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12441635 No.12441635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT neets discus wats to make money withou slaving for some shekelstein.

It is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern Anon preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: "No". Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a productive member of society is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable wagecuck. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn't.

In other words . . . common sense.

>> No.12441655
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I bet on wwe ppv matches. It's pretty easy because they're extremely predictable.

>> No.12441674

care to share your strategy on predicting them? Do you go with hype factor? What do you look for when picking a winner?

>> No.12441679

going ngtow doesn't neccesarily mean you'll make lots of money, you may earn less than a min wage even. But it'll be your profit, in your hours, in your terms. There's won't be a jannie yelling around because of her incompetence or you'll be dealing with any niggers/jannies.

>> No.12441680

wtf how is that a thing
they're scripted, insiders will milk it dry

>> No.12441977

Yeah Idk that's what I do. A lot of times there's reports on wrestling sights that talk about backstage stuff, who is getting pushed, future plans, etc..so I just go with that. Also whoever loses on tv more going into the ppv usually wins.

>> No.12441992

if not a larp you honestly deserve every cent

>> No.12442005
File: 86 KB, 409x409, halperneet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw nig-tow

>> No.12442053

You're all so fucking retarded, it's amazing you haven't worked out a solution for your unlovable, unemployable selves.

Here is what you do: Start a guild.

You guys like guilds right? You play lots of elf and orc fantasy games. Well a real life guild is somewhat similar, and you get to re-enact something that was very common in the middle ages (that's sure to peak your autism.)

Go find yourself 15 - 20 other men like yourselves and help each other secure land, financing, and build houses for yourselves. It's amazing how affordable it all is once you have the LABOR of 20 men behind you. Now I'm sure the prospect of doing things outside of computer land seems daunting right now, but trust me. If you can scrape together enough energy and a little money, you and your pals will have no problem building your community before autumn's end. Then you will all be ready for winter, and you'll have stable living standards for many more years to come.

But you won't do any of that, because you're just a hopeless victim.

>> No.12442658

I won't be doing any of that, because I'm not a flaming retard such as yourself. Go dig up some potatoes and shut the hell up, wagie.