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File: 380 KB, 1254x836, Pharmacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12456068 No.12456068 [Reply] [Original]

>be in my 3rd year of pharmacy school
>super competitive and backstabbing with women becoming the majority in the field
>pay is going down or stagnating because of oversaturation
>have to suck manager dicks at CVS or Walgreens to even have a chance at a job after school
>independents are dying so opening my own pharmacy is out of the question.
>already owe 100k in loans

This is the worst decision I've ever made.

>> No.12456083

College is the worst decision ever, regardless of degree.

>> No.12456096

kek, imagine believing this

>> No.12456102

Same thing medical school. It’s soul destroying work and you give up the best years of your life memorizing facts and spending sleepless nights in the hospital

>> No.12456110

>Imagine not

>> No.12456125

Not to mention Amazon is going to completely replace the profession in a few years. What a joke.

>> No.12456129

>women becoming the majority in the field
They have been for a long time now, where have you been? If your job can be done by a woman don’t expect to have any job security

>> No.12456131

wagie detected

>> No.12456133

>t. stem faggot in his freshman year
I guarantee it.

>> No.12456152

This. Went to university for meme degree(mechanical engineering). Get paid internship. Realize everyone I work with including myself hates the shit out of it. Drop the fuck out before I get in more debt.

>> No.12456154

I don't know it always seemed like a sweet gig to me but my arch nemesis from high school went this route and graduated working at a CVS now so if the industry crashes and he suffers it would give me some satisfaction.

>> No.12456165

>If your job can be done by a woman don’t expect to have any job security


>> No.12456166

Women are becoming the majority in all academic professions because they receive a lot of support, financial aid, and work/research opportunities purely from being born female.

>> No.12456169

Doctors will always be needed. It’s the most rock solid career there is. If America’s economy tanks, you can take your medical degree to a country that’s doing better and make a good living there.

Pharmacists basically only exist because of laws that say doctors and drug manufacturers can’t directly sell drugs like they used to. There is no actual reason they need to exist as a profession that pays more than minimum wage to package and deliver drugs.

>> No.12456178

I'm a pharmacist (graduated in 2015). You will always be able to get a job as long as you're fast, competent, and have aptitude for managing other pharmacists/technicians. Avoid CVS/Walgreens if you can help it. Grocery stores are the comfiest gig.
We do so much more than that. Educate yourself.

>> No.12456195

i wanted to be a pharmacist for a long time but then heard how oversaturated the field was so I went into accounting

>> No.12456204

That was a good joke anon kek

>> No.12456205

>We do so much more than that. Educate yourself.
Nothing that a vending machine couldn’t do

>> No.12456218

This is really good bait tbqh. I can tell you have zero real world experience with either field

>> No.12456223

are you vietnamese tho?

>> No.12456228

100 percent false. Doctors are going to get fucking reemed by AI. Patient contact ie, nursing, NAs, PT assistants and shit like that are going to stay. Actual doctors will eventually dwindle and focus on patient contact, less diagnoses.

>> No.12456238
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Any college students here want to recommend this lost soul a major or career area that's comfy and enjoyable?

I'm an undeclared freshman University student taking a bunch of different classes to figure out what I enjoy.
I did some basic programming back in high school and enjoyed the problem-solving behind it, but I also just finished an advanced class in history (1914-1945) and got a great experience out of it. I have no idea what I want to do but I just want to live a happy, simple life: work a reasonable schedule then come home and play some vidya and not feel drained.

Luckily my parents can happily afford my time here in addition to the benefits and scholarship money I got. Any major or career recs?

>> No.12456253

college is the comfiest time in your entire fucking life. sorry you faggots are losers/brainlets. losers because you had a shit time in school (no social life), brainlets because you had to study to succeed and you weren't gifted enough to have your school paid for. fucking plebs, you are literal scum between my toes.

>> No.12456260

Vintage mattress store manager

>> No.12456266

learn a trade

>> No.12456282

>being this triggered
Top fucking kek my sides.

