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12447087 No.12447087 [Reply] [Original]

Goys, will I have till the 1st of February to accumulate more linkies or will it go crazy until then?
Fundus are coming slow reeeeeee.
>t.europoor with 1.7k stack, aiming to get to 3.5k

>> No.12447094

why wont you just wait a bit you mong

>> No.12447098

>Goys, will I have till the 1st of February to accumulate more linkies or will it go crazy until then?
Chick new year incoming

>> No.12447136
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I am afraid LINK will go parabolic regardless of unfavourable market conditions. Until when would you wait?

>> No.12447591
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>> No.12447607

end of feb or even april

>> No.12447629

Yes yes wait like you these last months and see that link will never dip again

>> No.12447681

no the singularity will happen in january. it's over for you

>> No.12448763
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I wouldn't try to time the market, eurofren. Follow your gut, if you think LINK is the one then go all-in right now. Don't diversify with anything less than 10,000 EUR.

Just understand that LINK will take time, Mainnet isn't even here yet. And even after that we have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with us. Sergey has basically invented the V8 engine before there's even roads to drive it on.

Good luck, and god speed.

>t. britbong

>> No.12448823

plenty of time to swing and accumulate

>> No.12449569
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I dont think so, max max I can imagine is $0.80.
Thanks britbong, best of luck for the upcoming shitshow. U staying with the mudslimes? Lived in your country for 4 years, nice potential, but sorry to say but the most cucked place after Swedistan and Germanistan. Dont let your white culture go down the drain, you are being invaded.
I am too scared to miss out the 1 moon mission, so I have 1M HOT, 1.5k BAT, 1k QASH and a few XMRs along the stinkies. Want some ETH and RLC too.
What do u hodl?

>> No.12449582

I lean towards your assessment. Would sleep comfier with the 3.5k under my pillow.

>> No.12449595

Why these dates specifically? What do u expect to go down?

>> No.12449730

Yeah pretty much. Playing with fire though, would not recommend it.

It's all good, I live in the middle of nowhere in Wales in the comfy countryside. No non-whites for miles, never seen one here in my entire life. England however, is completely done.
Where are you from, anon?

Not bad picks, I can see why you hodl them. Time will tell.
I hodl LINK and keep some reserve ETH in case LINK actually does crash, buy it up while it's low.

>> No.12449957

Is she a real woman? Please tell me the truth this time /biz/

>> No.12449981
