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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12477981 No.12477981 [Reply] [Original]

Here is the first thread about Bitcoin ever posted on /biz/:

/biz/ was created on February 13th, 2014. This was exactly a week after Mt. Gox halted Bitcoin withdrawals. Back then, no one knew yet that they had been hacked. Legend has it that Moot had bought Bitcoin from Mt. Gox and was panicking when the exchange began to collapse.

/biz/ was born out of a massive JUSTing.

>> No.12478013
File: 123 KB, 1142x704, 1501597855493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you imply that we should strive for more and more JUSTing than we already experienced to make the world a better place? you motherfucker

>> No.12478032

This is next-tier imagination and vision. This redefines FUD.

>> No.12478052


this post is from december 13, 2012. a 4chan pass cost 1 btc at that time. Moot probably had several thousand bitcoin at one point, he quit soon after the bubble.

>> No.12478081

>Every time I see a bitcoin thread, I just shake my head and laugh.

>You severely damaged losers are literally the Bronies of /biz/. You know, that sub-group of 4chan kids who obsess over the preschool girl show My Little Pony? You probably don't know since all of you pathetic losers are far too busy fapping to monetary fantasies and wishing that bitcoin prices rize to 1000.

>Why on earth would a group of you no-lives cling heavily to something as sad as this? Is there some sort of mental sickness in you guys? Did you not have a childhood? Do you not have a grasp on reality? How can you allow yourselves to deteriorate to this?

>At first, I figured it was one lonely kid making these threads and bumping all day while crying in the basement for being such a useless waste of life... but then, I realized this isn't one kid doing this. There are at least fifteen of you in these threads that are getting hard over the prices of bitcoin. There isn't any doubt that all of you autists are fat, out of shape, and friendless.

>Is that the thrill you kids get from these threads? Is it the fact that you can laugh and sing and can't even get off of your bed to empty out your piss bottle? Do you not realize that this board doesn't exist for you and your buttcoin? If not, then WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FIXATION?

>I'm speaking for /biz/ as a whole, and possibly, your families as well. Just stop. This isn't healthy. Stop now and try to live a regular life. How embarrassed must your family feel when they have to explain to your aunt and uncle that you lost all your assets playing in the jewcoin market.

>Just stop already. Quit with the silly threads. OP, delete this thread. Kids, clear your browser history and sell all the bitcoins you have.

>I am telling you this because I am empathetic and I care. Please listen to me.

— 4chan/biz/ Fri Feb 14 00:28:19 2014

>> No.12478094

Holy shit, I did not know that.

>> No.12478129

Legit good advice, btc at 14 feb 2014 was above 600 dollars, that's equivalent to selling at 11k in feb 2018

>> No.12478168

holy shit imagine paying 3600$ for a 4chan pass

>> No.12478179

Its weird because I was there and bought in April 2013 (near the top at 190 usd) yet I don't seem to remember how we used to be. Its been 5 years but it only seems like a long time when I read this thread.