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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12468707 No.12468707 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight, biz. This thing looks like it's going to kill it in 2019.

They have the transactions per second. They have some adoption/dapps and shit is getting built on it. What's the catch?

>> No.12468725

price hasnt gone back up ever since it touched 800 sats.
1000 is still due.

>> No.12469112

Going to explode in a few years.

>> No.12469126
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remember to invest in cross arm asian dude

>> No.12469523

I'm really hoping for a ripple type movement, moon at $1-2+ and then stabilise at around/sub a dollar. Would give me enough capital for business idea after uni desu

>> No.12469570

This is my most heavily invested shitcoin. Justin Sun might just be in it for the money and couldn't care less about "the tech" (fuck off if you do, you're full of shit). But he's a business man and marketer who knows how to work a crowd.

It's destined to hit $1.00

>> No.12469598

so was the skateboy

>> No.12469607

Will hit a new ATH this year. Thinking of 30-50 cents

>> No.12469617

And it worked for OMG. You could've sold at 26 bucks a token but decided to be greedy and hodl.
In the same way it'll work out for TRX; it'll get hyped to an absurd number above a dollar and then crash and burn.

>> No.12469639


>> No.12469666

The fuck is helium?

>> No.12469706

Think he means hopium. Or helium gas tank.

>> No.12470075

there is absolutely no way this thing hits $1.00...that's absurd. Maybe it hits .25-.30 (12-15x), but this is not a 50x by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.12470115

I find it mind boggling that prople invested in a coin that started with a literally plagiarized white paper.
But then again, dash became a "success" too and that started as an instamine scam.
And bitconnect.
I would just never buy it.

>> No.12470129

Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope with the fact that you didn't buy in at .011

>> No.12470144

When Bitcoin dumps sub 3k and takes Tron and everything else with it, this is on my list of coins to buy and hold just in case.

>> No.12470744

literally all alt coins are a scam

>> No.12470873

hey retard, would it surprise you to know like 99% of code is copy/pasted