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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12481717 No.12481717 [Reply] [Original]

why is 10 oz of poured silver more expensive than 10 oz of clean pressed silver? It’s the same damn weight

>> No.12481752


Market preference.

>> No.12481782

ur mum likes clean silver better

>> No.12481815

shuold I buy silver or bitcoin?

>> No.12481857

Pro-tip: if you are buying precious metals, make sure they are weighed at the equator, where they will only weigh 99.65 pct as much as on the North Pole. I make bank buying in Quito then selling in large cities near the north pole (think Bergen and Tromso, Norway).

>> No.12481891


>> No.12481958

yeah let me just fuckjng go to the equator

>> No.12482028

Europe maybe?
Coins are often taxed only 7%, bars 20%

>> No.12482385

but wouldn't it cost so much to travel these directions that you need to buy hefty amounts of gold before this becomes profitable?

>> No.12482453

Use hot-air balloons. If you fill up your hot air balloons at the equator the hot air will stay trapped until you reach the 65th line of latitude and then you just slowly coast down to Bergen. Not that hard.

You guys will never make it if you aren't squeezing those 35 pips on the equator-to-pole transfer.

>> No.12482458

how much is enough to make it?

>> No.12482572

what do you mean?

>> No.12482589

how many ounces of silver to make it?

>> No.12482610

top fuckin kek

You had me for a second

>> No.12482621
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is now the time to buy silver lads?

>> No.12482625

Proper weighing is done by mass, not force. Any non-retard will use a balance-beam to measure large transactions, which will give the correct mass whether you're at the north pole or the moon.
Where are you selling large enough quantities of silver to make a profit?

>> No.12482725
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lol you got trolled dude

>> No.12482740

This is generally true, but I'm bringing silver that is warmed from equatorial winds into the arctic circle—where your fancy beams and 1kg ingots reside year-round. Checkmate.

>> No.12482745

Okay, just let me load up all this silver in my free airplane.

>> No.12482775

Already said to use hot-air balloons. But I've said too much already.

>> No.12482812

Is 1820 oz enough to make it?
Asking for a fren. Thx

>> No.12482909

It's only trolling if someone gets upset. If you say something dumb or unbelievable, and someone gives a genuine and respectful reply, it wasn't a troll. You were just being dumb.

>> No.12482923
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I bought silver, had I bought bitcoin at the time instead, I’d own my house free and clear. Instead I fomoed in starting at 9 k.

I sold my silver for bitcoin when it was back down to 10k. Here we are at 3500. All told I’m down 6k! So don’t listen to me. But I think bitcoin has more upside.

>> No.12482941

Buy silver, gold, and some other crypto after DYOR that will give you more bitcoin in the long term

>> No.12482957

>Not buying silver coins that increase in value year after year on top and independently from silver price

>> No.12483010

fucking delete this you're gonna ruin my livelihood when everyone starts trading it the spread will disapear

>> No.12483108
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looool look how triggered this faggot is

>> No.12483180

Funny... I buy 3 day old circus balloons in Norway and flip them in Panama for a profit. We should compare notes, fellow science investor.

>> No.12483332

Silvers shit. Buy gold

>> No.12483334

Interesting, however my journeys usually take up to two weeks due to uncontrollable wind patterns and the increasing weight of the silver as I approach the north pole. I think we can work something out if you are interested in two-week old balloons.

>> No.12483805
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yes. I just bought a 5 oz hand poured silver chunk for flat $100 which is damn well good

>> No.12483840

Buy both.

Always worth having a physical mix of the two.

>> No.12484301

Hello fellow traveller. Is that due to the spin or gravity? Haha

>> No.12484348

Warm silver weighs the same as cold silver

>> No.12484778


>> No.12484779

>$20 an ounce

>> No.12484819

Exactly what I do with propane. I’m a trucker already so I make about $350,000 / ~$185,000 after paying for fuel.

I tow exclusively propane and purchase the load in soon to be underwater cities up north and fill the tank 93%

I then drive to high altitude states in the south west.

The combination of the atmospheric pressure decreasing and temperature rising expands the tow tank to near-dangerous psi, but I sell a previously 93% capasity tanker for full price.

>> No.12484991

Interesting, but how do you deal the local taxes on propane and such? Maybe I'm ignorant, but just comparing gasoline prices in Norway to Ecuador, like with my business, the prices are wildly different due to how the countries tax the gas. But of course I don't run into this issue with silver.

I gather you are doing this in the United States? Perhaps it's not an issue there as much as I assumed originally.

>> No.12485007

what prices do you like anon?

>> No.12485017

umm, yikes. stay cucked goldbugs. ill be buying palladium and rhodium for their proven and continued industrial uses.

>> No.12485026

best to have 1oz gold and 100oz silver
or 10oz gold and 1000oz silver

>> No.12485099

i'm never going to see my sides again

>> No.12485185

Are you a fucking retard

>> No.12485308

wow you are a bad troll anon, don’t you know gold and silver also are used industrially?

>> No.12485321

Yes, and palladium is 10x rarer than gold. Rhodium is 100x rarer than gold.

>> No.12485326

I’ve spent many years on 4chan..however, the amount of retardation, smugness, and sarcasm this thread is leaking of in great quantities is both horrible and kekish

>> No.12485365

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.12485384
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>> No.12485414

and my shit is 1 trillion times rarer than gold. Your point?

>> No.12485457

If you pay anything above $1-2 over spot you're literally retarded.

>> No.12485972


>> No.12486120

>this post

>> No.12486185

It's not though. Shit is made of common organic molecules. Palladium and rhodium are literally rare. It's actually hard to get just enough to create one fucking ounce bar.

>> No.12486370
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Huur hurr very good trolling the /Biz/let's here knew I remembered this shit from somewhere

>> No.12486411

This is a gross oversimplification, but it gets the job done. I wasn't on biz when troll memes were a thing. Were they ever? Looks like a reddit-tier meme to me.

>> No.12486602


Reddit was never great but all of us old fags used it at some point in our lives.

Don't lie you all enjoyed this fucking retarded ass shit at some point.

>> No.12487608


>> No.12488199

What do you mean, the troll comics originated on 4chan, pretty sure at least

>> No.12488213
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/b/ circa 2008

>> No.12488326
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>> No.12488396
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Silverfag here. I like to buy 5 ounces of silver every two weeks but I want to get into crypto. Where the fuck do I start?

>> No.12488433


There's crypto atms and over the counter selling. You can also get a hardware wallet and buy off an exchange and then move them into your personal storage so that you are your own bank.

>> No.12488445

This is why I put down a little comfy bed made of toiletpaper for my poops to rest on whenever I have to do a poopy in a toilet with this fucking utter retarded design. I swear this toilet was designed by someone with a fucking scat fetish or some shit.

>> No.12488458

If you are not a burger, there are many fast and easy ways (For Yurop, Kraken with SEPA, bitpanda with credit card, etc.). Other way, get fucked.

>> No.12488812

I wouldn't be surprised if China starts demanding payment in gold and silver soon with the other anti-USA states to follow.

>> No.12488855

I do 75 percent silver/gold 25 percent bitcoin with every paycheck rn