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12480801 No.12480801 [Reply] [Original]

Virtual reality?

>> No.12480813

mandatory gay sex in schools

>> No.12480839

Looking back at how long it took them to make VR into something useful, we are lagging like 7+ years behind.
Tech is still shit for that kind of experience.
tech companies dropped millions into nothing.

>> No.12480847

Mandatory de-masculinity programs in schools

Government issued prayer rugs

Enforced gender and rape sensitivity training for white males above 4

70% effective tax rate

Guaranteed healthcare for asylum seekers (aka shitskins)

Flag burning

Climate penalties for citizens owning vehicles with displacement larger than 2 litres

So on. Hillarys america, merkels Europe

>> No.12480869

Possibly IOT.

>> No.12480876

Gumball machines

>> No.12480896

Are those contact lenses? Looks weird af

>> No.12480954

AR will be bigger and more useful than VR in my opinion.

>> No.12481189

My mother always brings up in every argument how much of a piece of shit I am just like my father who used to beat her when they were together when I was still young.
Something tells me that this is the missing ingredient. Maybe niggers are right. Men beat their women for being utterly stupid for millions of years. Women can't have control and order, you give them power in society they unwillingly crush it. They have good intentions but retarded female brains that can't maintain any type of stability.
I think men need to start beating the shit out of their women again to make them gain some sense back into reality.

>> No.12481264

AI is next.

>> No.12481275
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eyes like this is just cheating

>> No.12481285

Part of me agrees, but theres too many morons that lack self control and would beat their partners to death, so it wouldn't work.

>> No.12481287


I get so sick of incompetent women. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.12481359

It's scary and unfortunate but this just what works. We see it everywhere, women are put on a pedestal, worshiped, allowed to do anything and everything. I'm pretty sure they hate men for it too for not putting their foot down and taking back control. I'm pretty sure women hate the lack of "men" (which is what they always complain about too); it's just that they been brainwashed by society like us, but in a different paradigm as to how things really work.
Honestly I hope to God I will never have to lay a hand on a woman. I developed this aura though over the years that works on some when I'm in a pissed off mood. I don't even say anything but emit this rage and disappointment onto her and she feels it and quiets down.

Anyway, thanks for sharing that anon. Often reality is not all that pleasant.

>> No.12481830
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Life management apps.
An AI that gathers information about you and delivers everything to your doorstep (food, clothes, gifts, etc.)

>> No.12481920
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Airdrop will end soon. Get yours before its too late

>> No.12482053
File: 320 KB, 2560x1440, pepe_redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B&R if this is true. My only concern about this is that she lets slip that you fucked her up. Or than you're not alpha enough for her to realise that you're the boss. It takes a special kind of based to get away with this

>> No.12482075

Ah thats some tasty copy pasta.

>> No.12482093

You should watch a TV show called “snapped.” Your wife is spending a lot of mental bandwidth on figuring out how to murder you.

Do with this information what you will

>> No.12482155

You should snap back to reality and stop living in movies.

>> No.12482199

> Mandatory Cuckholdry
> Banned all ancient textbooks because of racism
> LGBTQRST Remakes of all the classic videogames
> First non-binary AI will decide to destroy humanity because of a nigger
> Humanity too much gay to fight back

>> No.12482206

As recently as about 5-6 years ago before all of these video game companies started throwing out VR stuff I thought we'd get a very rudimentary version of VR by the end of the decade. I'd say we're ~7 years ahead based on the VR I've tried.

Its at least farther a long than I had even hoped it'd be. Think of the jump from Nintendo to Super Nintendo where you'd have games like the original Mario or Zelda games to games on the SNES as advanced as donkey kong country. Little 2D sprites to a system that can go a bit 3D, games were blowing people's minds every time a new system came out until around the jump from the PS3 to PS4 generations now we're seeing a bit of a plateau at the moment. If VR advances at even half that rate i bet in another 5ish years we'll see a jump like that where the shit that's coming out in the middle of the 2020s VR wise is blowing our minds. Let alone if they can scale VR for movies, arcades, theme parks, or even people's phones there's so much shit that'll be coming out in the 2020s