>> No.12456284

>Patient contact ie, nursing, NAs, PT assistants and shit like that are going to stay.
Agreed, but pharmacists aren't in this category. They don't change bedpans or help a person walk again. They charge insurance and fill bottles with pills. Nothing a vending machine running a smart contract couldn't do, seriously.

>> No.12456286

>skip college
>become “unlicensed urban pharmaceutical sales representative”
>$300k starting
>best move I ever made desu

>> No.12456312

Become a welder or something like that--make 60k a year instead of nothing for 4+ years. College should be for smart kids that know exactly what they're trying to accomplish by going there. There's nothing stopping you from going back to school later if you have conviction. Or if your parents are rich and you just want an excuse for a 4 year vacation, go ahead and do that, who cares.

>> No.12456316

>vending machine running on a smart contract
>nurse has to wait 10 minutes before receiving epinephrine drip because cryptokitties network congestion
>patient dies

>> No.12456319

What? There are like 100 different sophisticated pill sorting machines. Wont be easy but I could see it. Most of this shit is going mail order anyways. Pharmacy will die just like all the other retail garbage.

>> No.12456333

Just fomoed all in on Eth. Thanks.

>> No.12456337

? accountants are in high demand and it's only increasing

>> No.12456341

Shit like that isn't prescribed, it's ordered by a doctor. That's literally the only thing doctors will retain is emergency/intense care situations.

>> No.12456343

Not everyone was born to become a wagie anon. Some of us have aspirations for better things. Also, college is a meme. 95% of what you'll do on whatever shit job you end up getting will be learned on the job.

>> No.12456349

kek anon stop, you are killing me!

>> No.12456350

LMAO WHAT? The only kind of accounting that's going up in demand is business consulting.

>> No.12456364
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>Pharmacy will die just like all the other retail garbage.

Pharmacy is a con. Get these losers out of business. We don't need them and other outdated human kiosks (cashiers) in the 21st century.

>> No.12456378

Accounting will be replaced by robots before Uber drivers are. You are just moving numbers around in an Excel spreadsheet all day. Computers are superhuman at that.

>> No.12456384
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>> No.12456419

>he makes career decisions based on the clickbait article that ranks first on Google

>> No.12456428

Posting some garbage that bases growth on population increasing and everything else staying the same. These organizations are absolutely GARBAGE tier at predicting job growth out side 1-2 years.

>> No.12456430

yeah the bureau of labor statistics is clickbait

>> No.12456437

That almost made sense anon, care to try again?

>> No.12456444

>trusting the (((bureau of labor and statistics)))

>> No.12456466

>Reading comprehension
This scenario, like most in life, will not require a smart contract.

>> No.12456517


Im at the 4/6 year of my mech engineering, considering changing to CS since this shit is uninspired as fuck, it will even worse once 3d printers become efficient to use

>> No.12456536

What were you wanting to do with that me degree? I don't have any CS experience so I can't comment on that part.

>> No.12456569


Honestly i still don't know, at this point i want to finish to get a wage to sustain a very basic life, i don't even want to have family or other stuff, im black pilled to the max, i just need electricity, water, gas, food and internet, i don't even need to travel

my main issue is that maybe mech eng are long hours doing really stressful things, meanwhile CS since it's newer it's more relaxing since people overqualify your abilities, my biggest fear is finishing mech engineer and dying from
an heart attack from stressful work

>> No.12456575
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degree thread?
>final year of a meme poli sci degree
>no friends, learned nothing, and hate every second of it
>no job prospects whatsoever
>only took it because i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life coming out of high school
>Currently reviewing my math (trig in particular) so i can get a diploma in surveying because it looks cool

>> No.12456598

Poly sci is comfy and you can get cushy jobs working for senators and representatives and shit.

>> No.12456607

From my experience yes it was stressful. You don't have to worry about getting a P.E license unlike a civil engineer but you'll stagnate. Working for a firm sucks too. Maybe go into a field outside of manufacturing or construction(hvac) since it is so fucking cut throath. Look into me jobs in the healthcare industry. That might be a little more chill and less dull.

