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File: 7 KB, 1078x505, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12460854 No.12460854 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to let you retards in on a big secret coming soon. Where do you think all the ethereum miners are going to go when it switches to DPoS. This shit will go to the moon when that happens. You're welcome.

>> No.12460862

theyre going to shut off their miners and reap the benefits of staking

>> No.12460895

You fucking idiot they're going to stake what they have on stake pools and continue mining with their GPU's. They're going to move over to monero and the cost will reflect the cost to generate better. Deeeer better just shut off this 2000 dollar rig I bought she's no use no more.

>> No.12460913

This right here is why we're going to be rich, OP. Newfags unironically believe stuff like this.

>> No.12460926

but also pls delet thread I'm not done accumulating XMR at these bargain rates

>> No.12460944

why tf are you trying to help retards like this dude

it's an obvious 1+1 equation but brainlets cant get it.
that said, eth devs might postpone further so i think XMR can drop some 5-10% more on the ratio.

>> No.12460955

Not DPoS and Monero's blockchain growth is unbounded because there's no notion of UTXO set. No pruning.

>> No.12461033

>>>12460854 (OP) (You)
>Not DPoS and Monero's blockchain growth is unbounded because there's no notion of UTXO set. No pruning.

What the fuck are you trying to say here I know Monero isn't dpos. Ethereum is. All of their miners will be forced out of their income when it changes to dpos or pos. They're going to find a warm home with us securing our network and driving the price to the moon.

>> No.12461055

can't wait for tari to bring the digital token ponzi to the monero network

>> No.12461069

They won't move over if it isn't profitable. Price doesn't reflect hash, it's the opposite.

>> No.12461078

xmr a shit. can't scale

>> No.12461100

Ethereum isn't DPoS you fucking retard. There's no delegation mechanism.

>> No.12461105

>Price doesn't reflect hash, it's the opposite.
he says as the hashrate is skyrocketing while the price stays in place

>> No.12461135

This. Literally can't as long as it's impossible to know if a TXO is spent.

>> No.12461140

>Where do you think all the ethereum miners are going to go when it switches to DPoS

>> No.12461152

>no CTOR
>No graphene
>no thinblocks

S h i t c o i n

All in Zcoin.

>> No.12461171

Whatever faggot it's moving to pos. It makes no difference at all I'll get rich in the process as Eth fucks over all it's miners and the price crashes to the ground since there is nothing propping the price up anymore and it's generated for free with no power costs.

>> No.12461199

Miners spending money on mining forcing them to sell. Where do you think the money for the electricity bill comes from?

>> No.12461210

In PoW that is. Explain right now how miners prop up the price.

>> No.12461219

Asic minable coins don't benefit from GPU's being kicked off the 3rd place crypto.

>> No.12461235

i dunno how this doesn't mean monero would dump
because thats what miners do

>> No.12461245

No coin's price benefits from increased hashrate by any other mechanism than increased confidence from security. Stop.

>> No.12461255
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keep buying shitcoins scamming you with partnership promises newfags, when you finally figure it out it will be too late

>> No.12461262

Mining gives the coins value dip shit. Do you think people would spend money to mine gold if you could have it generated for free? No, it would inherently have no value at that point. The price of ethereum is pegged to the generation profitability.

>> No.12461273

Completely missing the fact that in PoS you have to lock up tokens which has an opportunity cost. If people had to lock up $1Bil to generate .01 grams of gold a year nobody would. Dipshit.

>> No.12461275

Yes it does you fucking moron. The increased difficulty will cause the cost to generate to increase giving each coin more inherent value and splitting the coins divisibly among more people. Increased difficulty + lower available supply per person.

>> No.12461285

Holy shit you are retarded.

>> No.12461294

There's no value or associated costs of not touching something you fucking retard. PoW has real costs involved that prop up the price of a coin how do you fucking mongoloids not know a single fucking thing about economics..?

>> No.12461301

More miners means more people talking about it and interested in the price going up. These eth miners are fanboy fags too.

>> No.12461311

The fact that something is expensive to do does not make the result of that activity valuable. Retard.

>> No.12461332

>Mining gives the coins value dip shit

>literally labor theory of value

>> No.12461341

kek this
Was about to call him a commie.

>> No.12461363
File: 34 KB, 581x406, 1535066648405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>security doesn't give a coin value

>> No.12461367

Security does, see >>12461245. That's not what this fag is saying. He's saying the cost of mining is the source of value.

