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12482079 No.12482079 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>dump 1000 into BTC and other random shitcoins in 2017
>700% gains
>crypto crashes like shit
>500 left of my original 1000
>so sad I dont even care to get my funds back out
Literally burnt a grand and dont even feel anything.
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.12482087

Found the nolinker

>> No.12482095

>1000 US Dollars

Do you really think that's a lot? You probably bought at 10k you fucking retard. Please go kill yourself.

>> No.12482109

Fuck link, shits going nowhere but down.
Where did I claim it was alot?
Lol fuck off you little fickle bitch.
You would cower before me irl faggot.

>> No.12482113

Buy $500 in Dogecoin. It will hit $0.10 this year.

>> No.12482207
File: 40 KB, 648x303, 4cn_HODLbutts-011519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, except I poured my entire savings in at 6k/7k/8k....I'm down 50K. I rode it up, got greedy and didnt sell, now i'm stuck in my position till 2021.

>> No.12482228


>> No.12482232

You had so much time to cash out. Why didn’t you leave while it was dumping? You still would’ve been up a considerable amount.

>> No.12482258
File: 599 KB, 540x540, 1523914652928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot you stupid nigger, most people aren't useless neets who never leave the house, we have shitloads of expenses like gf, car, alcohol, trips, housing, college, random bills, etc.

>> No.12482303

Spotted the 10k bag holder.

Did you just call me a nigger, poorfag?

>> No.12482355

Literally who gives a fuck. Hold and your 12 bitcoins will be worth well over a million within 6 years. Why is everyone such a shortsighted retard here?

Waaah I have to hold for a whole 6 years to be a millionaire. Go kill yourself.

>> No.12482390

Honestly, I had a relative who ended up getting really sick who I was responsible for....Completely forgot all about my investment while I was taking care of him before he passed away.

>> No.12482427

Kek burned almost 3k which used to be a lot for me but I've started turning my life around so now it doesn't mean much. Initially lost 1k because I had no idea wtf I was doing. Invested a bit more and started margin trading, made 1.5k in a week. Then lost basically everything. What a meme ride, don't trust bobo friends he's a false god.

>> No.12482487

And I laugh at you online. Haha, fucking loser.

>> No.12482494

Hahaha your whining about "burning" a g?
Fuck kid, you gotta wake up and smell the coffee.
I burn a g on drugs every week.
Some weeks I spend a g on food
Other weeks I spend a g on bills.
Your literally crying that you burned one fucking grand. Hahah man, you don't even pay rent do ya?
Between bills and rent vehicle and the like it cost me over a grand per month and your here saying you feel nothing cause your 1k went to 500?
Lad, move out of your parents spare room, get a fucking job and move on.

>> No.12482521
File: 35 KB, 800x685, 1545965670797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought at $2600 in 2017.
>Never Sold
>Never going to sell my BTC to (((them)))
I'll ride this shit to zero than ever sell my BTC to those bastards. Bitcoin is Plan B. Zyklon B.

>> No.12482534

Give me a job.

>> No.12482549
File: 250 KB, 1004x1004, 1542634428198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and agreed.
I hope it bounces back soon, I wanna fly through space in my Lambo and make it to Aldebaran so I can pay my respects to Hitlers tomb.

>> No.12482613

I can't THIS this post enough.

>> No.12482767

Have you ever worked construction?

>> No.12482776

I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds really rough.

>> No.12482806

Oilfield count?

>> No.12482834

Take the remaining 500 and invest it into "Tera smart money"
Instant transactions and no fees and smart contracts like Eth pretty much the next Nano

>> No.12482862

>He isn't buying the dip
New ATH in three months. Screencap this. We're going to the moon lads.

>> No.12482893

>3 months
That's retarded. 3 years maybe.

>> No.12482911


>> No.12484086

Welp, I guess you're right. Digits don't lie.

>> No.12484096

> he thinks 1k is a lot

Lol I’ve literally never been in the green and I’m down 5k. Just keep DCA

>> No.12484181

Bahahah fuck no.
Go back to the field of specialized work that literally has no uses in real world.

>> No.12484200


>> No.12484594

thanks man, I really appreciate the sentiment.

>> No.12485352

Cool man, so youre like one of those weak pudgy faggots that stand around measuring nail depth and cement viscosity and watch spics hammer all day?
Wow yeah, so badass and tough lol.
Dont even know why I told you that I am oilfield, you cuckstruction fags are so jelly of us manly men who literally face death just walking onto the pad.