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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12498572 No.12498572 [Reply] [Original]

Yet we are drilling down even further

I hate myself for falling for a NEET scam

>> No.12498583

It is the year of bull runs. Give it a few months.

>> No.12498604

>t-this year was supposed to x

>> No.12498611

It was 2017 and you know it. You and I are holding on to dreams and hope.

>> No.12498615

I was wealthier before I knew cryptos.

>> No.12498621

2020 and more profoundly 2021 will be our year. 2019 will be lots of disappointing sideways action.

>> No.12499119

same. cryptos have fucked up my life. house of cards gonna crash for me this august when down payment for mortgage is due. gonna lose my girl and the tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of respect left my family has for me after my neet recovery.

i stopped the inevitable for a while. but an hero time might be coming for me. /biz/ has been good for me, but it might be time to go back to /r9k/ for my final post come end of august.

>> No.12499165

are you currently hiding your loss?

>> No.12499190

>he fell for the bear market depression.
There is a significant chance bitcoin will be worth over 100k in 2022. Wait until then and reassess your situation. Imagine you off yourself only to see it moon a year after from the clouds.

>> No.12499224
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Yeah, I'm hiding it. I don't know how but she is catching on somehow.

I would have been fine if I hadn't gone into crypto. A wageslave, but a financially secure one. I fucked up really hard.

I feel weirdly numb about it all recently.

>> No.12499358

That sucks. How much have you lost yet? Sold your coins?

>> No.12499391

there has only been one bull run. in 2017 when it got media attention. there wont be another bull run. you're shitcoins will go to 0 over time. bitcoin will slowly go up as it becomes mass adopted and it will. sto platforms like own (chx) are the only alts that will increase in value faster than bitcoin over the next 10 years

>> No.12499412

Why don't you just sell some and secure some in cold storage? This way you can "get the bag" and still have some gambling money on the table.

>> No.12499461
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Lost about 12K and counting. Might not seem like much to you guys, but for me that is a lot of money and basically fucked.

>> No.12499464
File: 30 KB, 299x358, 2910F651-C422-4393-80E9-68B56627D33D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, i wish I would’ve waited a bit longer before listening to the people on this board. I’ve lost so much money and sleep on this shit that it would’ve been better if I never heard about it to begin with.

>> No.12499472

I made money off you cucks and paid off my college debts.

>> No.12499473

Looking at the screenshot of her message from yesterday night while drinking is making me deeply depressed holy fuck you guys I hope I die in my sleep

>> No.12499522

I dont even feel sorry for you, there are 1000 warnings before starting trading that you should only invest what you can lose.

>> No.12499545

At least you have a job and steady income.
In 2014 Draper predicted 10k 3 years later and everybody laughed at him. Now he did it again in a public place with fanfare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMVQAiVRS4Y
Things are getting ready for institutions to come during the next bull run. Dont off yourself before 2022.

>> No.12499598

Lmao fuck off. Atleast you have a gf/wife

>> No.12499612

Bear markets of this magnitude dont end until the last bull gives up.
I see alot of moon boys on youtube, 4chan, and reddit. Everyone says what we are near the bottom, and 2019 is gonna be a year of a bull with ETFs being approved, etc.
Majority is always wrong. Stay safe boys.

>> No.12499613

Draper's a hack.

>> No.12499653

where are you from faggot?
i lost 4K in italy

>> No.12499654

Nah, bull runs start when bears convert. What price do you think BTC will go to before long term bears start backing up the truck?

>> No.12499703

you will pay for this phrase. you will pay for this more than you know now. kek.

>> No.12499756


>> No.12499780

lmao wtf. 2019 is the year of the bottom. we will hit 1k somewhere in middle of the year and then trade sideways for the rest of it. at best we end the year at 2k.
if you think the bull is coming this year you are deluded

>> No.12499789
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>> No.12499836

why? what did he do that was wrong? didnt you get in crypto to make money? why is he evil for getting earlier, not being greedy and selling off during the most obvious mania in recent years?

>> No.12499866


>> No.12499941
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>> No.12499972

>mfw I lost 1 months wage on this niggerscam

>> No.12500333
File: 290 KB, 709x1000, bsv_coin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 is the year of BSV killing every other crypto except those too small for anybody to care about, like link or holo.

>> No.12500604
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I dont feel sorry for you OMEGAKEK !
#1 Rule everywhere only invest that amount that you are willing to lose LMAO.
You honestly didnt have deal enough with finances and stuff and thats your own fault , dont blame the market.
Now be a man and dont sell , its not a loss until u sell faggot wait for next pump within next 5 years