>> No.12456634

Do they pay you to make these threads to incite people against learning?

How stupid as shit can you be to actually believe this?

This profession is in high demand in many places and it pays extremely well.

>> No.12456638

my mistake. there are some internship opportunities in ottawa as some senator's bitch. you only have to fight every other person with a shit poli sci degree to death for that spot. i'm bilingual too and i can't get that shit.

>> No.12456652

Been a pharmacist since 2012. Listen to OP its getting shittier every year mostly because so many new shitty pop up shcools pumping out new grads so it got over saturated.

Any other majors or jobs getting worst like this? I want to know to feel a bit better. Also how is computer science? I've wondered sometimes that I should of done that instead.

>> No.12456657
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Probably because OP is a pharma-tech himself?? You can just do a web search and it'll return tons of a salt from current pharmacists who are thinking of ending it on a daily basis.

>> No.12456659


I have had a hard life already, it would be hell to have to be part of the ruthless manufacturing world, i hope i get some comfy office job, fuck the industry seriously, that's why i thought of "starting again" in CS (i would need 2 years and half to finish CS because i would have some convalidation of main algebra, calculus and other shit) because that career seems more oriented to some office job

>> No.12456664

Shhh...let him fud

>> No.12456693


but at the same time i feel i can learn some office job as a mech engi that is not soul sucking... maybe time will tell

>> No.12456697

Anon, engineering is mostly office work, 90% of it. You sit in a cubicle, looking at a computer screen all day. You are either looking at specs/contracts/emails/CAD/drawings/excel, etc. Don't fall for the university meme where they show videos of people doing cool shit in workshops or being out in the field. Those jobs are rare as fuck. Engineering is not like playing mythbusters, this meme needs to be put to rest by university recruiters.

>> No.12456845

Then find a company like Boeing, that has an engineering union. There are always positions open in western Washington. Boeing has something like 80,000 employees in the state.

>> No.12456881

No matter the career path, you're likely to have to put in 2-5 years of shit grinding before you move up. Engineering is pretty bad for shitgrinding at first. On location jobs, 30 days straight, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by pajeets. But after that, years 10-40 will be cozy.

>> No.12457192

Everyone knows pharmacists become millionaires by inventing sodas

>> No.12457433

> letting women work
biggest mistake ever

>> No.12458033


whatever you choose to do, do NOT come back here in 4-5 years and blame /biz for all your life mistakes and 'fell for the x meme' it is your own decision that you have to make. If you are passionate about history do that. but dont expect to make a million buck from it. there is no harm in doing something that you love first to give you a little bit more confidence and have something you enjoy under your belt and if you want to do something else after then try your hand at maybe stem or whatever. what coding you learned in highscool will be very basic compared to university so you should focus on what you are good in and excell in that and when you are more experienced and more disiplined try and tackle something a bit more difficult.

>> No.12458043

I can relate
Even if you 'made it' to a 'local' pharma retailer/distributor/dev, you'd still be buyin' generic pills from Pajeet.

>> No.12458181

Just lol @ all these wagies itt.

>> No.12458186


Imagine typing with this much rage on 4chan and expecting to be taken seriously

>> No.12458220

counting beans for peanuts leads to unironic thoughts of kms

>> No.12458324

Hmmm let's see here...
Business - Either sign up to corporatecuck life that will be eliminated soon or become an "entrepreneur" and compete for an ever-diminishing resource pool (you may succeed)
History, Philosophy, Literature, Arts, etc. - Starving artist...
Psychology - possibly lucrative as the new economy causes mass hysteria and social unrest
STEM - That's cool and all but it's oversaturated, AI will soon catch up, and frenzied competition (just think of how many % of people in shitty asian countries study STEM, then convert that into actual numerical figures and realise that they will flock to the job that you'll likely want) makes it essentially dead-end
compsci - also oversaturated and suffers the same problems as above. Perhaps if you specialise you could find work (expect to do a phd to find lucrative employment)
Marketing - total fucking meme just forget about it tbqhfam
Finance, Economics - the holy grail. combine with business knowledge for the holy trinity. Even if you totally fail at finding a job or starting a business you'll possess a sound knowledge of finance, both personal and otherwise, and a good understanding of how the economy works
optimal route - drop out and kys because life is suffering