>> No.12461374

Yes it does you literal fucking retard. Especially in the generation of assets. Otherwise no one would do it. If gold/oil/platinum was not profitable they would not be worth the effort to generate. You can not be this fucking stupid. Your ether is going back to single digits. Your asset is worth less as the supply inflates unless there are associated costs with generating it propping up the price. This is basic econ.

>> No.12461384


isn't the cost of mining (security) the source of value then?

>> No.12461398

Creating an intricate extremely tiny statue of a turd is expensive as shit, that's still not valuable. The source of value is not the cost but the limited supply paired with demand. That can exist without spending money on mining.

>> No.12461412

Not inherently, someone can mine a shitcoin with huge hashrate. If nobody wants it, no value.

>> No.12461436


so sell your btc?

>> No.12461467

To whatever else is most profitable to mine
AKA, not monero

>> No.12461468

Why would I? The security and market conditions make it valuable. The cost of attacking makes it valuable.

If someone came up with a consensus algorithm that is equally secure/decentralized and has no cost of mining, and BTC implements that, the value remains. It's not about the mining cost, it's about the security.

>> No.12461473

Monero aint worth shit enough for them to leech profits off decent people all they're going to do is pay power bills and lose money if they mine shitnero.

On top of that none of them are going to want to re-tune their miners every six months to compensate for the insane forking problem monero has. The developers will do literally everything to keep shitnero vulnerable at this point.

shitnero's been sabotaged for over a year now they're trying to burn it into the ground hoping someone comes by and 51%'s it into oblivion.

Only the developers can't tell you why do you think fattypony left shitnero for torry or w/e the fuck it's called? He's under a gag order to let monero be overcome by specifically placed developers that fork this shitcoin every six months in order to keep the hashrate perpetually low and the chain permanently vulnerable. The fuck do you think that whole "Monero ICO" bullshit was about? Why did he say don't trust him? That was his canary flying away he's been had and is now basically just another cock rag for the USG.

This shitcoins going nowhere and in a year you'll be broke af.

>> No.12461474

Ok friend check back after the pos inflates your supply with no justifiable reason for price increases. It becomes easier and cheaper to generate and somehow this will make your asset more valuable. You got it all figured out.

>> No.12461494

It's literally possible to have PoS where block rewards equal fees = no inflation, just like what will happen when BTC block rewards run out. You just don't get it.

And you still don't understand that there's a cost associated with not using capital elsewhere.

>> No.12461514


but you just said anybody can mine a shitcoin with huge hashrate and if nobody wants it it's not valuable?

>> No.12461535


what are you even talking about lol you're just mad as fuck

>> No.12461540

BTC isn't a shitcoin though it's the OG AND hard to attack.

>> No.12461553


i agree with you but i'm only using your prior logic on btc

>> No.12461561

As I said. BTC is valueable because we agree it is. If it wasn't secure it wouldn't be valuable, but someone spending money to mine a shitcoin does not give it value.

>> No.12461578

Consider a huge miner having 100% of the hashrate. Is BTC still valuable? Hashrate and money spent on mining stays the same.

>> No.12461582


i think the answer is people give things value, the question is, how many idiots will think a centralized shitcoin with no security has value

>> No.12461586

>implying XMR isn't more OG and harder to attack than ETH especially after going pos
not going to make it brainlet

>> No.12461589


it would lose all value because then it would be a centralized coin and therefore have no use case

>> No.12461592

So you agree value comes from security, not $ spent on mining

>> No.12461611


value comes from humans

smart humans put most of their value in the most secure chain

"security" can be subjective

>> No.12461615

value in crypto comes purely fr speculation brainlet or do you think people are actually using these blockchain projects for their intended purpose fucking kek

>> No.12461625


some people use bitcoin to store value that can't be confiscated and make transactions the government can't take

other people speculate on shitcoins

>> No.12461640

Realized just after I posted. Said it upthread but agreemen of value + security (because nobody would agree on value without it).

>> No.12461644

>use bitcoin to store value
so not its intended purpose fucking kek

>> No.12461655


hey dumbass bcashie, if bitcoin is meant to ONLY be used as digital cash, why is there a 21 million limit? fuck off

>> No.12461671

kek mining faggots in full panic mode trying to pump xmr so they have someone to dump bags on when they're mining

More miners doesnt mean the value goes up, in fact increased hash rate means increased "inflation" so more downward pressure. Kekimus maximus if you think more miners=pump

>> No.12461675

Because Satoshi didn't want it to be like FIAT with never ending inflation

>> No.12461677

>hey dumbass fiat, if gold is meant to ONLY be used as currency, why is there a geological limit? fuck off
kys brainlet newfag

>> No.12461681

Agree. At the moment, the most secure chain is = the chain with most $ spent on mining, but when trying to compare to a PoS coin that breaks down. I don't know if PoS is secure, but if it is, then nothing would make a PoS coin less valuable just because no money is spent on mining. All I've been trying to say this entire thread.

