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12467667 No.12467667 [Reply] [Original]

there are homo sapiens, so-called "intelligent creatures", browsing this board RIGHT NOW that looked at pic related and uniornically, unequivocally thought it would be a good time to invest their life savings into bitcoin.

how fucking stupid do you have to have been to have bought bitcoin after may 2017. Is this board the most stupid board on all of, not just 4channel, but 4chan as well?

I am trying to comprehend what kind of special retard bought bitcoin above $2k. What is the thought process here? Can one of you retards please explain to me why you did what you did? Where you held back in school? Did your mom drop you as a child? Where you fed formula instead of breast milk? Do you have a mental disability?

Truly, almost incomprehensibly, fascinating.
Like watching a monkey in a zoo through glass - even though one can see the actions he is taking, it is near impossible to sympathise with the thought process of a such a simple creature.

>> No.12467689

great blog post, retumblred and downvoted and saged

>> No.12467705

Only buy BTC if 50 day moving average gets close to 200 day moving average.

>> No.12467707

Oh look. A "human" with fish-like intelligence has emerged from the woodwork adding nothing of value.

If I'm not mistaken, this is known as "coping".

>> No.12467720

You are so cringey, pls kys and do yourself a favor

>> No.12467726

It might have been bad if I held BTC like a boomer. I bought in October and made a nice chunk trading alts. It was easy to take profits when I was doubling my money every other day.

The media and HODL meme is what financially ruined people. The media shilling this shit to retarded boomers caused a lot of sad stories.

>> No.12467729

t. bought in q4 2017

>> No.12467731
File: 16 KB, 795x425, 1532728767644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are homo sapiens, so-called "intelligent creatures", browsing this board RIGHT NOW that looked at pic related and uniornically, unequivocally thought it would be a good time to invest their life savings into bitcoin.

how fucking stupid do you have to have been to have bought bitcoin after june 2011. Is this board the most stupid board on all of, not just 4channel, but 4chan as well?

I am trying to comprehend what kind of special retard bought bitcoin above $30. What is the thought process here? Can one of you retards please explain to me why you did what you did? Where you held back in school? Did your mom drop you as a child? Where you fed formula instead of breast milk? Do you have a mental disability?

Truly, almost incomprehensibly, fascinating.
Like watching a monkey in a zoo through glass - even though one can see the actions he is taking, it is near impossible to sympathise with the thought process of a such a simple creature.

>> No.12467758
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>Where you held back in school?
10/10 would read again

>> No.12467767

Eboost is a great gaming coin, and it's on Bittrex. Please update your shitpost chart, thanks.

>> No.12467770

I’m here for the memes. I’ve never actually spent any money on crypto.

>> No.12467810

There are homo sapiens on this board right now who missed hundreds of good investment opportunities because they were waiting for chainlink to go to 1000 dollars.

>> No.12467927

Can't speak for those who bought in 4Q2017 but I can at least attest as someone who holds a lot of BTC and didn't sell at the peak.

I was working on wallstreet when I first discovered BTC in 2012. I was immediate sold. Went all in. Told all my friends, told all my family, told some of my clients. Literally no one listed to me other than my brother. Parents nope. Friends nope. Etc.

Fast forward to the bull run of 2013 and I pretty much sold nothing. BTC crashed from $266 back down to $60 or so and everyone called me stupid for not selling. Told me we'll never see $200+ BTC again. Everyone laughed at me.

Fast forward to that December and BTC hits the $1150 high. Same thing.. I didn't sell. I can't even begin to tell you how much shit I took from everyone for not selling. At that point I would have had enough money to probably retire at the age of 28 had I sold at the top. Oh well.

Fast forward again to 2017 and we peak at $19,500. I guess my mindset was "I've never sold at this point, why sell now?" Because every time I look back I continue to be so thankful for not listening to others when BTC hit $266. Sure if I timed the markets well I could double or triple or whatever the amount of BTC I have - but I'm not a wizard so how the fuck am I suppose to know when the right time to sell and re-buy again occur. So I just continue to hold.

I'm not going to say I've never sold anything. Truth be told - I cash out $10,000 every month and have been doing so since 2016 but it's a small amount relative to what I have.

Money's not everything. I live a simple life with my family and I'm happy. I don't need lambos nor would I want one. I will admit it's nice to know I don't need to worry about money but that feeling aside I just look at my BTC as something that's there if I need it.

But I will say there were people just like you OP laughing at me when I first bought BTC because only an idiot would buy BTC above $1. That's what I was told.

>> No.12468545

You think wagies looked at the graph? All it took was Bill at the repair shop to mention Biccorn and they were hooked

>> No.12468550

Buying after May 2017 would still have given you great gains.

>> No.12468661

>tfw started trading june 2017 and still turned 2k into 2m

>> No.12468680

The thing about bubbles is that nobody knows how far they will inflate before they pop. The price could have went to 25k or 30k easily.

>> No.12468695
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>> No.12468712

why isn't anyone talking about Metal or Bloom who both have an actual high number of users using their products? Both >100k?

>> No.12468720

yeah but when shit goes parabolic like that.. its obviously the riskier time to buy. And looking at previous bubbles it was guaranteed to crash hard, so why fucking buy? degenerate gambling is the only answer