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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12500329 No.12500329 [Reply] [Original]

What's exactly the business model this guy teaches?
I've been watching a bunch of his videos and I'm having a hard time understanding what the hell is it he actually wants people to do.
I get the motivational speaker side of his thing, but the technical side is a bit hazy.

From what I gather he buys businesses. Then eventually sells them or keeps them or something. How in the hell is some guy with no money or experience supposed to tap into that market? There seems to be a tremendous barrier of entry.
He keeps on talking about assembling a dream team of capable people and then using their skills or prestige to secure a loan. He also says how his model is especially good for people with no money.
The biggest problem I see with the entire thing is that I don't see a single reason why some former CEO and other people like that would get on board with a young guy with no money and no experience.
I mean why would they?
You can't offer your team jack shit until you actually manage to pull off the deal, which means that these capable people would just be hanging around some 20 year old guy hoping he can land a deal and get funding.
Sounds like total bullshit to me and seems like you'd actually need some assets before you have a go at a business model like this.

Have I misunderstood his model completely and where exactly does the money even come from in this stuff?
Getting rich off the loans and then gutting the business or trying to make the business work or what?

>> No.12500394

Pretty sure he just bankrolls and advises startups of people that he thinks have good idea in exchange for considerable stake in the business then sells a portion +X % for profit and let's the rest ride.

>> No.12500402

He's a mexican that larps as scotsman in his castle. The guy is a fraud. Got EXTREMELY lucky with oil or gas way back when and thinks he's some giant business mogul. The seminars are just him rambling about how tough he had it and that these snowflakes can't do it better.

>> No.12500419

quienes dan pena?

>> No.12500458

all scam artists make sure they look good
look at BSV guy
look at Carlos Matos' indians
look at Pena

there is no way somebody that is rich as fuck will care how he looks to the goys

>> No.12500483



>> No.12500498

Yeah that's what he personally does as a business angel.
Basically hijacks ideas with potential and hopes they make it big.

But I'm trying to figure out what the hell he's trying to advice others to do, because his model just doesn't seem feasible for any outsider to get into.
If you come from money and if you're already surrounded by people with money and experience, then I can see this working.
If you're an average dude with no money, there's no chance in hell you can get yourself a successful businessman backing you up.
Because those business guys could easily have a go at the deal themselves, without you using their name to secure a loan and then taking the major profits off the deal.
It just seems like a shitty deal for everyone else involved but you. Maybe that model worked in the 70s, but I find it difficult to see anyone with no proper backing to pull it off now.

That's somewhat the feel I'm getting from it too.
He seems to be a bit oblivious to how lucky he was with oil, yet he keeps on talking about how you don't make it big from one transaction.
After a big deal like that you're guaranteed to get other great deals flowing to you without an effort.

>> No.12500517

It's probably just survival bias. 99% of startups fail, and the rest see themselves and/or are seen as geniuses who did something right. It's cargo cult motivational bs imho.

>> No.12500529


He's a conman who sells people get-rich-quick bullshit courses.

>> No.12500631

What a touchy cunt. Makes you really question how legit the guy is. He should have been able to shut down the argument without an effort, but instead went REEEEEEEEE.

>> No.12501510

my favorite part is listening for a couple of minutes getting nothing out of it then skipping to halfway and hes already going FUCK THIS FUCKKING THAT YOU GOTTA DO THIS GOD DAMMIT blah blah blah.

He doesnt give any advice that is relevant to modern times other than you should take incentive to just do things.