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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12501524 No.12501524 [Reply] [Original]

Let's start with a classic

>> No.12501594



>> No.12501605
File: 328 KB, 595x438, hey hey heyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have good screencaps of retards losing money on bitconnect?

>> No.12501613
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>> No.12501648

i'm just happy dero is exit-scamming right now (preminers dumping their massive bags via bot)
not that anyone fell for that obvious shitscam, but the shilling was really tiresome

>> No.12501663

CONfido. I miss my 2017 biz

>> No.12501675
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>> No.12501844

New people show up on /biz/ everyday and don't realize there's a new flavor of the week shitcoin every week and they buy it then suddenly everyone stops talking about it and it tanks and tanks and they post a thread a month later "h-hey gg-g--guys any news about POWR?" and the rest of /biz/ tells them to fuck off.

>> No.12501893

I remember falling for few of them myself when I started out but luckily only invested some of my portfolio.

>> No.12501956

how is it an exit scam when the devs are literally pushing out new updates to the code still...
decline in price != exit scam

>> No.12501982
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>> No.12501985

I wonder if there are actual real people buying FLO

>> No.12502008

I bought it like 2 weeks ago and I'm up like 10% in fiat and 25% in sats.

>> No.12502037


I got swarmed when I said how a group can just make a token that somehow will just be valuable because they say it is. I get the browser - it’s well made - that’s a good product. But the tokens aren’t even something necessarily of value directly. You you can buy them now with real money - but only because they were raised overtime to have that value when it was just some token they said would be used to pay for shit you wanted it to go to

Ironically anyone who is a content creator needs to do an entire verification drink dance to even get on their and then have a verified identity, application, processing, and approval because the tokens itself as far as I know can’t be withdrawn by the actual users and must be spent. You can deposit of course ( cause that’s a priority to them and that’s totally the reason why they just haven’t gotten around to withdrawal yet ).

Coins with names so empty like FUN, BEAN, even TRTL, along with absolute random vocabulary just to sound cool; Odyssey, HOT, etc.

>> No.12502361
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Except. It just keeps going up. Bbb.buh.butttt mommmmm! He made 6x his money last month. Thats not fair!!!

welcome to the FLOcket ship ladies and gentlemen. We will proceed straight past the moon, our first stop will be mars.

>> No.12502369
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>> No.12502418
File: 161 KB, 589x864, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a typical brainlet dero fuder like you is like pic related
someone who has no idea what dero is and how it works (never heard of ghost, spectre(1 second block times are possible, albeit you need a high storage capacity for that which is doable nowadays), phantom protocol?) but is an "expert" who knows everything better than everyone else

>> No.12502545

It doesn’t matter if they are exit scamming or not. dero is a fucking shit coin and their community is a joke. Someone came in the discord the other day offering free code to make dero better and the dero devs shut it down lmao must be some kind of ego trip. Nobody gives a fuck about privacy as much as you think. It’s the normies that need to come and they don’t give a fuck. Dero will go ultimately fail. Screencap this