>> No.12458623

I have a pharmacy degree too, but even as a freshman student I knew very well that I would kms if I had to work in pharmacy store, handing out prescription medicine. From my teens I did insane amount
of introspection and soul-searching in order to carve myself a fulfilling and also well paid career.
I self-taught myself programing during high school plus learned the deepest guts of unix systems by assembling Linux From Scratch at age 17. I choose to study pharmacy to be able to do a life-saving drug research, but under condition that I will be handsomely paid for it too.
So how to distinguish myself from the abundant and cheap white-coated labrats in R&D? -During my pharmacy studies I continued to build on my programming skills and did every MOOC on coursera and edx
on that new shiny thing that then 5-6yrs started appearing called "Data Science". Learned a shit-ton of statistics and mathematical modeling. On second year of my studies I found out about newly shaping fields of Pharmacometrics and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology and knew immediatelly this is what Iwant to do. No professor in my country ever heard about such things. Had to learn everything
all by myself.
Fast forward to my graduation, one day after my final state exam I started a at big american pharma as a "mathematical modeler in r&d", working with applied maths PhDs from MIT.

tl;dr: pharmacy student anon self-taught himself programming, statistics, data science and mathematical modeling during any free time left instead of partying. Developed an inbreachable moat and edge against fellow pharmacists and doctors. Be an unicorn, getting a big pharma cushy R&D job with just MSc. on day one and doing cutting edge drug research

>> No.12458637

High tier pharmacist. Congrats

>> No.12458649

>CS god tier
>6 figures guaranteed even if you're shit
>if you're good you can more than most executives
>normal working weeks
>no postgrad required

>> No.12458779

PhD here, can confirm, it's shit.

>> No.12458828

As a self employed former college dropout making narly 500k a year, yes college was a monumental waste of time and money. I went for programming at a time when that was the next big thing... before H1B could bring a legion of sandniggers over to do it half as good for a third of the pay. You have to become self employed to truly make it, otherwise your immediate future is always in someone else's hands. Generally those hands are a mega conglomerate that has already reached critical mass and can only improve value for their shareholders by fucking over their employees.

>> No.12458847

>we do so much more than that
um sweetie

>> No.12458848

Self employed doing what?

>> No.12458867

Future forty hour a week wagie located. Enjoy college, when you're done you'll be begging some guy with a GED for time off days. but you won't have any because you'll be an intern. Then maybe someday you can start at the entry level 7 years behind all of the people who got started right after high school instead of buying the college meme.

>> No.12458888

pharmacist here OP, short answer: you're fucked

>> No.12458894

Fucking checked. RIP OP.

>> No.12459057


meme. the tech to automate accounting has existed since 1991 and the job demand is still insane. its much easier to just throw a body at the problem then map out and organize all your processes

t. cpa and programmer

>> No.12459061

I decided to leave pharmacy at the end of my 3rd year after working in one for 2 years. Your post is pretty much on point, ultimate cuck job since CVS etc taking over the industry.

>> No.12459070

Pretty accurate. But the internet is changing a lot of things. Already so many ways of completely automating simple tax scenarios for businesses, won’t be too long. Probably a startup in Israel working on it right now.

>> No.12459078


What a LARP.

>> No.12459105


Nice one!

