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File: 77 KB, 1280x835, ufr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12479333 No.12479333 [Reply] [Original]

both tron and upfiring doing torrenting. It's one of the few use cases a decentralised blockchain based system works.

upfiring just launched a beta. upfiring is 0.1% of trons market cap. surely better investment.

>> No.12479612

Here's the thing with Upfiring. Its a platform which gives incentive to profit from the illegal distribution of pirated material. Whilst ethically I have no real problem with it as the creator can just post their own content and the market will dictate what their content is worth.

Actually piracy may actually make a upfiring a legitimate platform.

>> No.12479723

tron owns bittorrent tho u stupid fuck, its not just a shit startup

>> No.12479853


Owning bittorrent is enough to give tron a valuation of $1.7 billion?.. right.

You cant even use tron tokens within bittorrent. some people must feel jilted.

>> No.12479858

What's wrong with the torrenting we already have? It's worked beautifully for the last like 20 years without blockchain.

>> No.12479866

Do you even know what kind of rights this ownership of Bittorent (owner of the open source protocol) gives to TRON?
Go read IP laws, you mong

>> No.12479888

Torrents are 99.9% of the time used by people who want free shit.

>Crypto brainlets make a shitty version of torrents that cost money to use
gee I wonder what could go wrong with this brilliant business plan

>> No.12479894

you can't download some hipster music which no one listens anyway, and ancient boomer videogames which no one plays anyway, because seeder abandoned seeding those. so i guess now tron intrinsic value is legitimately above 0.

>> No.12479903

dw they got asian cross arms hustler to shill this shit

>> No.12479920

they dont cost momey to use retard

you earn money for seeding. the same as a miner earns moneyto power bitcoins system.

this is actually an important innovation. it will allow us to monetize the internet without affecting the consumer end. this way we can inscentivise innovation of digital products through profit without killing the spirit of a computer, that is the ability to freely copy and distribute information on an infinite scale.

in the future all sigital products will be free for the consumer and companies and creators will be in partnership with miners in earning profit through block rewards. this is literally one of the most important things crypto will bring to the world

>> No.12479931

>it doesn't cost money
>but you get paid

Damn I love this money-from-thin-air technology. It doesn't sound like a fucking scam at all. They even bought an irrelevant software license!

>> No.12479954


>> No.12479959

>you earn money for seeding. the same as a miner earns moneyto power bitcoins system.
are you saying they print their shittoken to 'pay' for seeding, but nobody has any reason to buy it?

>> No.12479989

>”money from thin air sounds like a scam”
>he says while posting on a crypto currency board

lol genius

>> No.12480027

very strong case for this product

>> No.12480079

There is no reason to buy that token, nobody will pay for some extra download speed. Its obvious.

>> No.12480095

Same shit was said about twitch and patreon, look where they are right now.
I have loaded up on UFR, seems to be the only application that does something remotely useful in this see of empty promises to change the world that is blockchain

>> No.12480104

What's the point of the Upfiring token?

>> No.12480113

>Same shit was said about twitch and patreon, look where they are right now
no... no, it wasn't. Their business models are well defined and it's crystal clear where their income comes from

>> No.12480158


UFR token is used to pay to decrypt files.

The original uploader and seeders receives the UFR.

It's possible to download a file and not decrypt it (so you don't need to pay). You can seed the file and earn UFR without paying any out.

>> No.12480167

>UFR token is used to pay to decrypt files.

Um... so why wouldn't every uploader just encrypt their files so they always get UFR? It sounds like a pay to torrent system.

>> No.12480184
File: 407 KB, 1196x2048, DRqBrkEUQAY-mCE.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tron holders are going to be airdropped Bittorrent tokens in mid February. 20 BTT tokens per TRX.

Can't wait to get airdropped my millions of BTT tokens.

>> No.12480207
File: 92 KB, 960x540, 1516447908772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have no vision.

Torrenting can be used for anyone to share videos, i.e. instead of jewtube which randomly censors and takes down everything.

>> No.12480261

Twitch(back then justin.tv) was a weird concept and few people even wanted to touch, monetization was not even implemented until much later. People were bashing it for being a stupid rip off of youtube/reality tv.
Nobody could imagine it will become as big as it is today.

>> No.12480416
File: 670 KB, 1339x798, Le happy merchant Colletion Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sirs, please do the needfull


>> No.12480457
File: 62 KB, 604x506, 1514082780245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In case it gets shut down.


>> No.12480512

but Justin Sun will be forced to take down and censor everything, if he wants his platform to be legal in all countries, right?

>> No.12480575

It's a coin, and it's probably the 6th most used coin out of all crypto. Stay living in 2017 and see how far its get you.

>> No.12480647

>shills filesharing crypto trash
>has to upload to classic filehosters

>> No.12480935

Guys, you are seriously delusioned if you think pirates will use anything other than Down/upload ratio as a system.

Source: am pirate

>> No.12480995

I am hoping this platform will be used by content creators to sell directly to customers without giving apple/patreon/youtube/paypal/etc a cut. I would support my favourite creators by downloading songs/art torrent they post on their website

>> No.12481121


I agree. There are a lot of content creators on youtube (parkour/exploration) that are having to change their content based on youtube's changing views on what it likes.

Incentivised torrenting could give them a censorship-free place to upload their videos and still have the financial gain (previously from youtube ads) that funds what they do.

>> No.12481167

Can confirm, my private tracker will just measure your worth by your ratio and purge accounts that leach too much. There's no way they'll start giving out magic internet money when their system already works.