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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12470092 No.12470092 [Reply] [Original]

Since june:

>barely 10x in sats
>barely 4x in usd

Fucking lmao

Just imagine the bags. Just imagine STILL buying this after so many failed pumps.

>> No.12470107

it's not baout the price you entitled faggot swinger.
it's about the tech and the future

>> No.12470141

So, you are here for the tech, but there at the same time there is no tech to be found.

k m8

>> No.12470209
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>> No.12470232

>meanwhile 95% of crypto is down from ICO prices
Oh yeah, dem heavy bags.

>> No.12470246
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mah boi

this Bitcoin is what all true warriors strive for

>> No.12470260

there is no point in even trying bro
99% of based non-retarded anons have hiding filter for threads with a word ‘link’. they won’t even see it.

>> No.12470261

>time there is no tech to be found.
it's already on testnet, you can run anode and recieve jobs
what's github?
what's pivotal

>> No.12470263


Wow, you know your shit. Just sold 100k