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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1246774 No.1246774 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to make a website. I need some ideas. Any good ones? I was thinking a porn niche but I don't know which one or where I would get content without stealing it.

>> No.1246778

Sauce on that image dog.

>> No.1246784

No clue. Forgot where I got it.

>> No.1247533

I'm a free lance web developer in Australia.

Set up a fair few e-commerce sites. most of my clients have made a fair bit of money from them ( I give them monthly reports this is how I know).

One dude just sells photography tutorials

>> No.1247560
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Don't lie bitch, clearly you are related somehow

>> No.1247562

It's been posted around 4chan a lot today.

I've seen it twice on /g/ and /biz/

>> No.1247997

Make a dick sucking site

>> No.1248000

I would get into BLEACHED.com, but my moral compass prevents me from pursuing such an investment, I hope some anon does it though. I even looked up the domain name, and it's available.

>> No.1248007


>> No.1248099

Like the opposite of BLACKED.

>> No.1248111

Ismt there a guy Northman or something that does that sort of porn? I dont think its very popular.

>> No.1248137

If you leave the floodgate wide open, it won't matter. xvideos does that. Just caution the users not to upload copyrighted material, then they'll ignore it and have so many clips/pics up that no one in their right mind would fight it.

>> No.1248171

What if it turns into a cp hub?

>> No.1248218

i hope it does

>> No.1248251

Senpai, I want to get into web development. What do I learn, where do I start? I have like 2 months of totally free time

>> No.1248348

Go to /wdg/ on /g/ and ask them.

>> No.1248362

It gets posted on /fit/ pretty often as well.

>> No.1248368

w3schools.com. Just follow through their HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP tutorials and you'll have a decent start.

>> No.1248427

These hot pictures with fake Snapchat shit on top are real retarded, especially when its some fag with a fetish to fuck his cousin.

>> No.1248564

I saw that on /fit/ a lot. I think the OP of it lurks there

>> No.1248567

This is the best answer if you want to make websites. Decentralized networks are also pretty interesting and pretty profitable (OpenBazaar, Ethereum, etc), but those are lower level and require C/C++.

tl;dr go to /g/

>> No.1248941

Teamtreehouse.com got me from customer service rep to full time front end web developer in ten months. Look into their Web Development track. There's a lot to learn though before you really can do anything worth charging for.

Learn, in this order, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Sass to get down the basics, then try building a site or two. Then, you should learn a Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress, and probably some PHP. You'll also need to learn how to use basic Photoshop as the design comps you get will usually be in that format.

After you've made 5-6 sample sites, Put together a portfolio site and start applying. This industry really only cares about your skills so if you show them you know what you're doing they will hire you.

>> No.1249325

deprecated all over, rajesh
MDN or nothing

>> No.1249541

This. w3schools is still the best place to learn.

>> No.1250506
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>> No.1250519


> HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Sass
> jQuery
> Sass

Do you make fire by rubbing a stick too?

>Content Management System (CMS) like Wordpress, and probably some PHP

U wut?

How much do you make?


>u wut

>> No.1250520

Honestly, no big site is going to turn into that. "Teens" are probably about as questionable as it will go. Anything else should be able to be flagged for review.

After years on 4chan, it's easy to forget that the general public isn't THAT depraved.

>> No.1250830


>ever good


>> No.1251314

lol are you fuking stupid? most of the big porn sites let you use their library

>> No.1252263
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>> No.1252294

A good non-degenerate site for 4chan without /pol/ and /b/. And with a heavily reworked /v/ and /a/.

Make it an imageboard/forum mixture and let users instantly change between the layouts or combine them.

Let us register accounts but never reveal them to the public, stay anonymous.
Let us whisper so we can send personal info without everyone else seeing it.
Let OPs moderate their own threads in special cases and special times.
Ban all users which have reddit, tumblr, twitter in their cookies.
Create an image gallery you can easily scroll through.
Integrate images and links into the site itself. Like the original idea of website coding before they skipped on it.
Allow layout customization/modding.

Promote newchan to quality groups interested in /out/, /sci/, /space/, /his/, /sea/, /diy/, /vr/, /agdg/, /erp/.
Promote crossboard posting between quality groups like /tg/ and pre-pre /co/.

Monetize it properly.

>> No.1252296

Pretty much this.

>> No.1252516

"Rape" videos. Monetize them with 25 chained links till you get 5 dollars per click.

>> No.1252932
File: 282 KB, 693x1006, image_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the actual idea.

>> No.1252956


no monetary value
try harder

>> No.1252959


The data mined here is worth billions

>> No.1252967


how much do you consume on a daily basis? how much do you spend?

if you're politically active, how do you vote?
now multiply that by a couple hundred thousands

there, you have market value of 4chan

>> No.1252994

>Make it a forum
Yeah, no.

>> No.1253004

Could really use those titties in my mouth famalam

>> No.1253625

Annon from before, just finished the basic layout for my web development website today. Used to have a more generic website with cost schemes but found clients much prefer to just discuss what they want and have a quote made. R2G Websites .com if you want to look it up.

Made over 10k in 2 months from about 5 different clients (main) and a couple small jobs

>> No.1253629

Anon here again from before Just made a post with my website. Send me a contact request on my website and I'll contact you for some web dev tips and potentially a job offer in the near future.

>> No.1253639

>Make reddit
>Ban reddit cookies

It's either anonymous no holds barred or registered op's moderate their own threads(safe spaces). Never the two shall meet. I don't like your idea.