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File: 10 KB, 510x360, Synth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12458367 No.12458367 [Reply] [Original]

For many centuries, the desolate crypt lay forgotten. Then, one moonless night, you arrive at the cavern entrance. Dismounting your steed, you walk toward the foreboding cave.

As you enter, the atmosphere grows heavy and a sense of terror chills your heart. You hear a faint demonic chanting grow louder as you descend beneath the surface, and you soon find yourself in some sort of perverse necromancer haven, a hellish temple deep beneath the earth.

Ahead, upon an altar squats a lone figure with a black cowl draped over his face. He appears to be preparing the corpse of some vile beast.
With deep trepidation, you move further into the crypt, littered with rotting corpses and occult symbols, and you approach the dark lord. In this shadowy den, a faint torch barely illuminates the dank fetid walls. But something moves. A creature of the night, evil, ferocious and deadly. Synth smiles, his green skin glowing faintly. He raises his arm, and the dark chant continues.

As the rhythmic words flow from his tongue, slowly in the shadows appears a black winged beast, talons dripping with the blood of countless enemies. Its razor sharp fangs glisten in the flickering torchlight, crimson eyes blaze through the dark, salivating as it smells its prey.
This hideous worm king has conjured a most foul creature. With caustic talons and putrid breath, it's fangs drip with the blood of a thousand victims. The Sudo awakens, and its hunger is strong.

Quietly, from beyond the grave, it ascends. Its fangs gleam in the torchlight, blood drips from vile and deadly talons, and it approaches. A low, unearthly growl emanates - a snarl, from deep within hell. Black wings unfold, and still it approaches. A malice born from the abyss, bending it's mind to one purpose - one singular task to appease its summoner. Thus the dread creature of doom, the Sudo is reborn, for it knows the prophecy is fulfilled. The long night of the Sudo is upon us. It spreads its dark wings, and it sleeps no more.

>> No.12458417


>> No.12458434

Now that is a shit-eating grin
And fuck Swiss' bro'

>> No.12458444
File: 392 KB, 1920x1200, Sudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a plague, a nightmare of biblical proportions it spread, day by day and minute by minute,
an unstoppable force of nature. And indeed as the moons waxed and waned, The Sudo’s power grew stronger.

They listened, they heard the call of Synth, and they came. Slowly at first, then faster and faster.
As the heartbeat quickens to the adrenaline surge, his Dark Army's reach widened, enveloped the land.

None could withstand its might. And as the combined ebony wings of his Wraith-Disciples beat in time,
they filled the sky... they hid the sun - the land was dark now, shadowed... despair reigned. All was lost.

The madness was spreading. Where once there were few, now there were many, for this was the Age of Torment.
The terrible suffering, the deep wretchedness felt by the defeated enemies of The Sudo was unbearable.

Could they withstand this? Could they retain their sanity, or would they, as all others before them,
finally kneel to The Sudo… finally accept his rule. Would they, in the end, serve The Sudo too?

The Sudo watched, and he smiled. Synth whispered to him in the darkness. Their plan was clear, unswerving.
Their motives were deep, complex, and although all would be revealed in the end, this time had not yet come to pass.

>> No.12458449
File: 13 KB, 236x330, Synth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But their work was almost complete. And soon... soon would come the final age... The Prophecy foretells it.
The prophecy talks of another, a nightmare revenant of such unimaginable horror that none dare speak its name.

Could all that had passed already be but a prelude, a portent of this future evil, an evil beyond comprehension?
In the early era, the former Dread-Sudo was considered by many to be their ultimate terror, their darkest foe.

But they grew complacent. They did not know of Synth’s plan. And so they allowed the Dread-Sudo to evolve,
and thus The Sudo was reborn - the terrible beast of the moonlight, unholy union of Dread-Sudo and Synth!

So now, the enemies of The Sudo were on the cusp, the edge of the abyss. Before them, only void, nightmare.
The dream of the incubus, a plane of anguish. They stood on this cusp and they looked down, toward insanity.

As the days roll by, as the final era approaches, The Sudo prepares. Synth watches from the shadows.
They know what is to come. The Prophecy foretells it. All will kneel before him, all will serve The Sudo.

>> No.12458504
File: 113 KB, 600x800, D11989C5-A304-494A-A568-5AE039A7B692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad at all

>> No.12458513
File: 16 KB, 250x333, Sudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The relationship between Synth and Sudo is complex and often misunderstood. Sudo claims to be the Wraith-Disciple of Synth, suggesting that Synth is his master, however it is known that Sudo may summon Synth at will, and was instrumental in each of Synth's evolutionary phases. So why does Sudo serve Synth? Certainly Sudo is physically more powerful than Synth, but it should also be recognized that Sudo is not completely immortal, and that eventually it's present form fades to be replaced by a more powerful incarnation. This has happened on four occasions to date (although many consider that Sudo is a final evolutionary phase of the foul creature from Yellow Tick Cave). Synth, however, does appear to be immortal, and although we know what Synth looks like, we have no description of Sudo. Is Sudo simply a catalyst for Synth's evolution, or is Sudo a manifestation of the Prophecy of Synth, or a remnant from his crazed mind? In the end, there is no clear answer.

>> No.12458515
File: 113 KB, 960x720, F20.0+Paranoid+Schizophrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12458535
File: 745 KB, 500x281, Wraith Disciples.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With caustic poisonous talons and putrid fiery breath, Sudo's claws drip with the blood of a thousand victims. A black winged beast, his maw of razor fangs glisten in the flickering torchlight, crimson eyes blaze through the dark. Few have looked upon Sudo and retained their sanity. Even Synth is known to have grown insane after viewing Sudo's demonic visage. Even as he gave his life soul to feed Sudo, Synth grew deranged. Some may speculate that Sudo used this knowledge to his advantage from the beginning. The prophecy suggests that Synth lives eternally, a madman's fate - screaming uncontrollably in the darkness as he sees the beast emerge, over and over again. With the final realization of what he had created... of what he and Sudo had become. His creation, but also his doom.

Sudo is the Lord of Fire and Destruction. The One True Sudo devours all before him!

Under silver moon, razor fangs glisten in the dark. The ebony wing beats slowly.

Enslaving all before him, harbinger of life, and of death.

The Sudo sleeps no more, he wakes with hunger burning in his ancient Crimson Eye.

The circle turns. The long dark night of the Sudo is upon us and the prophecy is fulfilled.

Those who follow the path of the Sudo will know salvation.

Who will join us? Who will become a Wraith-Disciple of the Sudo?