>> No.12461701

you literally just agreed more miners = more competition to dump = pump fucking brainlet

>> No.12461726

That’s a sexy outfit

>> No.12461783

The inflation rate is already set it doesn't increase the difficulty does which increases the security of the coin. More miners = deflation because each individual miner will have a smaller coin reward than before the value of that smaller reward is worth more due to the increase in difficulty and the deflation of the current reward.

>> No.12461841

To add to this, they will likely just mine Eth classic, like many do already since it's currently more profitable to mine.

>> No.12461864

also a literal drop in replacement and basically the same thing.

Sorry moaners your shitcoins gonna get unwound.

>> No.12461891
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres the logic?

>Miners mine
>Dump on market

>more miners
>more dumping

>> No.12461914


>> No.12461929
File: 97 KB, 1080x702, apollogodtier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are welcome cucks

>> No.12461986

have fun waiting

>> No.12461995


kill yourself shitcoin scammer

>> No.12462007


die in a fire

>> No.12462025

>Integrated DeX.

Woaaaaah so coool.

>IP Masking.

Woah it's got a VPN cool beans.

>Coin shuffling

Not needed for monero everything is hidden anyways and rings already achieve this. All coins are fungible as a result.

>Encrypted messaging.

Why the fuck would I want one of you autist messaging me through my wallet.

>Public Transactions.

Why the fuck would I want public transactions with a privacy coin.

>> No.12462054


cashie, i hate to break it to you, but BTCABCZYZ123 can't be a store of value if it's a shitcoin fork of a fork with no security, centralized planning, checkpoints, and no plan to scale while still being decentralized

have fun bag holding :)

>> No.12462104

This whole board is Zozo. I don't know who to believe so I don't believe any of you.

>> No.12462106


so are you saying satoshi wanted bitcoin to also be used as a store of value like a digital gold? hmmmm better inform the cashies of this

>> No.12462121


you are very smart, that is the rule in finance and crypto, don't believe ANYBODY

>> No.12462132

Believe me or don't that won't change the price crashing when the ethereum fork happens.

>> No.12462140


>> No.12462285

>Deeeer better just shut off this 2000 dollar rig I bought she's no use no more.
they can still pawn the gpus on ebay or whatever

>> No.12462564

>fiat, i hate to break it to you, but dollar#34829 can't be a store of value if it's not a natural resource with no security, centralized entity, panning, and no plan to mine on asteroids while still being centralized to mankind
bitcoin maximalist logic at work

>> No.12462585

>everyone pawns GPUs
>price of GPUs tank
hmm should have just continued mining

>> No.12463405

More miners= higher hashrate = more monero mined = more being dumped on market = lower price
How the fuck do you see anything leading to a higher price here?
competition to dump leads to lower prices mongoloid not higher
kek retard
more miners mean more monero being mined in total so more being dumped on the market in total, so what do you get overall???? LOWER prices

its not difficult

fucking retards here cant believe this shit

Monero is a solid coin, it is the only coin which is actually private at this moment(and isnt some form of pajeet scam, of which I cant be arsed to even look into their protocols as they have no liquidity regardless)
verge is a fucking trash piece of shit. the fact that its worth anything at all is the proof there are still or already, depending on your pov, too many brainlets in this space. its good for pumps and dumping the news, thats all it is.

>> No.12463439

>its good for pumps and dumping the news, thats all it is.

Right on bud so that's why there's been so many monero shilling threads.

I wish they would stop pumping their moneros here. It makes the community look bad.

>> No.12463679

You contradicted yourself. If hashtags=security and security = value then by basic transitive property hashrate = security.

>> No.12463700

No you fucking idiot there is a set reward you know nothing about mining. More miners does not = more monero being mined it's the same fucking amount the difficulty adjusts to a higher hash rate to account for the same amount or monero being mined on schedule with less reward going to more people. How fucking stupid can you be? There is a set supply that can be mined at any given time and then once that's gone tail emissions begin.

Like you may actually be a retard.

>> No.12463716

>More miners= higher hashrate = more monero mined = more being dumped on market = lower price
yeah, read a white paper faggot that's not how it works.
the emission rate decreases every year. it's called a variable difficulty and even btc uses it.
fucking pajeet.

