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12498762 No.12498762 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from buying internet money and looking at charts, do you bizlets workout and take care of your bodies? Your health is the most important thing!

>> No.12498772

vegetarian and 5 hours of free weights training a week

>> No.12498776

Can you show proof that “working out” is healthy?

>> No.12498777

I already made a health thread here

>> No.12498807

shoo shoo back to fit you literal homosexual

>> No.12498808

Cardio exercise strengthens your heart, lowers blood pressure and has been shown to extend the lifespan of humans. Sounds pretty healthy to me desu.

>> No.12498812

kek wow. Just fuck your shit up.

>> No.12498814

Why work out when it's all about the face (and hair)

>> No.12498818

This anon will suffer a heart attack at 45

>> No.12498828

nah Im in good shape, walk 20 miles a week and do some calisthenics here and there. I just refuse to live at the gym, develop body dysmorphia and look at photos of muscled men all day like the faggots over at fit. we really dont need this cancer on biz

>> No.12498842

Because it makes you feel good. Fuck doing shit for other people's approval.

>> No.12498855

You are right about those guys, they see a guy shredded and go 'he's too small'.

>> No.12498913

The burden of proof is on you to prove that. And you can’t. The people who live the longest don’t have any sort of “cardio” workouts. You’re buying into a bull shit gym market that was created. Do you know how many people die from a “weak heart?” You’re just repeating old wives tales created by the exercise industry. Eat relatively healthily, practice moderation, and shut the fuck up. Unless you’re a professional athlete, no one gives a fuck about how many miles you run or how much weight you pushed.

>> No.12498934

Retard confirmed

>> No.12498938

Becoming addicted to exercise is analogous to becoming addicted to self cutting. You’re addicted to the endorphin release that your body creates to help manage the stress and trauma through which you’re forcing your body to go. There is no reason to be able to lift 300 pounds unless you move furniture for a living. There’s no reason to run 10 miles unless you can’t afford motorized transport.

>> No.12498946

I used to be really into it now I only lift 2-3x a week

>> No.12498948

5 days of lifting with 2 days of fasting and cardio. Healthy diet, lots of reading, and I rarely drink. What’s the point of making it if I die at 50?

>> No.12498961

Because you’ve gone through the literature on heart disease, right?

Or are you taking advice from people who take steroids and move things...

>> No.12498972

The literature on heart disease suggests that you should cardio to strengthen your heart and overall health. You're the retarded one here. Go ask any cardiologist.

>> No.12499027
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I want to roid and gain about 40lbs, that would put me at weighing 190ish. Problem is I work 66hrs/wk on average, so I basically go straight to bed after work, too tired to eat right. Once I finally make it I will be able to focus on health completely. I was a late bloomer, only now making decent money and still 30k in student loans from a worthless BS and a useful BS. Just gotta push through another two or three years and then it's smooth sailing, and eventually retirement in my 40s.

>> No.12499092

You may find you have more energy to do your workouts if you hop on some test.

>> No.12499113


There's no point. Wageslaving destroys my health

>> No.12499538

I used to do Stronglift's 5x5 but all the gyms in my city suck.

From the 10 or so gyms there's in my city only two or three have equipment to bench press and only one or two has any equipment to squat that isn't a smith machine. Almost all of them are fitness bullshit wastes of time with nothing but cardio machines and a few dumbbells as the only free weight available. What's with these nu-gyms everywhere?

I've already had three times at three different gyms the frustrating experience of trying to explain the receptionist and trainers what a power rack is, and them looking back at me like I'm trying to describe them some rare species of cephalopod.

I've seen this more and more as a tendency, where all the real gyms are being absorbed into bigger chains and turning into this, and gyms with any decent equipment to lift, let alone allowing you to deadlift, are getting rarer every day.

>> No.12499784

Kek so you don't care about YOUR health

>> No.12500049

Veganish and 1hr+ walks every day