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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.12450219

It was always going to happen. BAT is a rare sure thing.

>> No.12450234

$1000 EOY checkem

>> No.12450444

worth buying now?

>> No.12450463

Lol shit, I'd be worth $50mil if that happens. I'm just hoping to see $1 some day.

>> No.12450525

Here's the redpill on BAT and the Brave browser:

>lure companies into selling ads on this shit browser nobody has heard of
>devs who can do crazy shit with Brave browser set up a massive "ad mining" operation
>"lol yes advertiser you had 1 billion views today. That will be 1 billion BAT tokens, thank you!"

Genius really. It's a scam to steal money from the advertiser jew. But only the devs of BAT will really benefit from this since they will know the best exploits to use in Brave.

>> No.12450535


>> No.12450555

imagine actually being this stupid

>> No.12450557

>what is open source
You absolute fucking idiot

>> No.12450611


I think they just buy ad campaigns for x amount 30% Brave keeps 70% goes to users. Brendan Eich is a stand-up Christian man. The days of everyone trying to Jew everyone else are about to be over.

>> No.12450625

Based Brendan "fourth Reich" Eich

>> No.12450654


>> No.12450933

You're in every fucking BAT thread. Did you really lose that much money off of Oyster PRL you stupid nigger?

>> No.12450993
File: 48 KB, 511x305, BATDubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes.

>> No.12451019

I should have accumulated more of this when I had the chance. 10k isnt enough.

>> No.12451061
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 9389F7A7-7FDD-49E4-85EB-92884F7630A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.12451224
File: 25 KB, 480x268, bogbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pamp it

>> No.12451252

It's currently at the cheapest price it's been for a year.

>> No.12451290

Does the browser support streaming services (netflix/hulu) and pornhub yet?
Never gonna see mass adoption otherwise

>> No.12451414
File: 59 KB, 871x490, bitcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it does. I think porn sites work with shields up even. For Netdicks/Hulu you may have to turn your shields off.

This is the one big thing that might delay normies from switching to Brave and using BAT: for some websites, you just have to turn off shields, which is too difficult of a concept for a lot of brainlets.

>> No.12451435

I use brave because it's a nice browser for my phone. BAT is a shitcoin.

>> No.12451444

Ah, I just downloaded the new dev build and checked it out. All I had to was click the little widevine notification at the top and it instantly played the content.
This really should be installed by default though because as you said the average normie won't bother to do anything like that.

I was feeling kind of discouraged that we didn't get ad rewards by EOY 2018 as promised but my hype is rising again.
LINK/BAT/ETH masterrace

>> No.12451466

>BAT is a shitcoin
disagree, if they implement it right it'll go hand in hand with the Brave browser. Imagine earning crypto for browsing the internet. Pretty dope idea

>> No.12451515

Earning a useless shitcoin. Nobody will keep it and instead auto-exchange for DAI or another stable token. That's why it's a shitcoin, no use case. Just like RDN.

>> No.12451699


People will earn it so that they can donate to their favorite creators on YouTube. Like, subscribe, leave a comment, and donate some BAT. That is the future for the YouTube fans.

>> No.12451735

checked but not just YT. The entire fucking internet economy needs BAT.

>> No.12451741

>literally just a gift card token that is used as a stand in for money in a limited context
>no token sinks
>no incentive to hold it whatsoever
this is going to zero. if they artificially privilege BAT by making it harder to give/accept/pay with any token, they'll get forked to a version that supports all tokens or just eth/dai. if they don't nobody will use it.

>> No.12451837

Is 26k BAT enough to make it?

>> No.12451851

aaaaaand we are dumping

>> No.12451897

It will hit .90 cents sometime this year.

>> No.12451900
File: 50 KB, 663x707, MINISTER YOU SATOSHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crypto market doesn't pump based on merit, it pumps based on speculation.

The good news is, this feature is the whole link between Brave and BAT, and will pave the way for use/speculation this whole year. Pretty big deal for BAT. Also I'm posting from the Brave Dev browser and haven't gotten an ad yet REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.12452178
File: 14 KB, 259x194, E1675321-706B-417B-A4A1-405C70ADF5B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and looking forward to a year of growth.

>> No.12452319

I would be surprised if its price could go much lower.

I feel like most of the money currently in the market are people who actually believe in the project not individuals trying to make a quick buck.

>> No.12452386

Priced in

>> No.12452420

you mean priced out, amarite boys?

>> No.12452437 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 750x780, 7912E061-32B2-44E8-840F-E3C0B56CDCE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dumped another grand into it just minutes ago. Priced in as fuck.

>> No.12452495
File: 91 KB, 750x722, F4FEDE7E-0041-470E-9BA1-D0DE50AD6A65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dumped another grand into it just minutes ago. Priced in as fuck.