>> No.12463821

>muh tail emissions
Difficulty adjustment isnt instant you mouth breathing motherfuckers. I'll even entertain your fairy land in which it is instant, it still won't raise the price because more miners doesn't equate to higher buying pressure. Goddamn Shoesized IQ having idiots here. Miners mine what is profitable, if monero is profitable they'll mine it, if it becomes unprofitable they will go mine whatever the fuck it is that is profitable.

I'm going to find out what the fuck is going on with monero because it sure as fuck can't be good. Currently I'm still convinced it is the only crypto actually adhering to what a crypto-coin is supposed to be in my eyes: motherfucking private. Private ledger, private transactions, the entire shit.
You fucking ranjeets spamming these threads over the past 3 months with the price bleeding out can only mean a few things.
My first intuition is you faggots are paid by the miners to shill this because they're afraid of having to switch(maybe some faggot with a private asic). Price is too low as it is so they're doing anything they can do try to pump it to a profitable level again.
Fucking manvinders and ranjeets everywhere here again. Bull must be either close or very very far away.

>> No.12463870

They've already started transitioning over the diff on xmr is slowly ramping up. All I can say is fuck eth for their bullshit. And refugee miners need to fuck off to some other pow coin.

>> No.12463876

Monero is unprofitable to mine right now yet it's still being mined your first point falls apart so I'm not going to bother continuing to read. Muuuuuh buying pressure. If no one sells below the cost of mining the price goes up by default. No one is going to mine coins that are profitable when they have no future. It's more profitable to mine ethereum classic but the overwhelming hashrate is mining ethereum. Tired of being BTFO yet nigger?

>> No.12463904

>Why the fuck would I want one of you autist messaging me through my wallet.
Pls sir, do the needful. Now even from your wallet

>> No.12463910

>Not needed for monero everything is hidden anyways and rings already achieve this. All coins are fungible as a result.
No they aren't, each address only gets few mixins. Rings only make questions 'where did this come from' harder, not 'where did it go to'. The latter relies on other people including your output as their mixin. You would need ring signatures for fake outputs but that doesn't exists.

Monero actually needs mixing to be anonymous, but that would destroy false marketing so the idea is rejected.

>> No.12463963

Sir, please buy my shitcoin it better than monero my wife she ill do the rightness and give bitcones.

Here ranjeet I'll make you a deal. Tell me my last transaction and my current balance and I'll send you the entire balance.


>> No.12463977

>muh no one sells below price x
Cya manvinder, back to shilling school

>> No.12464131
File: 1.61 MB, 1944x2592, 1523840928995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no, just let them stay where they are

>> No.12464234

It's still being mined because IT IS PROFITABLE for someone to mine. And I'll bet it's eth miners since monero is less power hungry than eth is. Even after the hardfork and new software.

>> No.12464339

That's a normal address, not a used address. Learn how monero works before making absurd demands.
>my current balance
That's privacy, not anonymity.

>> No.12464360

No it's the last subaddress I used to transfer xmr. Tell me the balance of my wallet or how much was transferred.

>> No.12464462

This address contains two public keys used to generate actually used addresses - public keys, not a used address. This is possible and was in fact invented for btc. It's equivalent to never reusing an address.
>Tell me the balance of my wallet or how much was transferred.
Again, that's privacy, not anonymity. Learn how monero works.

>> No.12464684

Fluffy pony is already moving on to his new project Tari. Coming in 1 to 2 years

>> No.12464741

Did you assume he was the creator of it or some shit?

>> No.12465635

yup. monero and masari are going to fucking explode.

>> No.12465641


>> No.12465642
File: 5 KB, 221x250, DUr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats good at mining eth is good at mining xmr

>> No.12465651

Why not switch over to bitcoin?

>> No.12465704

because gpus can't compete with asics. OP is a retard btw, the miner switching narrative is going to be used to pump ETC.

>> No.12465750

but ETC is kill

>> No.12465789

Yeah wtf ETC died.

>> No.12465855

This is generally true for any AMD graphics card that was previously pointed at ETH. Nvidia cards were sort of price/power-competitive for mining ETH for a while but they are pretty fucking bad at Cryptonight.

>> No.12466185


Smart GPU miners will be going to Grin and not XMR. A bunch have already switched.

>> No.12466215

just makes me feel stupid when recall seeing this morero shit when it was at 1 dollar and i just stood looking at it and did nothing now it's 45 dollars , this is annoying

>> No.12466283