>> No.12482413
File: 408 KB, 1280x1920, sara-sampaioL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

augmented reality > virtual reality

Also, that chick looks amazing (imho just a tad less than pic related, which looks extremely similar) although on her insta she's a bit too spooky and I like my girls fitter

>> No.12482722

>No one takes selfies anymore because of deepfake
>PornHub becomes a major face selling spot, launches a token and it becomes the only coin in the global market

>> No.12482803

actually, yes op... VR/AR is going to be as huge as crypto. in like 5-10 years maybe

>> No.12482818

sadly, checked

>> No.12482819


>> No.12483020
File: 76 KB, 1280x1211, F4.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next big thing probably won't be around for a while because of its destabilizing effects on governments, various other human institutions, traditions, and stuff like that.

Anyway I'm pretty sure it'll be something about energy. We need more of it. It's out there. Someone's going to figure out how to get lots of it and eventually the technique will escape from the lab.

Look up Widom-Larsen theory. I don't know if WL is correct and if it's the real deal but it will be something sort of like that.

>> No.12483037

UBI is unironically the next step in human social evolution. Full VR-reality and basically being bound to a chair, not required to do a single physical movement ever since born is after that. Singularity next.

>> No.12483089

I've seen this before. This is pasta.

>> No.12483098

anything that keeps an aging, increasingly depressed and lonely society from killing themselves. Anything that possibly can simulate human interaction on a level GOOD enough to trick you into having an emotional investment in it (chatbot AIs , interactive robotos)

anything that knits the human - machine interface even more tightly together. Can be anything from personal AR to outright brain-computer interfaces. HUGE progress in that area in the last few years.

Real Estate in old european cities and tourism in general. rich people that can afford it will always want the real deal. the real and authentic is and will be the future status symbol.

>> No.12483213
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>UBI is unironically the next step in human social evolution.

It's not sustainable with R-selected groups and their current breeding patterns versus their economic productivity.

You'll need to combine UBI with embryonic selection (or something) to boost average IQ overtime and combat dysgenic effects.

If you just pump resources into undroductive population size (what you're doing when give handouts to the r-selected) you end up with some kind of malthusian-crazy-cat-lady nightmare scenario with war and God knows what else.

Leftists who support UBI are radical egalitarians though and won't admit that you can't just spam the planet with IQ-85ers and expect things not to collapse.

You've got to take measures to keep average IQ from falling. They can be technological like embryonic selection or CRISPR. They can be even be paid for by socialized medicine. They can be incentives like rewards for high IQ women women to have children early or they can be disincentives like jail for idiots who breed.

There are anti-dysgenic measures that are possible under every moral, economic, and political system.

But you have to do them.

And no one wants to talk about it. They just say we'll do UBI and it'll be fine. That's like building a skyscraper without a foundation.

Shit's gonna fall the fuck over.

>> No.12483221


>> No.12483459

*misspelled unproductive
*wrote the word women twice

Oh well, you get my point.

>> No.12483791

One of the finer pastas.
Never gets old.

>> No.12483826

>Tech is still shit for that kind of experience.

uhh its actually not. Its life changing its so good right now.

>> No.12483863

>It's not sustainable with R-selected groups and their current breeding patterns versus their economic productivity.

It can only be done selectively using crypto as a means to keep it hard enough to understand.

>> No.12483928

>You've got to take measures to keep average IQ from falling.

Actually, just thinking about your point further. How much do you want to bet that there are pretty big problems if the average IQ of a society grows too high? We are well aware that low IQ is a problem but high IQ is possibly even worse.

High IQ people can bring about a ton of potential scenarios that just absolutely devastate an degree of stability. I cant pretend I would suggest that a Goldilocks IQ might exist but its entirely possible that a world where the average IQ is 150 is probably sickeningly random. What little sense of stability you might enjoy would be either artificial or short lived. The high school bully results in robotic warfare rather than a fist fight.

>> No.12483979

You ever read Brave New World bro?
There's literally a part in there with exactly what you guys are talking about

>> No.12484158
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>> No.12484451

Maybe. It might expand the list of all possible scenarios.

Personally, I think all indications are we'd be more safe and more prosperous.

Either way, being "too smart" is not our immediate problem, hahaha.

