid to go after a wealthy or connected one. However since 99.99% or scammers in flipland are flips, and he knew how to text like a flip using their retarded syntax I'm sure he convinced them he was an actual flip scammer.

>> No.12505025

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.12505695

I got you man her name is bonbibonkers she's a girl on Tik Tok which is like the infinitely gayer successor to snapchat. She stopped making videos after these Russians started planning a kidnapping.
No she does not have any leaked nudes.

>> No.12506875

Yeah I know it might be risky, I'm thinking of using tailsOS and tor to stay anonymous, then ask for bitcoin and give them 10 days to deliver. Everyday the sum gets 0.05 BTC bigger or something so they hurry up. Maybe also not only threaten calling the authorities but by social engineering know where they work/live (seems easy to do when sexting and wanting a real, married sugar daddy) and then threatening to spew info around the place, in mailboxes, at work etc...
Wouldn't do anything that correlates to me. Of course that's just a thought experiment.

>> No.12506880


>> No.12506889
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Also here, have another bonbi

>> No.12506902


why did you do me like this anon. you told me you would be my bf.

>> No.12506928

I legitimately think there is money to be made from middle aged men who send naughty messages for an underaged girl. But how the payment when you start blackmailing an ordinary male with family. Is It bitcoin or cash in envelope? I'm seriously considering this

>> No.12506946

I'd imagine it easier and safer through crypto, just send them instructions or video tutorials how to buy and send and then give them a week.

>> No.12506948

>wants to scam pedos while posting gifs of a 15yo

>> No.12506961


Yes this would be good. The next thing is, where do I find good pictures to use? Or just take pictures of my girlfriend if needed. I have moral dilemmas with scamming pedos. You can setup a fake kick account easy right?

>> No.12506964

what website do you go on to bait them?

>> No.12506971

how do you find the pedos on kik?

>> No.12506988

I'd look through smaller dating sites, the major ones don't allow tor. If you don't care about that you can go anywhere, lovoo is great imo. Lots of legit underaged girls, you can sneak in there as a fake.
You could join dating groups I guess and try and bait them.

>> No.12506992


There are many websites where you can put your kik nick and then people will simply come and talk to you.

>> No.12507000

So it's settled, we're all gonna start baiting pedos?


>> No.12507003

sorry for being a brainlet but can you give examples?

>> No.12507025

If you are going to go down this path then remember to NEVER use your home wired connection. Get a burner phone with cash and have someone else (like a homeless person) make the purchase for you.

Drive at least 45 minutes away and use the wireless at a restraunt to work the scam. Leave the burner phone in a bag at a YMCA locker or something. Discard the phone after you have scammed one or two people, then get another from a different location.

Scammers get caught because they become complacent and predictable and leave a paper trail. If you are above 100 iq and keep your take small and manageable you will never get caught.

>> No.12507032

I have lots of real phished usa facebook accounts, also e-mails, personal info (ssn), paypal accounts. Is there a way I could profit from these without actually stealing people's money? That's pretty immoral even for my standards and I don't feel like such a scumbag

>> No.12507046


Buy a burner phone + Sim card and use that wireless data. Save you from driving anywhere (handy tip)

>> No.12507066


Well I'm sorry no because I live in Finland.
But take a Look at the websites normies use. U should be able to find em

>> No.12507099

I currently run a business selling online services on a monthly ongoing basis.

It's hard to quantify the results and as such, people get frustrated and leave.

the scam: I haven't done any work.

>> No.12507122

Nice advice... was thinking of using a laptop running tails or an old smart phone running orbot using dating apps somewhere else. What would you do with a burner phone exactly?

>> No.12507220

this tranny is going to get bullied into a suicidal spiral so fucking hard

>> No.12507270

>OSRS pre-GE
>Go to lumbridge
>Talk to noobs killing cows
>Offer to buy noted cowhides for half of market price, but just give them a number
>Teleport there and pick them up every once in a while
>Sell them for full price on Zybez
>It's still pretty decent (and easy) money for them, so they'll keep doing it way longer than you normally would
>They also tell their friends
>Eventually you're managing 30-40 noobs who endlessly farm cows for you
God I miss early OSRS. I miss it even more than the original Runescape, because I actually knew what I was doing the second time.

>> No.12507870

Back to pedo baiting guys. Post more advice... which sites are visited by horny old pedos that allow tor in full functionality?

>> No.12508058

I offer to double money outside of check and liqour stores. Then I switch worlds after the trade.

hmu if you want trimming as well.

