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12499853 No.12499853 [Reply] [Original]

There’s no use for it. MKR can implement the transfer & call functionality and the the LINK token will be volitile regardless. Having a separate token that has a fixed supply doesn’t solve the volatility issue. This is why Augur recently implemented Dai support so that collateral will face less volatility. Thomas says that if you use a stable coin you’re trusting that centralized party. This may be true for USDC and TETHER but DAI is a decentralized solution to this problem.

I really don’t see the need for the LINK token to exist and I’m beginning to think if 2017 ICO boom didn’t happen chainlink wouldn’t have launched an ICO in the first place.

>> No.12499859

Link is shit

>> No.12499882

They would just be paid out in more LINK at the time of snapshot.

>> No.12499884

we actually went full circle with the fud. Congratulations on this, seriously

>> No.12499889

>link pumps
>fud starts

>> No.12499890

I guess if they didn’t have a token there would be no incentive to spin up nodes and have a decentralized oracle network. But I don’t see why they wouldn’t implement a stable coin. Thomas has said that the SLA will last for however long the duration of the contract is. I thought node operators had to put up collateral at the specific time the data is delivered, closing the window for much volatility but this isn’t the case.

>> No.12499918

That is the case. Collateral is required each time a contract wants to execute

>> No.12499974

No it’s not.
>The collateral will be put up during the time span the data is retrieved not for like five years or something. Query to query basis.
>This part is incorrect. The penalty deposit will be put up for the duration of the service agreement, not per-request.
This means volatility will be a factor and I haven’t seen a response other than “make the SLA shorter”

>> No.12500023

a requester could specify payment in fiat currency off-chain and that amount can be automatically exchanged for LINK at the time of the transaction on-chain.

This can be:

(a) A decentralized exchange that a requester would interface with in order to purchase however much LINK was specified in their agreement with whatever token supported by the exchange. Or...

(b) A listing service that provides this service.

Or maybe a combination of both. This is outside the protocol so these services are not limited by anything in our contracts.

A decentralized exchange would make it possible to perform the transfer of some token to LINK for payment of the request all on-chain, and keep the entire process decentralized.


>> No.12500027

If people actually adopt a token for an actual use case (as link clearly has), then the price will never be so volatile as to drop 99.9%.
Volatility will be within acceptable limits for crypto tokens that are more than currency. It only matters for shit like BTC.

>> No.12500028

you think the hundreds of companies that are slated to use link dident think of this . try harder faggot

>> No.12500031

>the price of LINK suddenly drops 99.99
lmao just stay in discord, holy shit your life is pathetic.

>> No.12500065

they will use the network, not the shitcoin.
how dense are you linkies to not be able to understand this?

>> No.12500073

Nobody has an answer besides >>12500023
I guess the only way is to perform the function off-chain. Doesn’t this make things more complex than need be?

>> No.12500074

This is like saying you will drive a car without gas, usage of the network requires the link token.

>> No.12500087

Performing this function as well as others off-chain is actually one of Chainlink's strong points.

>> No.12500105

Link would be better without the token bs and I expect it to get rekt by a tokenless copy 1-3 years from now. Detokenization is the next big thing, nobody wants the added complexity of having their contracts deal with acquiring yet another token.

I mean 0x without ZRX, Raiden without RDN, Brave ads without BAT, etc. Chainlink is cool but LINK isn't needed for it to work.

Tokens have their place as long as they represent some real value within the system and not simply fees/payment. Both the staking and the payment could use whatevertoken with no loss of functionality.

Consider that devs could use their own token as oracle stake if using link was not required, instead tying the viability of their calls to their own token's valuation which is better for them. Or their project depends on DAI so they want to use that, cutting their token dependencies from 2 to 1.

I get that it will work with link but I just don't see how it's REQUIRED to use a network token.

Any token can be chain agnostic with wrapping and cross chain transfers, there's no future where link is chain agnostic and other tokens are not.

>> No.12500106

How will they pay the node operators?what will be put up as collateral?