>> No.12484462

Not politically viable. Everyone has the vote.

>> No.12484487

why do 4chan chandlers jizz over IQ so much. its fucking EQ that makes the fucking difference. What is lacking on this board? EQ. Some might have good IQ but they are reduced to bitching about it on a sumerian basket weaving forum with bunch of low IQ anons.

EQ makes you successful.

>> No.12484529

youre just like your father

>> No.12484685

Any good virtual reality stocks, or would we have to invest in already established gaming and tech companies of colossal market caps such as Nintendo.

>> No.12484794


>> No.12484828


What do you want to have your child grow up to be a fucking serial killer or something? Go back to /pol/ you fucking retards.

>> No.12484848

Yes. It is about time.
33% of school dances in public schools must be homosexual dances or none at all.

>> No.12485373
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On a micro level, all things being equal, you have a point.

On the macro level though the average intelligence of a population is critically important.

Just look at national average IQs and take note of which places you'd like to live in, visit, or do business in.

Japan might be livable. You probably wouldn't start a new life in Equatorial Guinea though.

>> No.12486242

All men need to start doing this. If only a few do it the woman can go cry to the Jewish courts and have us put in prison and have our children stolen and half our stuff. If we all do it then there is a cultural shift and the Jewish courts will not have power anymore as they won’t be able to commend everyone without a war that will end up utterly have them BTFO. We regain control of women we regain control of our people, our civilization and our future.

I highly respect you if this is true, us men need to start being men and take back control of our civilizations for the sake of our own evolution and prosperity. Anybody who advances this cause is of the highest morals and our ancestors smile upon them.

>> No.12486621

EQ doesn't build space ships is why.

>> No.12486630

it makes you (((socially))) successful.

>> No.12486686

Not sure whether a high EQ makes you succesful today, though. People, who fuck around like anti-social retards and cause problems like the cancers they are, are declared "socially intelligent." For example. Even if it's not socially and emotionally intelligent, but manipulatively and sex-obsessedly psychopathic. With them maybe showing that they are too incompetent to actually stay in a relationship and have meaningful interaction that goes beyond physical attraction. Men and women alike. And then being an uncritical idiot who submits to corporate propaganda (don't body-shame mcdonalds customers) is also considered "emotionally intelligent," whereas they arrived at their retardation via "critical thought." Even if it's dumb behaviour. Logically and socially.

>> No.12486698

ever hear dumb people talk about athleticism?
> I mean, I'm tall (hehe) about 6'2", but this guy was MASSIVE
you'd think physical ability was then end all be all
people cling to their relative strengths as the ultimate value assessor to protect their fragile egos

>> No.12486710

what happened in ireland?

>> No.12486714

It's pasta, but it's good pasta

>> No.12486715

Reyes is that you?

>> No.12486741

This is pasta, but it's good pasta. B+R

>> No.12486766

They left the union.

>> No.12486768

>I don't know if WL is correct
WL is correct.

>> No.12487378

are you retarded? just read high quality novels, and watch movies before hollywood became a money grab, when talented actors were able to live plot emotions. Today actors are maybe even more talented than the old ones, but they just don't have time to act.
Do it a lot, or rewatch/reread your favs. Voila! Your social intelligence becomes enormous, if your iq is higher than at least 3.

>> No.12487707

Space. Hahaha

>> No.12487749

goddammit i am triggered so hard, i cant even spell. social intelligence my ass. its so hard my ass.
by the way, women and plebbit spacing fags are never exceptional in social intelligence. having compassion and having understanding are different things.

>> No.12487997


I hope. Think we'll ever see commercial applications while we're still young? I want my flying car and mech suit, damn it.

>> No.12488063
File: 974 KB, 1483x943, 35vqmr6c-1335830904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space. Hahaha
If you wanna keep this whole civilization thing going you're gonna need more resources than just what's on the Earth. Haha.


>> No.12488096

>He thinks it's real

>> No.12488525

It has already happened. Thorium molten salt reactors - Locally produced, modular, nuclear energy source enabling hi temp smelting, desalination, and carbon capture to produce carbon neutral methanol fuels (synfuel). Bye-Bye petroldollar.