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12499228 No.12499228 [Reply] [Original]

-be me
-good job and in shape but facially unaesthetic
-girls only care about the face
-never had a proper gf in 26 years
-the few times i've managed to get a girl into bed, i have trouble getting hard after a decade of porn abuse
-no opportunities to meet girls in my career path
-dating apps are a lost cause

is it possible to eventually learn not to care and be happy on your own, even when everyone around you is in relationships? will a life of just wage cucking and watching porn ever really be able to keep a man from killing himself?

>> No.12499235
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>> No.12499238

google "pua" and "the game by neil strauss" right now

>> No.12499241

Well I'm literally perfect except I'm gay lol

I fuck girls once in a while tho but don't really enjoy it :/

>> No.12499845

Im posting unironic answer.
>is it possible to eventually learn not to care and be happy on your own?
yes, watch this to get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a9q6yPiwP0&t=1933s
Don't get me wrong this is hard work and I have spent 20+ hours on this. It was a game changer for me.
>girls only care about the face
Go out and do cold approaches in club / bars. You can verify for yourself that girls do not care about looks at all. If you are funny and able to make the girl laugh she will not care what you look like. Yes it is easier to start a conversation if you are good looking. Also you can verify this by observing not good looking guys doing approaches and sometimes succeeding. Hell I even saw a short guy stealing a girls from this huge muscular guy once.
>no opportunities to meet girls in my career path
If you are not good with women this is irrelevant anyways. Start doing cold approaches

>> No.12499893

>the few times i've managed to get a girl into bed, i have trouble getting hard after a decade of porn abuse
The best advice I know is first stop watching porn, second go fuck a few escorts to get over this thing, you can even tell them that you have this problem and they'll understand

>> No.12499930

chateaux heartiste breh

>> No.12499940

You're not missing out OP. Just bang a hooker every once in a while

>> No.12499980

You sound like a complete fucking degenerate

>> No.12499992

eat watermelon before bedding chicks and your penis will rise to the occasion

>> No.12499998

>i've managed to get a girl into bed
Get the fuck off this website you dumb as fuck normie.

>> No.12500069


>> No.12500153

>he cant even green text
baka you really are a loser

>> No.12500160

>facially unaesthetic
no hope, just forget about women and learn to like anime

>> No.12500230

how about you stop watching porn (you can continue fapping, stop watching porn) and see how that goes

t. pronfree for 2 years and got a nice gf recently

>> No.12500236

If you send me money I’ll be your discord gf

>> No.12500252

Could be worse. You could’ve been born with a micro penis or better yet born with no legs. Be thankful for what you have and try and make life less miserable. Maybe you’re not meant to live the status quo life. Maybe you were born this way to steer you into a path that many wouldn’t dare to go down because they’re comfy.

>> No.12500261

just buy chanlink

>> No.12500265

This. Stop being a degen. Workout. Run marathons. Chops down trees with an axe. Drink coffee black. No alcohol.

>> No.12500473

I’d what he has said about getting women into bed as true I wouldn’t say there is no hope. That’s aleeady legions better then at least half the people here

>> No.12500608


L-citrulline ---> L-arginine ---->NO


>> No.12500623


Mirin those near quints

>> No.12500650
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Even with no limbs you can still find someone.

>> No.12501096

>-the few times i've managed to get a girl into bed
you sound like a chad to me.

>> No.12501172
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Listen. Only once you accept who you are by learning to get along with yourself - you’ll see more than women and relationships. You’ll see a purpose. Once you do what you want to achieve it whatever method you decide on your own - doing our own thing - focusing on who you wish to become for your sake from who you were before and not with a role model or idol - you will give zero fucks about what others do or care.

But I will admit one thing. In highschool I remember in 10th grade some girl called me ugly loudly and everyone went silent - wasn’t even doing anything just sitting doing work with the partner next to me - I played it off but after that now as a 20 year old I still remember it. Why do I tell you this? Because back then I sought what you did. I focused on the gym, was by myself 99% of the time unless forced with having groups - and spent lunch doing my own thing. I don’t know how it happened but I met this girl and after I told her I generally don’t text or keep much in terms of socializing - she called me handsome and directly - and I don’t know why but it startled me. Because I still remember that Highschool thing and once I began doing my thing and getting along with being alone - being satisfied with the way I look - it felt strange hearing it.

Do this. Not to get what you want now - but what you will in your own life. Something bigger. I won’t say these things cause confidence - I’m saying these things will cause reflection of you by only you and you’ll wish to change for yourself and not to get XYZ or find or impress. But once you do - you’ll become jaded by society.

>> No.12501216
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-girls only care about the face
-the few times i've managed to get a girl into bed, i have trouble getting hard after a decade of porn abuse
These are fixable problems anon, go improve yourself.

>> No.12501297

https://youtu.be/ffnzMBstT4o - Be thankful for what you've got is good advice. There's a lot we take for granted.

https://youtu.be/bCFkSAqqMLs - Good approach to being ok with yourself on and in your own time. Once you achieved that, it seems that life improved.

We're all works in progresses, anons. Look at the good in your lie, identify what you need to work on and put in the appropriate level of work.

>> No.12501304

If you’re ugly just get surgery. You can literally buy a new face wtf.