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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12468259 No.12468259 [Reply] [Original]

So I need a job that pays decent.

I have knowledge in my field, i have the certifications, but they won't hire me without a degree. I had been freelancing for 4 years and nobody wants me.
When it comes to business, I am a fantastic liar. I can easily lie to my boss or coworkers and make it seamless.

However, degrees can be checkable. When companies do background checks, they usually only do criminal..... but there's still ways they may be able to catch you

Has anyone here lied on their resume to get a job? Even if it wasn't as serious as pretending you have a degree, what did you lie about and have you ever gotten caught?

Has anyone here lied about a degree they don't have?

>> No.12468282

Keep freelancing for higher pay and work from home. Advertise your services on upwork.

>> No.12468299

I don't want to go into details, but unfortunately my field puts freelance and corporate work almost even.... only difference is that working for a company gets me benefits I'm in need for.

Also the freelancing has been getting difficult. My skill and knowledge are leagues above the other people they're hiring, but they toss me out from a shitty diploma.

>> No.12468364

b u m p

>> No.12468786

I can't wait for the degree bubble to burst

>> No.12468842

aren't there supporting roles like assistant in your field that you can get the job without degree and then after some time move up already being in the company?

or get hired for some company for similarly called role to use it later in place of degree?

I'm keeping a look on 'data scientist/analyst' jobs which really really want's you to have a degree in stats or at lest CS and I was able to find the above 2 ways should work with local companies as a workaround to having a degree... if you are OK with working in less payed role for some time, ugh I sound like a boomer...

>> No.12469931

Two words - diploma mills

>> No.12470521


I work at a large bank. A guy who worked here for over 15 years was recently fired for lying about having a college degree. He had multiple jobs internally and they never caught it until he became applied for an executive position. they dug a little deeper on that hiring and found out he never went to school.
pretty risky desu