>> No.12500118

no. discord fags waking up

>> No.12500127

Also. No word on the other 650m tokens. They say they’re for node operators? How are they going to audit a bunch of node operators to know they have integrity and won’t just sell them for a quick profit? Then what percentage of the other team holding will be used for continued development? Will they have a set inflation rate etc. nobody fucking knows. It amazes me there’s so much unknown and yet people are so confident it will succeed.

>> No.12500136
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>nobody can answer my stupid unrealistic gish gallop question about LINK dropping 99.99% in price
he's still trying lmao holy shit pathetic just stay in discord. better yet go buy some XRP you dumb nigger

>> No.12500150

Recent growth has brought a lot of newfags.

>> No.12500151
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>no one gives a shit about his shitty FUD thread so he's forced to talk to himself
lmao just stick to calling LINK a nazi PnD scam on plebbit

>> No.12500164

link is a scam you fucking idiot

>> No.12500180

I’m bringing up the two points everyone wants to avoid. Stay in the fetal position and hope your lunch money moons for all I care

>> No.12500210

No it's not more complex, it's literally a few lines of code more in a simple conversion contract, powered by, guess what, chainlink.

>> No.12500223

First everyone thinks collateral will be matched by contract value and this isn’t the case nor great imho because in the beginning nobody will have extreme value contracts on a new network it will take 2-3 years or so for trust to build up)

Still there’s the why is there even a token and what’s going to happen with the other 650m tokens.

Nobody knows if SWIFT is involved. Nobody knows if Docusign or hyperledger(which wouldn’t matter bc private networks don’t need the token) or any big name partnerships are even true.

>> No.12500241
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>wearing pants

>> No.12500277

you've brought up nothing but gish gallop, stop trying so hard it's fucking sad. just stick to trying to scam people with XRP threads you stupid nigger

>> No.12500398

Kind of missing the node nerwork which is based on the reward system in Link. Duh.

>> No.12500460

link is shit

>> No.12500462

>but no muh Tesla came along and made cars different so the gas engine was only the only way for like 80 something years
>have fun with your obsolete technology that won’t last more than 80 years

>> No.12500494

Nah m8 u a ritard
You don’t think anyone involved in biz dev works at smartcontract.com?
You don’t think there’s legal agreements that when you lock someone down for something (such as giving them thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of utility tokens) there will be rules as to how they are used and for how long they must be staked? No I bet you believe sergey walks up to random CIOs in line at McDonald’s and throws a wallet at them loaded with Link tokens, screeching and beating his chest, without an explanation or agreement.
Off chain computation is certainly a strong point, unless you want to use a network clogged up like dec/Jan 12 months ago. Sheesh you’re a fucking mongrel

>> No.12500518


>> No.12500534

Can anyone actually debunk op though?

>> No.12500540


when will link go away? i'm guessing after this dump nobody will talk about it anymore

>> No.12500547

What is the point of this post? In 80 years blockchain will probably be replaced with something else. Technology is always evolving, are you implying we should not invest in technology because it will one day be outdated?

>> No.12500641

The Link fundamentals haven’t changed one bit since the whitepaper came out over a tear ago. Everything has been covered to hell and back many times over.
Trying to fud the fundamentals only serves to out yourself as a based newfren.

>> No.12500671

>ITT: LINK holders fudding LINK holders
No one in their right mind makes fud like this without being a LINK holder themselves.

>> No.12500714


>> No.12500724

No I’m the only one who’s done my own research therefore everyone else is blindly following the herd like sheep they are.
>price goes up fud starts
>muh you don’t think smart people thought of this before
>muh discord fags waking up
Truth is I can’t find a concrete reason for the tokens existence. I’m going to look more into game theory and bootstrapping protocols but I still don’t see why have a MKR platform on top of chain links decentralized oracle network wouldn’t be the god tier implementation.

People blindly follow. I’m trying to figure out besides raising money to build a decentralized network of oracles is the token replaceable?

>> No.12500736

Plus it works both ways.

Imagine you stake £500k, then Link moons and the penalty is worth more than the contract? Makes no sense.

Link token is useless, it was just to generate funds

>> No.12500739

See >>12500641

>> No.12500743

It was sarcasm.

>> No.12500747

Plus it's supposed to be Blockchain agnostic... So link tokens won't be used on other chains?