>> No.12508079
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Pre GE OSRS was the fucking shit

take me back

>> No.12508214


>> No.12508282

>laptop running tails
I never thought of the idea. Any security experts that know if this actually works?

>> No.12508317

Works in what way?
Do you even know what tails is?

>> No.12508363

It should work fine, there's nothing that can stop you from using tails on public wifi, the only problem is finding mainstream dating/messaging services that work in the tor browser or on tails and don't leak info.

Any advice on that boys?

>> No.12508386

free trial vpses
mining for free
made 0,6 BTC in bear market via different shitcoins. might change into 6 btc.

>> No.12508421

Elaborate... which vps do you mean? Sounds like a good idea

>> No.12508439

Minor ones i believe.
t. Tried with the student credits from digitalocean but got caught in less than a week

>> No.12508448

So basically you have to give them your payment info and abuse the trial. Are there ones you can really fucking abuse multiple times? I thought bigger ones would probably notice it rather later than sooner.

>> No.12508543

when i was living in japan i was a part time card shark.
went to bars with this huge 6' something Japanese guy as my sidekick if things went south.
i'd get friendly with a guy and make sure he was drunk. then i'd entice him to gamble and let him win a good amount to make him taste blood.
once i had him where i wanted i'd place a huge bet and make him do the same. then i'd just cheat and win my initial investment and usually all he had on him. some people actually wanted us to stay at the bar and wait for them to get some more money to win it back, lol

i made ~$2000/night doing this, after kicking back a little to my partner of course.

>> No.12508680

bad karma

>> No.12509456
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bumpin for scamming more links

>> No.12509526


I'm got an excellent line up to show you, right this way sir!

>> No.12509542 [DELETED] 

Even now I don't understand the scumbags who would do this.

>> No.12509604

I can't do scams, I feel terrible about it

>> No.12509615

Is that the goal of bullies? To destroy someone's confidence so that they fail in all aspects of life? Why would you do that to a person?

>> No.12509674

IP logged

>> No.12509985

How to avoid this?

>> No.12510468

If I understood correctly, tails doesn't keep any data that isn't in perseverance or whatever folder. But people are still being found and I have no idea how. I have tails myself, but is it safe to use it on my home WiFi? I have no clue

>> No.12510496

If your ISP looks at your internet activity they can see that you are connecting to through tor but they can't see what you are looking at, unless you're going to sites hosted by FBI nodes or something. You can use a VPN in conjunction with tor too.
But yeah just do what I do and go buy a laptop off of craigslist and boot with tails, then do whatever it is I'm doing and get rid of the laptop.

>> No.12510532

I think the people being caught are caught through human mistakes and abusing correlation attacks and social engineering basically, or they somehow give out personal data by mistake

>> No.12511030

Can the ISP see the full urls of the websites? Read some shit like that yesterday. Are you sure you need to dispose of the laptop, or just to be absolutely completely safe?

>> No.12511251

I don't really know what you're refering to, link the article you read.
Yeah you don't really need to get rid of it, it depends on what kind of stuff you are doing. Since I have no trouble buying a 2-300 dollar laptop or tablet whenever I do shit I just do it. But you really don't need to if you drive off to some public wifi and use tor+vpn and use a hidden tor bitcoin wallet. Make sure you don't save any wallet password or whatever on bought latptops, write them all down on paper.
The wallet is safe enough but if you wanna be autistic then you transfer whatever bitcoin you make from your scams to monero then back to bitcoin then through a mixer then to some hidden wallet. At the end of the day the nodes you are connecting to on tor could be owned by CIA which is a thing but even so it can still be difficult to track the trail if you do the above.

>> No.12511402

Religion is a scam, whom'st woulda thunk it?

>> No.12512193

I'm pretty sure that's a biological female anyways

>> No.12512537
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>there is a cave just a bit into the wildy
>you haven’t heard? oh yeah dude there’s a guy you show him all your gold and he lets you into the secret cave where the free addy is
>give me your food I’ll need it to protect both of us

>> No.12512950

why exactly is tor+vpn needed? isn't tor enough? what does the vpn protect you from?

>> No.12513005
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Ahh runescape...those were the days eh?

>> No.12513048

so a 50/50 chance you say, eh?
What is your address
I am a gambling man

>> No.12513062

My "friend" needs to collect a package anonymously. Besides your regular abandoned drop. Does anyone have alternative methods?