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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 135 KB, 788x960, 1547070532256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12488399 No.12488399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

where were you when you realized roasties don't get aroused by your money, have higher sex drives than men, and care more about looks than men?

>> No.12488403

I was in college.

>> No.12488407

In my basement, while jacking it to loli-hentai.

>> No.12488738

Do I really care what they think and want when I have money enough to get any girl? All I care is that babies I make have my dna and that can easily be varified by a blood test.

>> No.12488742

Losing my 9/10 hot gf of 5 years.

Since that I started to lift like hell grew beard, got haircut etc. Now I'm getting 100x more looks and I'm not even that ripped yet.

Looks and genetics is ultimately all that matters to people under 50.

And thots are thots. Never fell for the love meme frens.

>> No.12488749

I was on /biz/ hodling and suffering the world as we know it

>> No.12488755

Lucky bastard. I live in the crawl space

>> No.12488778

Man got hobbies and passions that are not related to body.
We spend good portion of our time not thinking about how we look, who to fuck and how to cock block someone else.
All thanks to male brain being bussy studying shit like flags, engines, borders, elements etc.

>> No.12489077

i live in asia, so nope none of this is true

>> No.12489157

Women are sexually attracted to status, and that's the end of it really.

>> No.12489163

I know I'm just commenting on a single picture, on a basket weaving forum. But you see shit like this, and read/hear about all the stuff about how women actually like being mistreated, to an extent. And you look at modern society, and how it actually "confuses" men into thinking that they should behave in a more egalitarian behavior.

I have no doubt if this girl went to a country were girls are fucking dominated over, she'd quickly change her tune. But at the same time, I get were she's coming from, in that men must be somewhat domineering.

Societies moved away from being Martial based things, where men needed to be strong to protect those around them, primarily from other men. This was a good thing, because women are capable of making intellectual contributions to Society, and they're given a voice in an egalitarian society.

But we still have this primal need for dominance, I guess, from a violent evolutionary past. And it contrasts when modern sensibilities.

>> No.12489179

kek he said
>don't get aroused by your money
Asians are smart enough to marry the rich guy but still cheat with guys they deem attractive
I've lived in asia longer than you

>> No.12489181
File: 565 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190119-055128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, bitch looks like Mr Bean. She has to wear that shirt to get any attention at all from the guys she wants. It signals "i fuck on the first date as long as you're confident" (confidence is the byproduct of status), and it distracts her prey from her slapstick comedy face.

>> No.12489197

women dont care about looks, they care about the way you are perceived by broader society. looks can be indicative of high social status but its not always the defining factor

>> No.12489202

>Never fell for the love meme frens.
This is one of the most important and often overlooked pieces of advice there is out there.

Romantic love is a meme. Literally. It was made up during the renaissance and didn't really exist before.

>> No.12489210

Exactly. Everything is a genetically encoded shit test designed to protect those precious eggs from low quality sperm.

As always, get fit, get a job/ start a business, and read every day.

>> No.12489232


>> No.12489241

why is any of this a problem?
>poorfags can be happy
>Not a problem for men with high sex drives
>Not a problem for guys who actually care about how they look

just literally take a step outside your moms basement and have a look around. 80% of men aren't that attractive and still manage to pull women.

>> No.12489286

>All I care is that babies I make have my dna and that can easily be varified by a blood test.
Based and redpilled.

>> No.12489298

>Looks and genetics is ultimately all that matters to people under 50.
6/10 here, fucked a lot of hot women and made them cum because I'm smart and have academic titles and published works. (I'm also tall and somewhat fit, maybe that helps too.)

>> No.12489301
File: 50 KB, 406x431, 4384180B-9BED-433D-A8A3-0F04DB836F2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks = genetics
The more fertile you are, the better your immune system, the better your face is. Looks are the only thing that causes genuine attraction on a biological level.

Everything else like having resources is a manipulation to get access to wombs by exploiting unnatural circumstances (civilization) and scarcity. Getting women to fuck you because you have money is basically rape since they are just as reluctantly forced to have sex with you as they would be if you roofied them. Only looks can wet pussies.

In a free society (before betas created religions) only top 5% alphas (good genetics) reproduced. 20 women reproduced for every 1 male according to genetics, look it up.

