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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12479345 No.12479345 [Reply] [Original]

Hello guys. First time ever posting anything up here but I need help. I'm struggling with my Bill's and one of them is my car payment. I'm currently paying off my moms old car(2013 mazda 6) and her payments are at 600 a month.. I live by my self now that my roommates moved out and I pay about 1500 a month in Bill's with rent and utilities and my car. I've been trying to get a loan to just pay off my moms debt and have my self build credit but I get denied left and right. My score is 489 and I just got a credit card 3 months ago. Any tips on what I can do to help my self? Any where to get a loan? Honestly anything would help

>> No.12479668
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Do not get a loan to pay off loans fren, sell your mom's car and pay off her loans and buy her a 2000 civic with the rest, you got to cut out on rent/bills/car, maybe get a cheaper car as well and rent somewhere far from the city (or if you want to stay in the city sell your car).
also buy link.
If you're insterested to know who vishnu is and where he lives I can help with that as well.

>> No.12480614

>I'm currently paying off my moms old car(2013 mazda 6) and her payments are at 600

why are YOU paying it off?

>> No.12480711

>my Bill's
>in Bill's
Who is Bill and why are you so worried about his stuff?

>> No.12480714


What the fuck is wrong with you, why are you paying other people's debt? Are you one of this brainwashed kids from a single mother? Are you black? What the actual fuck. A loan for a CAR that costs 600 a MONTH is absolutely fucking insane, you do realize that? If she can't afford her lifestyle, why are you funding it?

10/10 trolling, I'm fucking triggered.