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12468216 No.12468216 [Reply] [Original]


Lets face it, money skelly and company have shit the bed literally every step of the way. At this point it would not surprise me if we did not see Constantinople in 2019, and you can completely forget about the more important upgrades that depend on it.

Lets face it, it is just a matter of time until ETH is dethroned.

Question is, who will take the crown?

>> No.12468221

ERC20 token Chainlink will take the crown after shit Ethereum fails


>> No.12468229
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>> No.12468230

Buy link amirute

>> No.12468236


>> No.12468254

Link is dead. Move on

>> No.12468286

Why? What about TRON?

>> No.12468296

PoF = proof of feels

>> No.12468360
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>> No.12468903

for real?

>> No.12468930

ETH ejaculated too early, now it's having a nap while tron is getting laid

>> No.12468938

>link is dead
Last famous words, do you know what chainlink even does, do you know it will be a plug in too all blockchains including bitcoin. If faggots have been on here for over a year and actually own no link you are a complete brainlet and should an hero immediately

>> No.12468939


>> No.12468948

dapps are a meme anyway

>> No.12469023

ARK will take the crown obviously

>> No.12469284

eth cannot scale... vitalik makes promises and never delivers.............. the only cryptos that matter is btc and chx

>> No.12469295

>Constantinople failed
>DAO hack
>Cryptokitties network congestion
>Infura node makes the network essentially centralized

Did I miss anything about this piece of shit?

>> No.12469306

ETH couldn't even reduce the block reward, something shitcoin devs manage to do easily.

>> No.12469308

What does Chx stand for? Chinx (chinks)?

Scamtoken. I think saying link is dead is an overstatement because your scam token was never alive to begin with. Just a stupid pump and dump pile of trash spammed by pajeets and discordfags

>> No.12469350


>> No.12469550

Ark lisk or codius

>> No.12469565

They literally spent 2 years building on top of Ethereuem. You think it’s just a light switch over to a new chain? No. Its “agnostic” but it would take 2 years. You better hope ETH figures shit out.

>> No.12469596
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ADA can run EVM smart contracts

>> No.12469691

Tron and utn can run eth smart contracts and dapps and host erc. If ETH fails Quorum can be used for business cases.

>> No.12469850

Test for ban

>> No.12469875
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HOL UP, now wait just a minute

This "LINK" that people meme over isn't even its own crypto, it's just a token on Ethereum???

>> No.12470040

>This "LINK" that people meme over isn't even its own crypto, it's just a token on Ethereum???
AND the CEO is not a programmer or successful businessman. His greatest achievement (other than scamming 30mil worth of ICO money) is a philosophy degree

>> No.12470226
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Top lulz, I'm going to appreciate the LINK meme even more now.

>> No.12471008

chainlink is just an erc20 token? wow. never looked into that obvious scamcoin.. but i thought it would atleasy be it's own coin.

>> No.12471712
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Has sirgay still not hired any other programmers?

>> No.12472225

What a low information worthless trash of an article

>> No.12472607

>ETH bagholder detected

>> No.12473773


>> No.12473979

This but only for the mid term until (IF) ETH will figure out state sharding. ETH is still the only way to go long term.

>> No.12474134

That's why AEternity and Waves will replace that fucked up mess what ETH is.

>> No.12474441

Yeah ZIL seems to be in no man's land. I could see it doing well short term while ETH fumbles around, but I don't see how it beats the competition long term.

Plus "Zilliqa" is the stupidest project name in all of crypto. There's no way a project with such a dumb name ever gains widespread adoption.

>> No.12474475


chainlink will be released on it's own blockchain; "LinkChain"

What do you think Satoshi AKA Sergey has been working on for the last 5 years in between big macs?

>> No.12474666
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Main net when?

>> No.12474679

"Plus "Zilliqa" is the stupidest project name in all of crypto. There's no way a project with such a dumb name ever gains widespread adoption."

i said that about antshares. missed out on 1000x gains

>> No.12474687

The only "ETH killer" that has any credibility at all is dfinity, and it has a long way to go.

>> No.12474691

mate, eth cannot and will never scale...

>> No.12474892

This. Though I view it more as a good EOS. No strong liveness of the chain, minority going offline can stall the beacon so it's not truly hardcore crypto.

>> No.12474960
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>> No.12474994

>Lets face it, money skelly and company have shit the bed literally every step of the way.

Umm no? Ethereum is the only project worth anything in crypto, without Ethereum the whole 2017 bullrun would never happen.

As always, the next ETH is ETH

>> No.12475101
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NEBL, if they can get their fucking marketing together.

They have what is most likely the fastest working mainnet without being a centralized shitcoin like EOS and TRON (who are also slower). My bet is that in extended bear/sideways market, real development and innovation will beat marketing glitter as more savvy investors come in but crypto can be very irrational.

>> No.12475241

sir pls buy sanjays vision tank u sirs very poo sir

-t. everyone ITT