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File: 21 KB, 400x400, Nakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12459405 No.12459405 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder:

You are fooled into believing Craig S. Wright is not Satoshi.

That is, you will be too stupid to understand the following too. Anyway, here is the latest release from him, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Patented by nChain for the one true Bitcoin.

> Smart-card-based mobilewallets
> TL; DR each transaction new public key with same wallet.
> Useable for authentication and encryption also.

Go hard or go home

Last thread was about:
> An immutable file and datastore
> TL; DR different keys for each file (files on the chain #metanet), one master key
> keys can be recalculated if lost
> file ownership pseudonymous

Btw. dear sirs, there Vishnu on the blockchain is. Sends BSV to my handle to get her blessing, sirs.
> $Vishnu

>> No.12459417

Sir please keep up with Dr. Creg, he already has a new post up today


>> No.12459419


>> No.12459507

And redpilled

>> No.12459552
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, sx__F0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid pajeet shilling day after day
>not from 4chan
>doesn't understand board culture
>based & redpilled paid pajeet responses in every thread
annnnddddd... Smart-card-based mobilewallets patent -- ALREADY exist fucking KEK - prior art faggot
>next you say that nobody read your virus riddled link
>next you say that you are a patent attorney or some pajeet horseshit and that the patents are legit
>next you say that craig is a shemale and you fuck his ass every night without lube
when suicide?

>> No.12459553

if ethereum was going to have POW in the long term, then allowing asics would be good. this is not the case, however. allowing asics on ethereum results in the hash power from those asics being useless after ethereum transitions to POS, which encourages them to try to hold ethereum hostage in order to prevent the transition.
it is the correct political and game theory decision for ETH to be asic-resistant.

>> No.12459563

>after ethereum transitions to POS
vitalik and friends do not have a fucking CLUE how to implement POS on ETH. ASICS have nothing to fear for 3-4 years

>> No.12459591

Mandatory vishnu sirs post, rupees earned very based sirs

>> No.12459612

Entrophised and bluepilled

>> No.12459681
File: 65 KB, 705x602, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virus riddled link
Wow, it's the same guy who posted in >>12451086 yesterday claiming that a fucking MEDIUM link might have a virus. This is what a hired shill that is barely computer literate, much less crypto literate, looks like. Fucking pathetic.
POS is a dead end. Also
>Implying that being "ASIC resistant" is a good thing.

>> No.12459720

I explained that it's situationally a good thing and why. If there is no future switching away from POW, then asics are a good thing and asic resistance is bad.

>POS is a dead end
implying you understand anything

>> No.12459740
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>> No.12459770
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This Steve Shadders interview was pretty interesting.

>> No.12459782

is he using lipstick

>> No.12459812

smartcards mobile wallets are pointless, also ipfs already exists.

The crypto brown pill is strong on this one

>> No.12459848

>I explained
Laughable. Software-enforced ASIC-resistance is a dumb idea under any PoW regime long term. Your "conclusion" that unfettered PoW makes it harder to transition to PoS is trivially obvious and has no bearing on whether or not ASIC-resistance is good or bad.
The NPC posting on this godforsaken board really is getting out of hand.

>> No.12459934

>Laughable. Software-enforced ASIC-resistance is a dumb idea under any PoW regime long term.
That's not what ethereum is doing. It's changing algo to something that increases the efficiency of GPUs massively, essentially making standard GPUs "asics", resulting in no further forks being necessary for asic-resistance.

That is, it's not the "asic resistance by threat of fork" approach like we saw in monero.

You have a lot of strong opinions for someone who doesn't know much about the subjects he's talking about.

>> No.12459948

But he is literally reinventing something called ipfs, look it up. I'm not surprised though, because I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what ipfs does and I also have zero faith in his intellectual capabilities.

>> No.12460138

just google evidence he's not satoshi.
unless he's 4D chess strategy is to look like he pretends to be satoshi while running a series of PnD scams

>> No.12460156


He never mentions that "criminals" could just pool together ASICS

ASIC resistance is better, it costs more to maintain whole systems (with cpu's) & power than it is to administer asics.

>> No.12460197
File: 49 KB, 400x393, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is it doesn't even fucking matter that he is Satoshi. Everything he says about Bitcoin is correct and true. Go read the fucking whitepaper... Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin.

>> No.12460240
File: 384 KB, 1191x843, 1545118384101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two ruppees have been deposited to your account for this brownpilled post.

>> No.12460268
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>The NPC posting on this godforsaken board really is getting out of hand.
no shit, how much do reddit cultists like you get paid to shill for such horseshit?

>> No.12460298
File: 99 KB, 720x720, 0fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You have a lot of strong opinions for someone who doesn't know much about the subjects he's talking about."
>Thinks it is possible to prevent the use of ASICs by "fixing" the hash algo.
Jesus christ you are dumb. Stop posting immediately.
>t. idiot who didn't even read the article
Only intelligent poster in this whole thread and he's an ironic pajeet poster. Vishnu bless you, sir.

>> No.12460313
File: 105 KB, 807x942, Steve Shadders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like it, sir.

>> No.12460324
File: 42 KB, 980x653, magnificent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never posts anything of substance
Ahaha, thank you for demonstrating for the whole class that you have no cards. People like you make this game too easy DESU

>> No.12460350

Imagine the SMELL.

>> No.12460369
File: 295 KB, 680x697, 1465112003780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit memes
>smart card mobile wallets already exist
>next you say that you are a patent attorney or some pajeet horseshit and that the patents are legit
what did I miss?