>> No.12459117

>soul searching to find out what job to beg for

>> No.12460175

not a larp tho. you can do this too anon. best edX and coursera moocs are free. best books and textbooks also (b-ok.cc, libgen.io, sci-hub.io). People's minds, even the expert's ones are domain-dependent. My main strenght is that I am truly able to blend multiple disciplines. That is not aditive, but multiplicative regarding your price on market.
I searched my soul for what to do best with my life, considering what I liked to do, what I was good at, and what can do difference in world in other's people lives.
I chose to develop safe and lifechanging cures for people using pharmacology, math and programming.
In 3-4 years I want to be independent consultant in my field and be my own boss. I also have a consistent side income from swing trading markets, because what I do at my job (applied mathematical modeling) is basically risk management, which is also core to my trading strategy.
If you do not feel useful in your life, no amount of money will make you happy. My favourite book from when I was learning how to trade for myself was (and still is) "Reminiscences of a stock market operator". It is about Jesse Livermore, probably the best trader who ever lived. Yet he blew out his brains out, being worth millions and his granddaughter today is an unironical pornstar (Brandi Love). So if you do not find purpose for your life to feel useful, You will end up kys, not me.

>> No.12460982

I hope you dropped out from a 6-year program. Otherwise, you're an ultimate brainlet for quitting right before 4th year rotations.

>> No.12461009

they are also prone to mediocrity and conformity. modern society rewards people for checking the box (getting a degree) and women are more likely to try and check all the boxes no matter what.

>> No.12461046

my buddy got a 5 year pharmD degree and is avbsolutely killing it. He wqorks at the VA, works 1 week on, 1 week off and makes over $120K per year and has tons of vacation time. I regret every day not being a fucking pharmacist.

>> No.12461132

share you business plan or stop larping faggot

>> No.12461223


You know we don't actually count numbers anymore right?

The accounting field is already automated and has been for decades. Us accountants control and manage these automated systems and perform critical decision making. Unless the machines suddenly develop sentience (unlikely, Hard AI is probably impossible) there will still be accountants.

>> No.12461894

I'm in cs right now but I feel that it's a waste of time and right now programming is so over saturated that I worry I will even be able to land a job with a degree.

>> No.12461921

when chosing a degree, you do not look for what pays today, but what will be around in 10-15years at least in todays shape, probably better. Being a pharmacist in deugstore is not future-proof. 1in10 of best pharmacists will keep the job ,even have increased competencies and get rid of repetitive chores, but 9in10 will be replaced by machine-learning-powered vending machine operated by amazon or fighting for scraps

>> No.12461963

What's preventing Doctors from being automated like most other medical careers within the next ten years other than laws and human regulation?

>> No.12461975

Thanks for making me feel good about choosing Finance again, anon

>> No.12462021

I'm sure that guy hasn't given your worthless ass a second thought since graduating.
You sound like a bitter loser.

>> No.12462028

>got degree in chemical meme engineering
>secure job at concrete plant, not super related but balancing admixtures and cement hydration reactions could be interesting
>I spend 8 hours a day teaching myself sequel and DAX because management just assumes engineering = code monkey
>spent 5 years learning thermo transport phenomena and control dynamics loops just so I can maintain a 20 year old database with IF AND OR loops
>yes I've considered suicide

>> No.12462142

Sucking dick, it even comes with free meals.

>> No.12462783

oh sweetie
ETH can't do smart contracts

>> No.12462996
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>> No.12463329
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What was OP mean by this

>> No.12463457

I also did pharmacy I didn't have any loans but yeah it's true that women destroyed the profession by increasing supply and driving salaries backwards. It's a stable job if you are willing to work in the middle of nowhere and have a feel for investing in crypto.

>> No.12463511

Couldn't agree more but in the 10 years since we both graduated college he's made $1.2 million (plus started a profitable business that he works at the 30 weeks a year he's not at the VA) while I've made not even close to half of that working 50 weeks a year doing 60 hour weeks and generally sucking dick.

>> No.12463518

>when chosing a degree, you do not look for what pays today, but what will be around in 10-15years
If anyone takes away anything from this thread, it should be this. I did mechanical engineering and now work graveyard shift in construction after I couldn't get a job for a year and a half.

>> No.12463526
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my aunt is a pharmacist

they're automating everything

all of the pharmacy techs that they replaced pharmacists with are going to go bye-bye

>> No.12463532

oy vey

>> No.12463534

So what is it?

