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File: 129 KB, 1200x800, notch_032.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12480964 No.12480964 [Reply] [Original]

Look at him. Despite having $1.2 billion dollars, he's still dead on the inside

>> No.12480973

People who are dead inside dont publically tell people they feel dead inside it's the opposite

>> No.12481261
File: 19 KB, 348x321, 1547514423222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.2 billion dollars and those are the best looking roasties he can find? I think ill keep my soul, thanks.

>> No.12481348

>sells his game for billions to MS
>buys a 70 million doar mansion in beverly hills
>invites bunch of random people to his house to make it look like he found new friends (lol)
>sits alone in his huge empty mansion and stuffs his face with candy while shitposting on twatter

>> No.12481499

Look through the illusions the material impose on us, material wealth weights down your wings believe it or not. Yeah its ok to make money so you can feed your family and buy survival necessities then after that dedicating 24/7 for just the dollar will make you depressed sooner or later

>> No.12481537

his solution to his problem was to spend shitloads on luxury and try to hang out with celebs instead of actually going and doing something with life. anything. hobbies, angel investing... anything. but no, this dumb fat fuck wants to "be a rich socialite xD".

my sympathy for him is pretty nonexistant.

>> No.12481558

I would trade my soul for a billion dollars

>> No.12482508
File: 661 KB, 958x775, 1522542531716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12482519

He dosent have the eyes of being dead on the inside.
It's his dream and has always been. He's happier then ever man.
Those eyes speak words.

>> No.12482641
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>> No.12482667
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, 1525295647024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah well I would rather be dead inside in a 90M$ house than dead inside in my poorfag apartment

>> No.12482677

My poorfag apartment is comfy at least, except when the upstairs neighbors have loud sex and music.

>> No.12482690

with notch money you could fill that house with escort for the rest of your life
would make it pretty comfy desu

>> No.12482871

Good point.

>> No.12482922

From the last thread:

>> No.12482997

At his core hes an autist game dev, aka shut in with no hobbies who just knows to code
Thats why he just took vacation after vacation when minecraft saw a bit of success, thats all he knows.
Now that hes filled that sensation he has nothing left to do. His brain tells him that hes an accomplished richfag now and he should hang out with those people, but again, hes still an autist gamedev so he doesnt mesh with those crowds

Its important to have actual hobbies, i truly cant stress this enough.