>> No.12500751

I stand corrected.

>> No.12500769

See >>12500641

>> No.12500774

Been in since the beginning. I could act smug like I have it all figured out but truth is I don’t and if I’d have to place a wager I’d bet you don’t either. For one the team hasn’t given any insight on how they plan to distribute the tokens to node operators and who these node operators will be. But we can put this one off until later.

PoW needs a native token 100%. But the chainlink token seems replaceable. I’ve been in since day one. I’ve seen ab. I’ve been there for oatmealbro. I witnessed the Sibos dump. I was there when everyone else lost faith. Take the newfag shit bag to Reddit. You don’t know anymore then the rest of us.

>> No.12500782

See >>12500641

>> No.12500786

It’s taken this long for ethereum you think they can just switch over to another blockchain? Fucking brainlet.

>> No.12500796
File: 31 KB, 584x223, chainlink blockchain-agnostic eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not kidding when I say see >>12500641

>> No.12500806


>> No.12500813

Can’t disagree with this.

>> No.12500818

It doesn't matter what you say, newfren.
The basics are all in the white paper, and nothing has changed.
There isn't a single piece of fud that you can bring up regarding the fundamentals that hasn't been covered many many many times over during the past year.

ESPECIALLY the blockchain agnosticism or the token volatility.

>> No.12500827

Yes it’ll be blockchain agnostic. But I don’t think it’ll be like “ok let’s just switch over here now” it’ll prob take some time. How much I’m not sure.

>> No.12500828

Funny, I sure can.

>> No.12500859

If these kinds of things were already resolved and sure things, that would probably mean it's too late to make any money.

>> No.12500871

See this >>12500859
Chainlink is still a work in progress, many things will be ironed out when mainnet is released the the network matures.

>> No.12501036

It’s all the fucking new fags taking interest. We have had this discussion time and time again and slowly it dies down then price pumps, people take notice, research the network and come up with this idea they think is genius about the network not needing a token. It gets answered, the question slowly dies down again, the price pumps, new people take notice and the cycle starts all over again.

You can tell it’s newlinkers because this question is always the first sort of exsistential question people ask when they first learn about LINK.

>> No.12501100

and who the fuck gives even the tiniest shit about your fucking excuse of an opinion?

>> No.12501164

I don’t know why everyone thinks you must be a newlinker to have real talk. This kind of conversation is sobering and should be encouraged. We have to start using our hive mind for good, and that means always being critical of chainlink. Maybe we can actually help the network succeed if we are always turning over every stone.

>> No.12501191

Talking about the same shit over and over serves no purpose. No matter how you want to justify spewing your rehashed fud for the millionth time.

>> No.12501282

I can’t help but feel that it’s the anons intolerant of fud who are the real newlinker scum

>> No.12501334

You can reheat the same old turds as much as you want, cowboy.
Just telling you how dumb you look doing it.

>> No.12501653

OP is right that this is something to worry about. There's no way of knowing owing if the friction of a special erc-20 token will be too much and kill the network, while a native token like MKR might succeed due to not having that friction.

This is new technology built on a new ecosystem that is built on a new technology. There's no way to know if the erc-20 functionality will prove too much of a burden or not and it's reckless to tell people it's nothing.

>> No.12501685

You’re a mentally weak sheep. Unfortunate!

>> No.12501707

See >>12500641

>> No.12501751

>No incentive to have a decentralized oracle network
Node operators can be paid in DAI and can have node collateral in DAI.
There is no need for a seperate token. The only reason they had the ICO was the quick money grab, they could hve easily done it without the extra funding. Sergey was already a multimillionaire from mining BTC in 2011.

>> No.12501759

You’re a child. Let the grown ups talk.

>> No.12501763

>let the demented elderly repeat the same pointless stories over and over

>> No.12501764


>waaaaa it’s already been solved waaaaa
>waaaa read the white paper
>stop saying mean things about stinky linky waaaa

Just fuck off you inbred queer. Nobody gives a shit about your terrible “muh whitepaper” line that you autistically repeat like a fucking parrot. Let people discuss LINK, discussion about strengths and weaknesses of shitcoins is one of the best qualities of this board. Fuck off back to your hugbox if you can’t handle people saying mean things about your shitcoin.