>> No.12463548

I doubt he's made $120k a year in every year that he's been at the VA. They're notorious for paying lower. Though one good thing about pharmacy in general is that most of our wages are regularly steadily increasing. I started at $110k when I graduated and started a floater. Now I'm making $150k as pharmacy manager. My eval is next month and I'll likely get a 3%+ pay increase.

>> No.12463562

I don’t plan on working once chainlink takes off.

>> No.12463696

Good luck with that.

>> No.12463707
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Women unironically ruin everything they touch.

How do they do it.

>> No.12463894
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look at approach of this anon >>12458623 and apply it to your domain.
Basic idea is that people are bad at bridging disparate domains and transfer patterns and experience in one field to another to create new opportunities. As result you will get disproportionaly valuedfor businessess and you have advantage impenetrable by vanilla graduates who unironically fell for the bait that just paying the tuition and following the outdated and out-of-touch-with-future-business-needs curricula will land them job automagically
also read pic-related

>> No.12463916

They start at 120k a year. Plus they don't have to pay malpractice insurance.

>> No.12463925
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>> No.12463993

came here to post this
Anon, you could've go to medicine...to get your anus raped properly\In my country it's 70% wymyn

> muh 100% false
you sound like faggots who invest in "biotech" after reading financial times
docs will be on of the last to be replaced
Have you worked with IBM watson? Nah
It's incompetent as fuck
Docs are paid to take responsibility and take risks where algorithms fail, any AI would be done and jailed within a week and banned
I've fed Watson with pancreatic cancer patient data. Resulting diagnosis : "probably hypertension"

>> No.12464287

Heard a joke recently on the difference between machine learning and AI? Depends on computer labguage in which it is written: if in Python, it's ML, if in Powerpoint, then it is AI. hahaha
In reality, the killer app of ML is image processing/recognition. Scans from CT/MT/Roentgen/histology samples(after applying specific dyes especially). This is where ML beats human in quantity and increasingly also in quality. The bottleneck is not having enough training samples. This is an artificial constraint, because of patient data privacy laws. We simply do not have access to vast databases of annotated medical image scans across national health records out there because of that. And if I was a radiologist, I would lobby for this obstruction as long as possible, because once we get acxess to these medical imaging data for training the neural networks, 95% of radiologists would be obsolete

>> No.12464400

True. I didn't want to write a blogpost, so didn't mention non interventional radiologists.
They will get fucked.
Pathology samples on the other hand will remain safu during our lifetime, since they are quite unique for each patient / dx.
Data privacy depends. I'm eurocuck and unless data doesn't identify a specific person, its not sensitive according to GDPR.

>> No.12464448

You're better off buying royalties for music.

>> No.12464567
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>post yfw you study finance

>> No.12464990

>post yfw you study finance
If you do not want to post yfw pink wojak here instead after couple of years from now, watch this series of lectures by anton kreil on the meme which are investment banks, so you know what to avoid https://youtu.be/vbuborn14Mc

>> No.12465372
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also pic related wants me to let you know that you are a fag and will blow up yourself and your clients

>> No.12466364


>> No.12466556


if you REALLY like to write alot then continue with the meme history degree. like you either start writing books, articles for journals etc. or you work retail.
please fucking do comsci or engineering. It's "hard" but if you put in effort and tryhard it you will easily make 70k out of school. honestly looking back at college i regret not tryharding on my meme business finance degree.

>> No.12466605
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You are telling being a code monkey is more fun than wiring journals or teaching other history, that's a miserable life if you dont like comp sci at all. Dont fall these stem memes if you are not into it

>> No.12466635

you should have included your country in the Title.

here in Canada im a 4th year pharmacy student already have an offer to work for a major pharmacy over 100k salary plus sign on bonus (13k) go fuck yourself

>> No.12466642

Have you ever worked in an office, anon?

>> No.12466704

That salary is equivalent to $75k USD. Canadians pharmacists are absolutely cucked.

