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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12445543 No.12445543 [Reply] [Original]


It's too soon for them!!

>> No.12445544

i did my part

>> No.12445546

nice post hackis

>> No.12445548

link $0.002 eoy

>> No.12445553

marine you know what needed to be done. God speed.

>> No.12445558

>8 mins ago
>no comments
clearly this is you OP

>> No.12445570

>redditor since 2012

I'm gonna spam gore to these faggots and try to get their accounts banned. people that have been redditors for that long are really attached to their accounts

>> No.12445581

Downvote it. DO NOT reply to it

>> No.12445585

Why the fuck would I post it here then

>> No.12445598

>Who cares? Why is this news?
Kek thank you whoever wrote that, the marines salute you

>> No.12445601

Done but this is getting hard

>> No.12445614

setting my sell order at 1000 usdt

>> No.12445621

Same reason you use Crest Whitening Strips to bleach your asshole at home in your garage.

>> No.12445624
File: 19 KB, 412x351, 1534372886157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're making fun of us!

>> No.12445629
File: 114 KB, 700x319, Reeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off reddit.

Anyone who owns link is going to jail and going to get raped by jamal.

>> No.12445637
File: 209 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181108-152013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every marine needs to be on clean up duty over at r/cc until you get your banned badge.

>> No.12445713

The comments are all FUD that was used on /biz/ several times in the past few months during the stealth phase.
Lucky for us were used to people talking shit, and redditors believe anything with the most upvotes.
We'll have the last laugh, look at them they are copeing hard right now.

>> No.12445727

Can you still downvote if you are banned?

>> No.12446342

easy solution: sign up for a reddit account and start fudding the ever living shit out of chainlink

>> No.12446367

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.12446374

Can jews smell gold if it's underwater? Asking for your mom.

>> No.12446379

>during the stealth phase

the delusion is unreal...

>> No.12446408

how do I downvote this thread on reddit?

>> No.12446426

I unironically think that 4chan is the biggest propaganda machine ever made. I mean if we really wanted, we could make up such big bullshit that the governments would go pale in the side of us.

This is absolutely brilliant, bunch of anonymous autists around the world manipulate peoples taughts about certain things. 2018-2019 chainlink has been the largest intelligence black operation on 4chan.

We also had trump and many other cases where 4chan has trolled/memed stuff to existence.This is so surreal

>> No.12446440

Just span up some old 2017 FUD.

>> No.12446847

Top fucking kek I have been doing my duty for over a year now. So funny to experience how easy it is to manipulate Reddit. That made me really question the platform and ultimately now I can see it for what is is - a glorified echo chamber. Hail kek and hail 4chan.

>> No.12446855
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>Low Account Activity
>Low Account Activity
>Low Account Activity

That means all bizraelis, right?

>> No.12446867


>> No.12446871

We‘re literally a decentralized research group. Even capable of intelligence warfare

>> No.12446885

5 years from now people will be digging up posts like that and make documentaries out of it

>> No.12446899
File: 115 KB, 240x247, 1507930586512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12446911

I fucking love you guys. God bless all of you anons we are going to make it. Seek Jesus Christ and do some good in this fucked up world.

>> No.12446913
File: 13 KB, 552x378, 1538554678125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You the real og

>> No.12446935


>> No.12447209

checked. praise god

>> No.12447220

Frens, you know what you have to do..

>> No.12447253



>> No.12447264

You NEETs never cease to amaze me with the amount of effort you put into keeping reddit out of your secret little club. Keep up the good work!
Are you fucking stupid? Everyone in that thread talking shit are people from this thread.

>> No.12447982

20+ posts with low level tier FUD under this post makes me love you frens even more. Also you guys forgot about
>codeship adaptor FUD which will take 5 years to develop
>2 dev team FUD
>Philosophy major CEO
>private chains/solutions that will not use LINK token
That's from top of my head.