>> No.12501773

It's like saying you will hook up an electronic switch to a car that requires payment to activate the car. Its not related to the car at all.

>> No.12501786

Yes moron, successful well respected individuals like Ari Juels, Gavin Wood and Tom Gonser are supporting a scam to screw over the neets on biz. Web3, Kaleido are in on it too as is SWIFT. Do you have any idea how ignorant that sounds? Only a complete moron would believe that drivel, stay poor no Linker or fudding swinglinker, this is the bottom.

>> No.12501787

>waaaaaaah! You have to let me rehash the same old fud for the millionth time or I'm going to get really upset waaaaaaah!

>> No.12501802

What happens if a critical bug is found in the DAI contract, or the peg collapses like has happened in every single decentralised stablecoin ever created?

>> No.12501852

0x and Raiden tokens are completely pointless. Chainlink fundamentally needs a token to work. The question is which token, and the only sensible choices are eth, link or dai.
Eth and dai tie the network performance to externalities. That leaves you with one option.

>> No.12501864

The strange situation in using DAI as the currency in chainlink is that the stable value of DAI would be secured by relying on chainlink nodes to supply the reference value. So chainlink nodes being paid in a currency they are helping to secure could lead toward an incentive for collusion. As difficult as it might be to pull off in practice, there might be a real benefit for node operators to artificially manipulate the DAI value

>> No.12501873

Winner, fud officially debunked.

>> No.12501882

Stablecoins aren't actually stable anyway, they follow fiat.
Using a stablecoin for Chainlink would be like fixing the price of oil, corn, land, ... at a certain price.
It's just not how shit works. Different things do different things.

>> No.12501905

A number of projects that partnered with Chainlink have explicitly stated they were going to use Chainlink specifically for stablecoin purposes.
A decentralized oracle network is the absolute ideal solution for that, so the conflict of interest (Chainlink nodes ensuring the stability of the stablecoin used to incentivize Chainlink nodes) would be pretty real.

>> No.12501907

Dai has the potential to be more than just a fiat substitute, it's a beautiful project. But it wouldn't be prudent to build the link platform on it at this point. It's not mature enough. They dont even have mcd yet.

>> No.12501918

I think Reserve Protocol are looking to do something like this.

Have a look at their website, and their long list of investors

The cherry on top is they mention link in their white paper too.

>> No.12501932

Hot Dog!

You might be interested in my reply here

>> No.12501940

Pricing is pricing though, that is always going to follow the rules of supply and demand (i.e. psychology) at some point.

>> No.12502800


based and no pilled

>> No.12503414

Link 1000 sats eoy

>> No.12503629

>eth and dai tie the network performance to externalities.
Like attacks on the network or what?

>> No.12503648

how do construction firms manage the volatility of steel? Treat link tokens as a commodity

>> No.12503657

Like if their devs screw up the code or their networks stop being used, suddenly through no fault of your own your product is useless too.

>> No.12503658

What type of hedging principles would you use?

>> No.12503872

There’s going to be link futures?

>> No.12503906

the blackpill is that ethereum developers, both of the protocol and contracts are never going to offload something as important as the integrity of data on their chain or contract, into a completely separate chain thats security relies entirely on it's own funding token.

>> No.12503921

>chainlink is a blockchain

>> No.12504041

It’s blockchain agnostic you faggot. Kys

>> No.12504073


This thread just happened on Friday

>> No.12504078

Honestly, there is a good chance link tokens are going to be worthless. Sergey will succeed in building his decentralized oracle to an extent, but i'm not sure there will be any purpose of the token in the end. It will end up like ZRX.

>> No.12504102


>> No.12504134
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>> No.12504151

Kek. Well done

>> No.12504165

Why are we giving out loans when it's api data we're focused on??

>> No.12504199

This. Don't they understand that if DAI is dependent on an Oracle, it can't itself be the collateral for the Oracle? I don't know though - is their actually any new linkers? Pretty sure we're all just shitposting to each other for a while now.

>> No.12504241


>> No.12504247


its happened like 1 time and then it bled back down to 25c