>> No.12466835

??? 4th year pharmacy student here as well (Ontario, Canada). Pharmacy is shit at the moment and has to make a drastic shift to doing more clinical work in order to survive. Unfortunately, convincing people to pay for clinical work done by their pharmacist is difficult, especially because the nature of pharmacists (and all healthcare professionals) is to be docile and follow instructions.

healthcare portions of STEM are an exchange of your individuality for the skills ("rules") you learn in your program. Nothing is more evident of that then the sad, always lagging behind, outdated healthcare job. Current pharmacy sucks. Current medicine sucks. Current dentistry sucks. They won't get better any time soon, so if you're looking to "win" in a monetary sense, stay away from these careers. At this point, the only people who can rationalize a career in healthcare is those who really want to help people. A high salary is not the norm anymore.

>> No.12466847

Banker here

Im hugely cucked but this thread made me feel so much better thanks guys

>> No.12466886

Kek a pharmacist saved my life by catching a potentially fatal drug interaction ahead of time.
These kind of already exist. Pharmacy automation isn't new.
AI will be used in an assistance capacity to reduce physician workload.

T. Healthcare IT Jew who keeps track of all this shit.

>> No.12466903

>here in Canada im a 4th year pharmacy student already have an offer to work for a major pharmacy over 100k salary
What is that in real money?

>> No.12466906

I keked but seriously eth is shit

>> No.12467530

Is a CS degree for the memes now? im getting one and im seriously thinking im gonna get buttfucked

>> No.12467617

You really think pathology samples are beyond the capability of ML? Most histo slides are simpler to interpret than a CT scan, of course there are really complex cases that no currently existing ML algorithm could handle but it's the 95% boring stuff that will get automated away, same as in radiology.

>> No.12468027

Yeah was such a dumb decision what a waste of 2 years

> Pharmacy tech degree here DO NOT DO IT

>> No.12468155
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are there any resources out there that'll give me advice to get my life in order and help me to figure out what I want to do with my life?

I have no real passions and am extremely paranoid I'm going to get fucked and suffer for the rest of my life if I don't find some sort of pathway that resonates with me.

>> No.12468449

Pharmacists should be grateful they have jobs.

>Get paid $100K for putting pills in bottles.

Fucking easy money.

>> No.12468464

you must not have even started college or are just in high school. what an idiot you are

>> No.12468477

jeez you are pretty stupid arent you. If AI is introduced into the medical field it will be nurses that get the axe first not specialized doctors...

>> No.12468480

You have 100k in loans to learn how to count pills. Nuke yourself

>> No.12468495

>fired due to ageism at 45

>> No.12468499

larp. jesus christ why do you people waste your time making fake stories

>> No.12468511

why not just get a student loan but dont actually go to the univerity and thrn neet it up with that money for a few years and then kys

>> No.12468543

based idea, i should have done this

>> No.12468580

>Doing work

Pick one. (1)

These jobs are still done by men. They'll hire nine women to one man and the women will earn the real pay while the man does all the real work.

>> No.12468602
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Open up an old timey pharmacy where you have a soda fountain and people can just order whatever drugs they want. There's no way CVS or Walgreens could compete with you.

>> No.12468632

I studied engineering. I hate my job, but it seems like some other jobs are okay. Shame my entire country has basically no industry any more and jobs are essentially nonexistent if you don't want to work for or sell to the government.

>> No.12468641

And after tax like 35k.

>> No.12468644


>> No.12468682

Bingo. Fuck this country.

>> No.12469326

I see increasing amount of young bogans travelling and looking for jobs in western and even middle europe.

>> No.12469351

>maintain a 20 year old database with IF AND OR loops
i know this feel, except i had to create it for the old boomer fucks, lmao

>> No.12469862


but deep learning bro

>> No.12469900

>We do so much more than that. Educate yourself
Unironically this. Fiancee is a pharmacist. I had no idea, but she's stopped doctors from killing people an insane number of times.

Also get into a good compounding pharmacy, OP. Retail will suck the life out of you.