>> No.12460379
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>> No.12460402

He should lift more

>> No.12460417

i'd be lying if i said i didn't notice his upper arms too

>> No.12460419

trust me the only thing he lifts is more coffee and cigarettes to his lips while he cracks out more code that will save the world.

>> No.12460451
File: 49 KB, 479x518, thelawinisrael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those new-fangled automobiles have wheels just like our old horse and buggy. How is that innovation? Checkmate, carfags!
Imagine being this retarded
>Admitting he hasn't even read the patents
I love transparent idiots like you. Makes reading the markets so much easier.

>> No.12460489

>house is filled with faux-class bullshit from SkyMall

>> No.12460683

They sell t rex skulls?

>> No.12460689
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>> No.12460728


>> No.12460740
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New Bitcoin and Beyond out:

(former BCH boys)

>> No.12461343
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>> No.12461565

This lol

>> No.12461580

Damn. Words of violence

>> No.12461591
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>> No.12461839
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>> No.12461978
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>> No.12462274

Someone please explain to me why CSW being Satoshi matters. Ok, now tell me why he can't just simply and very easily prove it by signing a message using the wallet from the genesis block.

>> No.12462299

He is Satoj.

>> No.12462378



>> No.12462403

The point is, be don't want to prove it.
Why would someone proof to be Satoshi, that would be dumb as fuck

>> No.12462435

if hes satoj then he has 1mil+ btc and all forks. but what matters more is he understands how the system works

>> No.12462442

If he doesn't want to prove it, why does he claim it? I agree that satoshi is irrelevant.

>why would someone proof

>> No.12462452

>doesn't want people to think he's satoshi
>he was unaware of the waybackmachine and edited his website to look like he is satoshi
4D chess

>> No.12462459

Well great for him, but why would it matter for the bitcoin blockchain and its users/potential users/etc.? It's so antithetical to the nature of a decentralized, immutable network that one person should matter that much.

>> No.12462464

anon thats resina, but yeah

craig is a million levels of based of the average poster

>> No.12462498
File: 101 KB, 551x555, rogerlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek
Maybe he wants the plausible deniability in the eyes of the law. You do realize that there are significant legal ramifications to proving oneself to be Satoshi?
In any case, you're right, it doesn't matter. The only people who keep dwelling on "muh faketoshi" are people who don't like the man's ideas or what BSV represents, likely because they have been brainwashed by Roger's social media machine into believing that what happened to BCH in terms of the centralized checkpoints, etc. is perfectly fine and not an absolute disaster.

>> No.12462580
File: 588 KB, 750x1093, satoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vishnu bless those digits
Satoshi holds an assload of coins and represents pretty much the only centralized point of failure in the system. If all of Satoshi's BSV were sent to a proof-of-burn address, the price of BSV would skyrocket immediately since there would be more certainty regarding the supply of bitcoin as a money.

>> No.12462618

I don't like it because he's a fucking retard for harping on this satoshi shit. He could be satoshi and it doesn't fucking matter. He could be not satoshi and it doesn't fucking matter. That he goes out of his way to imply or directly state that he is satoshi is a joke.

>> No.12462683


He's not even a shill. Just some dipshit who probably got into bitcoin and barely understands how to open the command line.

> muh sandbox

>> No.12462807

Actually he worked for the government to shut down silk road cause they sold cp in a hidden layer of silk road.
He's probably one of the smartest IT security guys alive.
I say alive cause two others are dead allready.

Don't believe me, DYOR. It's all public.

You fucks should really DYOR on him. He is a genius, borderline and autistic Aussie fag and probably Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.12462829


>> No.12462872

It's true but they made you not believe it

>> No.12462906


I was talking about the kid who posted, not Craig. And ya I believe him when he says that. Its really not that far-fetched desu. I've met far worse bullshitters than him in academia and government who were relatively high up, that's for sure. No reason he couldn't do it.

>> No.12462938

nope not a single shred of proof
craig is a liar and so are you

they would have made a big deal about CP on silkroad
they made up the murder for hire story to make ross look bad

>> No.12462982

Read what I actually said you stupid oxygen thief. It's not anout preventing ASICS, it's about making an algo so efficiently run on normal gpus that there's barely any efficiency left to squeeze out by designing an asic for the algo.

Read about progpow

>> No.12463224
File: 34 KB, 600x600, youarewrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh ProgPoW
Waste of time. Even a 20% boost using custom chips will be exploited and economies of scale will take over, and this of course assumes there is not some hidden route-around that allows for further efficiency gains. Bottom line is "ASIC-resistance" is easily seen for the nonsense it is by anyone who understands basic economics.
There is no point in trying to pick the optimal point of "decentralization" through centrally planned efforts like tweaking PoW endlessly. You are essentially making the same mistake as the Core cultists in that you think that some "community" or collective "we" needs to guard against centralization. It was a stupid argument against increasing the blocksize and its a stupid argument against ASICs.

>> No.12463348

Just wanted to add here that "muh centralization" and "muh ASICs" are essentially the "muh poverty" and "muh minimum wage" of crypto. Empty slogans repeated by gullible, economically illiterate NPCs with very little real skin in the game.

>> No.12464086

hi Craig

>> No.12464343

>You do realize that there are significant legal ramifications to proving oneself to be Satoshi?
name one!

>> No.12465195

imagine if blockstream puts ASIC resistance
lmfao the salt and the shitposts here would be legendary

>> No.12465435

>imagine if abc limited their potential hashrate
>good for abc

>> No.12466241

i have 500 bsv is that enough to make it?

>> No.12466610
File: 840 KB, 1200x1200, zelda princess hilda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably, wish i had that much