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12498215 No.12498215 [Reply] [Original]

He comes to you and offers $200k/year base salary plus all the other benefits of a full time job. your primary role would be doing the dirty work in the mobile apps:
>recording users through the camera and microphone without their knowledge and send to advertisers
>stealing all of their photos to send to advertisers if they have granted access to photos (which most people do)
>he has already hired people to kill you if you snitch about these practices

What would you do?

>> No.12498227

Do it and then snitch anyway. I would upload all the information to as many blockchains as possible, send shit to wikileaks and every other such organization and upload to youtube, pastebin and the like while making it clear that Zuck plans to kill me for this.

>> No.12498257
File: 33 KB, 620x310, zuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuck works for me, he's my stand in.

>> No.12498300

Not condoning this breach of privacy but wouldn’t the general public know pretty quickly if these detestable features were being implemented? On the other hand, companies like Apple can be incredibly secretive. I can’t imagine the pressure of being someone who is responsible for safeguarding critically sensitive information for a big tech company...wonder how much they get paid and the possible ramifications on the employee in the case of an information leak

>> No.12498317

Never talked about something one day and got ads for it the next?

>> No.12498338

>Not condoning this breach of privacy but wouldn’t the general public know pretty quickly if these detestable features were being implemented?

The general public is dumb as shit. They think Hitler was a literal comic book villain and 80 million Germans just became evil over night. They do not for a moment consider their motivations or why it happened the way it did.

>> No.12498368

hmm yeah was bothered one day I texted my brother about some medical device he lent a family member. Then the next day I see ads of the similar usage appear in my youtube WTF!!!!!!

>> No.12498375

True, I’ve heard people talk about that so the audio recording part may very well be true, but we have yet to see complaints about photos or videos being leaked from their phones (or maybe I’m wrong?)

I meant that word would get out that the company is doing invasive things like this, for example the anon in this scenario could have their company email compromised somehow and suddenly all of the the implementation details made public

>> No.12498413

Accept the job
Work up the corporate ladder and see what's behind the curtains at the upper levels

>> No.12498426

ask for private meeting and stab him 300 times

>> No.12498506

>you accept the job
>1 year later, performance evaluation is good
>zuck gives you another offer
>300k base + FT benefits
>your responsibilities now also include building out the goyim thought machine which creates a network of fake FB accounts to push certain agendas via machine learning.
>All responsibilities are manageable with a 40 hour work week

>> No.12498638

Go to work at Microsoft or Oracle instead. Facebook are known slavedrivers and even though they have great free food and big bucks, they don't let you have your vacation time that they supposedly give you.

As for the ethics of recording your stuff and spying on you, nobody forced you to install the app. It's your own fault.

>> No.12498864

>go work at pajeet co or pradesh ltd. Schwarzsteinberg are known slavedrivers...
can I chose none of the above?

>> No.12498883

It's already known that they do all those things, and disclosing them wouldn't have any impact. Just look at snowden, assange etc.
Not trying to be fatalist but if you want to do something about this it would be more productive to focus on avoiding these sites, teaching people about encryption, open source software, etc.

>> No.12499063

You're probably seeing a relationship in a coincidence or you gave them the information and allowed them to collect it but you didn't realise.

>> No.12499083

Only a fool succumbs to the corporate lifestyle