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12446467 No.12446467 [Reply] [Original]

Fast forward, you're 36yo.
What do you want to have achieved by then?

Will you have children? When do you plan, if any?
Do you want to have a fixed gf? Till when? Or wife?
How much $ per month will you need from then on (including all expenses, including family)?

(You) for detailed reasoning behind your wish/goal.

>> No.12446473

I’m a boomer and I never understood the malice the youngsters on this board harbor against us. Did we have it better than you? Sure. Does that give you cart blanch to slack off and not work hard? Absolutely not. I came here because of Q and stuck around for /ptg/ and found chainlink in one of those threads but lately I’ve been noticing a hard shift towards nazism and neetdom from the youngsters here And I ain’t cool with it. Keep this up and I will remove chainlink from my retirement fund and make sure to tell all my rich Wall Street friends to never invest in this coin becuase the majority of supply is owned by Nazis

>> No.12446475

first you get the money, then you get power. Then you get the women.

>> No.12446478

Probably just rot alone as I do now except hopefully with a stash of crypto riches

>> No.12446518

30 year old doomer here. Gf in 20s who looks like op's pic. Wagy job, not to bad.
Everything kinda blends. Only highs are degenerate gambling and substance abuse

>> No.12446521

>Does that give you cart blanch to slack off and not work hard?
I see this a lot, and I think I understand why. Older generations always think younger generations are lazier. Your parents and their peers thought the same of you. Hell, I'm only 23 and I caught myself thinking the same thing about 18 year old I work with. Anon, you don't see all of the hard-working young people out there because they are too busy working hard and being respectable human beings. You only notice the bad apples. You only notice the ones who are lazy and slacking off. Every generation is more intelligent and harder working than the ones before them, and it is something I have accepted. If this were not the case, then we would have not gone from riding horses to electric vehicles and moon landings in less than 100 years. I had this conversation with a police officer I work closely with. He is in his early thirties. He told me "that all kids my age are lazy and doing nothing on the streets. I see them around the city all the time committing crimes and causing trouble." I said "Friend, that's because the good ones aren't walking around the streets of the city." His mind was completely blown and he even apologized. He then started listing off examples of hard working younger guys that he knows, but just completely forgot about. People my age can forgive the high housing prices, the egregious university prices, and the terrible health care system. We can fix that ourselves when the time comes. But there is one thing that you all need to understand and we need help with. Help clean up our god damn planet. Currently, my grand children will not be able to breathe the atmosphere on this earth if we continue down this path for humanity. Help us fix that one thing and we will fix the rest.

>> No.12446527

>Fast forward, you're 36yo.
>What do you want to have achieved by then?
But I'm already 36. Technically 37.

>> No.12446552

the only thing im sure is that i want to have enough money to not need to work

>> No.12446553

i just want to live comfortably
no children, im getting snipped
no wife, maybe a gf idk
no more than $5k a month

>> No.12446564
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>> No.12446598


Poor boomer detected. 800k mortgage probs.

>> No.12446601
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At least one good partner, maybe more
Comfy house that fits all my needs
PHD in some science
Multiple published political philosophy books
Financially independent
Working on research
Not teaching
Can play keyboard
Maybe is in a band

>> No.12446920


>> No.12446993

>Does that give you cart blanch to slack off and not work hard? Absolutely not.
I've got a full time "part time" job, even working overtime I'll never make enough money from working that I can afford to live in a one bed one bath apartment. Getting lucky on investments is my only chance of having any dignity.

>> No.12447067

33 years old, gf is my best friend, work from home. Mostly happy with how shit is atm, hoping I can at least buy a house with crypto. Substance abuse and some freaky sex addictions make life weird. But isn't that what it's supposed to be?

>> No.12447206

>I will remove chainlink from my retirement fund and make sure to tell all my rich Wall Street friends to never

Fucking. Faggot.

>> No.12447230

Take your blogpost and gtfo my board faggot.

>> No.12447241
File: 169 KB, 960x792, 1547539889044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where the pee pee goes in

>> No.12447250

I'm not ready to think those thoughts anon

>> No.12447256

>fast forward, you're 36 and achieved nothing
>fast forward
haha yeah that'd be c-crazy

>> No.12447274

>What do you want to have achieved by then?
An impressive personal library, and passively gaining income.

>Will you have children?
Probably one.

>When do you plan?
It's more of a "with" problem than a "when".

>Do you want to have a fixed gf?
A friend with mutual benefits would be wonderful.

>Till when?

>Or wife?

>How much $ per month will you need from then on (including all expenses, including family)?
I will probably be moving to a country with cheaper living standards, but I will not be meticulously compromising on medicine, environmental, and education standards.

>> No.12447284


>> No.12447310

Id have to rewind a few years to be 36 again.
Wife....no way in hell (have gf)
Kids....no way in hell
Finances....own my own home no mortgage. Passive income from a second home I rent out. Earnings from waging 60k per annum.
All in all Im doing okay.

>> No.12447338

I'm 29 and I'm an alcoholic with a shit job, hopefully I'll be dead by then

>> No.12447716

im 33. ive done everything i ever wanted in life. eagle scout. straight As in school. graduated college. wild sex. all the drugs. travelled the world. played poker for a living for 9 years. won a trip to europe playing mtg. had a succesful IT career. was briefly a crypto millionaire. found god, now have a wife and 2 kids and live in japan. ive had every single degenerate experience i could imagine and every wholesome experience a normal man is supposed to have and none of it has ever made me feel fulfilled. after watching my first son born and witnessing the miracle of birth my first thought was "is that it?" I love my wife and children and they give me a sense of purpose but really life is boring.

>> No.12447727
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>> No.12447742

If you’re not trolling or LARPing , I can help you anon

>> No.12447823

i don’t wanna do anything

>> No.12447831
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>> No.12447861
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>> No.12447928
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Kill yourself you weak faggot.

>> No.12448275

genuinely curious

>> No.12448537

Well the post was for that guy. I won’t bother writing it without his reply. Youd need to be specific your own situation if you want a reply intended for you.

>> No.12449518

also interested