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File: 30 KB, 360x332, grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12485747 No.12485747 [Reply] [Original]

next big thing or sham coin?

>> No.12485833

>fight club project mayhem coin
yeah, no

>> No.12485873

market cap at 1.5mill
im still thinking if 7 USD is too high

>> No.12485885

im waiting for volumes but even atm it looks like a solid buy

>> No.12485912

how much should I put into this crap?

>> No.12485929

max 5% atm

>> No.12485930

asic manufaktures = the new premine

sheeps fall for it lol

buy XMR !

>> No.12485954

am loaded in XMR i believe it wil be top5 marketcap but asfa GRIN.. privacy coin with utxo seems promising

>> No.12485965

Could be something, wait to buy though, it's just gonna be miners dumping for a while.

>> No.12485975

how much lower then 1.5mill market cap can it go tho? At 1.5 mill its not even in top 600 coins on coincap.

>> No.12486002

Grin is the real crypto currency that BTC and XMR failed to be (it doesn't mean that BTC and XMR will fail at all, but they'll keep being what they fit better: store of value, one public and the other private).

>> No.12486006


There's already asics for this? Lol!

>> No.12486032
File: 70 KB, 1280x614, photo_2019-01-18_23-30-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12486062

Do the math on how many coins will be mined between now and the next year. Now tell me if you think based on that the price of each grin will appreciate or depreciate. Marketcap is nothing when the supply will be 100x what it is now in a year.

>> No.12486079


Lol, that's fucking stupid.

>> No.12486099

Dude, dont make me do math. Just tell me.

>> No.12486105

Oh right, I forgot this was /biz/. GRIN will dump in price.

>> No.12486106

Inflationary mining shitcoin.

Why use this when you have NANO?

>> No.12486128

Down 95% in a matter of days. People talk shit about Nerva and its early mining bagholders, but at least they are waiting to do so until prices stabilize! In this situation the Grin developer and bagholders have been dumping a majority of mined coins from day 1!

>> No.12486129

not if people believe it has a future

>> No.12486211

Yeah it'll have a 200 million dollar marketcap next year and then 500 million the year after. All with zero appreciation per coin.

>> No.12486219

if youre buying this shit right now youre most likely gonna get bent over. better to wait 3-5 years

>> No.12486227

No telling why the inflation will do short term. I’d probably average into it with small amounts, maybe if it hits larger exchanges it will go parabolic, but the inflation will catch up.

>> No.12486241


It's a great long term investment but do yourself a favour and wait for the price to tank a little bit once the supply starts to overwhelm the demand before you buy. This is going to have a higher supply than Bitcoin/Monero by the end of the year, after the initial FOMO wears off it'll go sub $5 easily.

>> No.12486257

The emission on this coin is bullshit, 50 years until inflation is under 2%

>> No.12486276

Nano cannot be mined therefore it is not desirable to the gatekeepers of crypto.

>> No.12486297

Only under $1 is a good buy

>> No.12486309


I actually somewhat agree, I think the price will tank and the miners chasing profit will be shaken out and then we'll get a good idea of what the actual value of Grin is. I think it'll be closer to $1 than $10 in 6 months time.

>> No.12486460

looks just like LBRY, solid project but no investment due to supply

>> No.12486569

Haha I know dopey bitcoiners that bought new PCs and were hyped to mine grin. It's amusing how excited they are for MW compared to how afraid they are of altcoins otherwise.

>> No.12486657

No. It's just another generic privacy coin, but this one has no treasury, no GUI app, and can't send unless both parties are online. This shit is DOA.

>> No.12487162

These mimblewibble projects have two problems. The tech isn't even theirs so any coin can implement it, its more just like lightening network upgrade than anything. So any new coin can come now and make another implementation. I grate by the end of 2019 there will be 20 coins with this implemented and cloned and none of them can really claim they are the original tech. Add the massive inflation of the early POW then these are terrible investments at least in the short term now even if they are good tech.

>> No.12487189

the logo literally tells you "go fuck yourself", you dont want to loose your money buying this, you cant be this retared, but i forgot iam on /biz/

>> No.12487234


2nd point is true but your 1st point is kinda wrong. You're right in that any old coin can come and implement it but it's the same as any old coin could've came and forked from BTC and make their own implementation, yet there's a reason why BTC is the only relevant coin and the rest of the forks are shitcoins (even LTC).

GRIN being the first to implement Mimblewimble (no, Beam was not the first they were just the first to launch a mainnet which had a critical failure two weeks later lul) is a big deal.

>> No.12487237

Yeah for real

>> No.12487321

Mine it, try to sell before the massive dumpening occurs. Do not buy this shit off the market now or any time soon.

>> No.12487346
File: 24 KB, 619x265, Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at 10.17.39 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>days old project
>all this FUD already
mmmm nice, just bought 100k

>> No.12487355

If you think this is all FUD and not just basic economics, good luck.

>> No.12487377

Beams critical security flaw is in the wallet. Just hold it on the exchange like a good goy

>> No.12487387

Pay attention, anons. There are a few glimmers of good sense in this place.

>> No.12487394

dumb coin shilled by thots

>> No.12487430

unbelievably stupid logo

>> No.12487445

this coin poses no solutions to any problems anyone cares about outside of weird ass hyper nerds who follow no one but crypto dweebs such as themselves that are completely detached from reality.

>> No.12487955


All of the cryptonote shitcoin holders are coming out in force to FUD this coin, and I think ZCashies and even some XMR fags are too

>> No.12488120


gotta wait for emission rate to go down, lads.

watch for the price to bottom out and for this coin to be forgotten.

then buy.

2020-21 this and Beam will be the coins to put your profits into

>> No.12488129

emissions never slow down

>> No.12488134
File: 13 KB, 696x391, monero-tari-labs-free-blockchain-university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one will kill grin EZ

>> No.12488188

lmao there has to be a catch, otherwise this is an insane monetary policy. 60 Grin every 60 seconds. Forever. What? Maybe thats great if you want the network to be used, but wouldn't the value trend to zero?

>> No.12488206

it's meant to be used as cash

>> No.12488228

Yeah that's great but why would anyone buy this as a speculative asset? My math says they will make 31.5 million coins per year forever. At least it's different from any other emission rate I've seen.

>> No.12488232

where do I buy it

>> No.12488271
File: 8 KB, 360x216, inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after many years, 31.5 million coins will be a small proportion of the total supply, whereas fiat currency maintains a +2% inflation

>> No.12488303
File: 45 KB, 782x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is inflation
>what is money supply

>> No.12488306
File: 42 KB, 760x482, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12488341
File: 34 KB, 507x535, scmgrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scam. it has infinite supply poo poo. pee pee. never will be worth mining. has chinese scam written on its stupid face.