>> No.12489348

Asian women get aroused by money

>> No.12489382

What you fags don't realize is that women also pay attention to other things aside from money and looks. There's fame, reputation, competence, intelligence, oratory, generosity, etc... It's like a looking at the whole package.

>> No.12489389

>only top 5% alphas reproduced

Then where did all of the betas come from? Did they spring up from the ground or crash land on earth in a sad meteorite?

Nope... long ago the people with the best genetics were genetically steered, through limited resources, to preserve a larger group for their own survival; consequently, pair bonding, based on relative status of the individuals, became the biological imperative to maintain the group's survival.

You're a brainlette.

>> No.12489396

I get aroused by money too, and I'm a guy.

Seriously, if you don't get aroused by money theres something wrong with you.

>> No.12489440

>Then where did all of the betas come from?
The women's genes.

>> No.12489449

You guys are forgetting smell! smell is very important. You always want to smell like melting chocolate or strawberry or something!
So clean you dickcheese

>> No.12489455

women don't enjoy sex

>> No.12489472

They do, the difference is that they're more likely to regret and 'feel used' after having sex, which can make them think twice next time.

>> No.12489481

They pretend to enjoy it, don't expect any of them to admit it though. Say this and expect them to call you a virgin or small dick. They just like being with a guy and put up with sex to do it.

>> No.12489482
File: 79 KB, 817x891, A3A8BD69-901D-49DE-A436-AA783E509C5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s literally proven with genetics. Look up mitochondrial DNA. You can’t argue against it with your stupid conjecture and bluepill NPC programming.

Only alphas reproduced, but almost all women reproduced no matter how bad their genes were. That’s where the betas come from.

>> No.12489483

>The women's genes.
You're not going to understand any of the stuff I'd say about dominant and recessive alleles, meiotic recombination, or genotypic ratio, so I'm just going to call you a retard and make my son some pancakes.

>> No.12489491

> Confirmed retard.

>> No.12489493

high iq

low iq basedboy

>> No.12489504

you understand that if only males with alpha genes reproduce and women do regardless each generation gets a higher share of alpha genes in its population and beta genes die off so essentialy elementary grade logic proves your point unrealistic?
im pretty sure it's what the ''low iq basedboy'' meant, which actually means you're the low iq cuck

>> No.12489507
File: 21 KB, 640x583, 21894545-F7EF-439A-AD1C-67F402C61D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12489510

>They just like being with a guy and put up with sex to do it.
I've had sex with women who didn't want to be in a long-term relationship with me. It happened a lot in my early 20s. After I turned 26 or so women began to see me as a potential long term mate.

>> No.12489522

>Intellectual contribution to Society
Like whoring themselves out so they are viewed as the hottest bitch in town? Your post reeks of onions.

>> No.12489542
File: 45 KB, 800x450, 5A88AB9C-8C30-417A-983B-88CC5DCE5A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand that this is how evolution happens right? The gene pool improves and the standard for being an alpha rises. We would all be ugly neanderthal-looking people if women didn’t select for the top males constantly throughout history.

>> No.12489547
File: 123 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190119-065910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your article proves everyone else's point but yours. No mention of physical attractiveness. Reproduction was limited strictly to wealth and status (the true alpha). See a screenshot from your source, and learn to read.

See ya never dumb fag.

>> No.12489548
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1512500951018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the point

>> No.12489551


>> No.12489557

the mental gymnastics sluts do to convince themselves is incredible

>> No.12489558

*Your wives son

>> No.12489572

>projective identification

Your failures are your own and aren't universally applicable to other men. Get fit, get a job/ start a business, and read every day; then, you can stop living in fear of the cuckold bogey man.

>> No.12489577
File: 136 KB, 1200x1679, AC3EE4D2-212B-4461-A6E5-FBA99E1FD876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>member of the research team, a biological anthropologist, hypothesizes that somehow, only a few men accumulated lots of wealth and power, leaving nothing for others.
A wild unsubstantiated guess by someone on the research team. The only useful information from the article was that genetics proves women only mated with 5% of males. The reason for this is obvious to anyone who studied evolution or just watched how literally every other mammal/primate females reproduce (hint: they flock to the alpha).

>> No.12489586

▲ ▲

>> No.12489587

It was your source, homo, and it contradicts everything you've said thus far. You're truly brainlette hall of fame at this point.

>> No.12489595

Keep coping retard. Your wife isn’t attracted to you physically and your son isn’t yours.