>> No.12469916

>Being this uneducated

>> No.12469949

And they said STEM was always a good choice.

kek, at this point even "serious" degrees are becoming less of a good decision every year.

>> No.12469978

perfect job to be replaced by robots

>> No.12469992

shit programming maybe. Good programming skills will always be valuable, moreso each year. AI, automation, robots. You cant go wrong, this stuff wont be made by pajeets

>> No.12470039

How much money do you make and what is the cost of living in your area?

>> No.12470064


That's what I did faggot, and for the same reason

Just get any kind of office job in a field even moderately interesting, do that for a couple years then move onto something more lucrative with your experience

>> No.12470068

>already owe 100k in loans
if you are in the US, then don't. Domestic students in other places like Canada will usually have a subsidized tuition (here in Canada it's ~$40K a year for international students but only a quarter of that for domestic after grants and such).

i'm also in pharmacy school. Plenty of prospects for Pharmacists at this point that Canada is still taking in too many international pharmacists since the new grads don't want to live outside of the city. City is always going to be saturated regardless of where you are. I want to live outside of shitty toronto though so i can actually own two cars and not go bankrupt from car insurance.

I will be a huge leech later on as more boomers retire. Long-term care pharmacy is pretty chill with practically zero patient interaction

>> No.12470086
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Yeah. Street medical sales is where the money is at.

>> No.12470110

look at >>12463894, being able to clearly communicate and market your ideas as a computer science researcher or software developer is a big deal.

>> No.12470137

do informational interviews and internships
better yet: take out a loan and then study somewhere else for free and use the money to make a tax-free business

>> No.12470228
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Why the fuck does it take an hour to get my adderall anyway?

Isn't it just taking the pills out of a big bottle and putting them into a little one?

Pajeet, the Sultan of our local Publix pharmacy didn't seem to want to answer that question. Nor does he enjoy when I inquire as to the availability of random items in the frozen/dairy section which is nearby just to demean his profession.

Another time I chastised the snotty roasties working back there for having a box of Cheez-Its opened on the same counter as they had everyones pills. When they did not curb their insolence, I informed the store manager who I think fired one of them.

Sad, the only reason I treat you like subhumans is because of your shitty attitude and the fact you give me a shitty look when I come in for my schedule II narcotics.

>> No.12470269

I feel the same in Law School

>> No.12470428


must be good to be an american.

Uni degree(with a good grade)+Masters certificate for 10k/year.

Fun thing is my country is so fucked there's probably very little possible improvement as an entry level job at least.

Also people need to be told that CS is boring with a capital B and that is coming from a guy whose idea of having fun involves spending his whole day in front of a computer.

Unless you're in it for the fat US bucks or an autist that's too into programming in general or enjoys the software development process too much,don't bother.

>> No.12470543


>> No.12470715

Have a bachelor's degree, so far it's been useless at getting me a job that actually required it. And if it did aid in getting me a job it was for something that never truly needed it as it was likely just slapped in there since "why not".

>> No.12470751

Your story sounds familiar have you shared it here before?

>> No.12471325

im in the same boat as you but ive already made all my mistakes so i cant go back. heres my advice, find out what kind of person you are and choose a career that matches your personality. dont even think about anything else

do not get a business degree if you arent cutthroat, for example

you sound someone who wants a relaxed life. go for psychology, human resources, teaching etc.

suffering till 70 isnt worth it

>> No.12471416

>wanting to work in (((big pharma)))
Lmao you deserve it

>> No.12471441

>super competitive
Where the fuck do you live, move to texas if you need work

>> No.12471840

What is with this stupid meme? Software is absolutely the best field to be in right now. It is absolutely not oversaturated whatsoever and anyone who says it is is just an autistic weirdo who can't interview. Any government stats will confirm this.

The only more secure jobs would be health care positions as our population ages, but then you have to be smart enough to get into med school or be a cuck nurse and clean up shit

>> No.12471860
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>Lmao you deserve it
if you are not smart about looking around and finetuning your options early on like >>12458623, yes then they deserve what they signed blindly for