>> No.12489605

I bring you wisdom from the base of the double helix, and you continue to double down on ignorance. You're not going to make it.

>> No.12489635

Why the fuck are /biz/ and /pol/ so obsessed with this image? Look at that chick's face. She has that empty glare that says "I've probably sucked more guys off than there are days in a year".

She would be an easy lay. The provocative t-shirt means jack shit. Wearing it makes her even easier. You'd probably get a dozen STDs though so enter at your own risk

>> No.12489637
File: 113 KB, 577x1024, 1514058939497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you are getting triggerd by some words/a joke even though you are an academic.

I dont need your tips, because I have a family, a business and am well-read about topics such as economics, psychology and philosopy.

But I can presume that you are in general an insecure person and I love to tickle that out of your through (You)'s. :)

(Pic semi-related).

>> No.12489655

I know, I am blessed.

It must suck having sandy hands while masturbating.

>> No.12489659

Did I upset you? Hugs and kisses, bro. Don't forget to get fit, etc. :^)

>> No.12489672
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1506189078496s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont need to, because I could prolly buy your whore of a wive KEK.

>> No.12489687

Lemme guess, you're going for Jewish and Asian girls?

>> No.12489710

>buying gf
I like you a lot, and we should collaborate more often. I bet there's a dozen or so lurkers furiously masturbating to our patrician banter, and wishing they were us.

>> No.12489719


say it. I am studying DNA. Its fascinating shit.

>> No.12489733

Yes, but Y chromosomes need a completely unbroken male line.

Now keep in mind that most early agricultural clans were patrilineal and that they frequently get wiped out by wars. When the clan dies out, the Y chromosomes of the male line die out with it, even if every male in the clan reproduced and all their genes outside of the Y chromosome, including mitochondrial, survive because of their daughters that married into other clans. So Y chromosomes can drastically underestimate the proportion of males that reproduce because wars could completely wipe out male bloodlines.

>> No.12489736
File: 73 KB, 728x546, floor tiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons on the fringe jerk it to literally everything
>pic related

>> No.12489749

good point, maybe, but how likely is it that 95% of male lines disappeared due to genocide and not simply being rejected by roasties (as happens in all other animals with sexual dimorphism)

>> No.12489751

>every other mammal

Thats wrong you retard. Bonobos, our closest relative, all males mate.

>> No.12489757
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x1108, somebody-please-give-that-man-a-slice-of-ukraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, thats what I call a good sportsman.
Cheers to you, mate. A cheerful memeing above plebian standarts.

>> No.12489768

another day another söyboy op with their cringe

>> No.12489770
File: 211 KB, 990x743, B77229DB-EBEA-4F8F-BEE8-A247F958F49B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it shows, bonobos aren’t sexually dimorphic. Dimorphic animals are like gorillas and sea lions. Or humans. There are big physical differences between men and women.

>> No.12489771

Higher sex drives lol if your a wimp I guess.
>doesnt know the secret food that makes you horny and strong 100% of the time
>cures cancer and every other ailment
>dubs for Johanna Budwig

>> No.12489834

just updated my dating bio to lead with "true love is a meme" and got a match 10 minutes later after a 2 week dryspell


>> No.12489991 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 352x222, original-sin-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True or not? I'm willing to try this.

My tinder bio has a 1 sentence short story about how a tinder date stole my watch (which is not made up, actually), and not rarely chicks even start the tinder conversation with
>do you have something else to steal * smileyface *
>do you have another watch?

Would recomend

>> No.12490010

>swipe left if you have "swipe left if you're a trump supporter" in your bio
>omega male with a package like a stick of gum and i voted for Jeb!

>> No.12490027

Understanding that roasties get wet from rich guys is biggest biz redpill you take.

>> No.12490040
File: 155 KB, 720x900, 1544683950520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideologically I'm against drgeneracy, but as a man under 40, we live in the best timeline.
We can fuck 19 year old for two decades and chicks watch porn amd want to try almost everything you ask - most girls don't take issue with facials etc, somethin unheard of 20 years ago. Hard to complain - unless of course you fall for the marriage meme, which is much worse than the true love meme. At least under the pretense of muh true love you can take a chick on a 3 day beach vacation and fuck in all corners of every other hotel room.
Just don't be autistic and keep your hair, that's about the only condition

>> No.12490049


>Man got hobbies and passions that are not related to body.

true. they are also totally incapable of the type of banter you see on boards like 4chan.

>> No.12490054

what kind of a roastie whore wears a shirt like that

>> No.12490059 [DELETED] 

lolcow and other female 4chan
clones are okay

>> No.12490089
File: 354 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190119-144229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point I showed pic related a pic I got off 4chan with a girl in a shirt that said "pizza slut" in red letters, and she immediatenly ordered it on Amazon for herself

>> No.12490099

The same point in spacetime I was when I realized that meant they were worth nothing.

>> No.12490240

>tfw this degeneracy made me extremely asexual towards real humans

>> No.12490263
File: 68 KB, 407x325, answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it made you
>asexual towards real humans

And so now you're only into manga girls?

>> No.12490366

I don't know why... maybe because you are supposed to protect your women on some biological level... but this "the best timeline as male" bit in regards to this utterly degenerate and abhorrent behaviour you described really is extremely sickening and disturbing on a very deep emotional level. It's absolutely repulsive. And it blows my mind how people want to at all participate in it. Moreso is my mind blown by these cucks who actually marry such revolting characters later on life. Humans truly are absolutely disgusting creatures. I can't wait for robots to replace women. 2d or 3d... it really doesn't matter at this point. I've never been as disgusted as I have been when reading your post. Even watching people have their heads cut off or other kinds of gore isn't as emotionally sickening. Just... there are no words describing it.

>> No.12490395

I don't care about roasties so I don't care, also women in any case belongs to the kitchen.

>> No.12490396

>abhorrent behaviour you described really is extremely sickening and disturbing on a very deep emotional level. It's absolutely repulsive.
This is a good part of why I don't have much to do with people at age 30. I've tried doing the degenerate thing, but every time it starts I get tired of it pretty fast and don't even really enjoy it.
But since it's what society offers, I partake every so often before I go back into my bubble.

>> No.12490403

Quick follow-up:
It does remind me of something. Emotionally it's the kind of reasoning as it was used by an essentially psychopathic psychologist, who said "your father only raped you, because he loved you." When a normal person would argue "you father didn't love you enough not to rape you." And your post really is disturbing in the exact same manner. It's far worse than a ISIS character cutting off a head. Because the ISIS member is merely indoctrinated. But this... this is far worse and psychopathic. It's disturbing behaviour.

>> No.12490433
File: 29 KB, 639x637, 1535806604973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Societies moved away from being Martial based things, where men needed to be strong to protect those around them, primarily from other men. This was a good thing, because women are capable of making intellectual contributions to Society, and they're given a voice in an egalitarian society.
>But we still have this primal need for dominance, I guess, from a violent evolutionary past. And it contrasts when modern sensibilities.
holy fuck, you are a hopeless faggot. back to plebbit.

>> No.12490438


What is so disgusting about it? When we were hunter gatherers the tribes were a one big orgy. Our cousine bonobo monkeys make contact to other tribe members to have sex with em and those monkeys shure do know what its like to have an orgy. And you know what was the reason behind every man fucking women in the tribe? Well because when the women got pregnant all the men were ready to take care of the child because at that time there was no way of knowing who seeded it in the first place. And thats how the children survived far better when they had many men to take care of them.

Personally I do prefer this fucking around society, it turns my peepee on

>> No.12490472

These threads are fucking embarrassing, biz

>> No.12490479


>> No.12490482
File: 125 KB, 370x349, 8847578254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf of 5 years
>havent had sex in 2 months or so


>> No.12490485
File: 181 KB, 1078x1228, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just name calling ISIS for shock value, trying to reaffirm your point to yourself.
I'm not saying things are great! I live in central Europe and would love to have a traditional Europe back. So I look at the bright side and recognize that due to the modern condition, a normie man can fuck 50 good looking chicks in his days because they give themselves away quite easily. It's bad and good. You don't need to look for Satan in every situation.
I could just as well reason that not being a vegetarian and thousands of creatures being slaughtered every day is more horrible than ISIS on some level.

>> No.12490495

>keep your hair,
mine started falling out after i started to but 7 nuts a day once a week

>> No.12490503

>and care more about looks than men?
pre school. you have to have a high capacity of self delusion, or very unintelligent to not realise this.