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File: 75 KB, 240x320, jeff_bezos_headshot11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12440876 No.12440876 [Reply] [Original]

This fucker literally sacrificed $68 billion to date a random 49 year old retard.

Oh and the bitch is stupid enough to carelessly share the dickpics of the richest guy on the planet with her evil bitch of a friend.

We should invent a word that means the exact opposite of based.

>> No.12440887

you dont need to invent a word, the dude has a name

>> No.12440897

It's called cringe

>> No.12440898

The biggest black pill of all when it comes to women. No hole is ever worth it.

>> No.12440909

Wants out of relationship and still has 60 billion he’s not doing too bad brother

>> No.12440940

me making a few million is never going to solve my sexual dilemmas is it.

>> No.12440951


With great power comes great responsabilities

if you have lots of money you just can't think about yourself or you will get cucked, you need to be selfless and give that money to good projects for the good of humanity or to try to cease suffering

>> No.12440959
File: 13 KB, 380x250, 4726ed22fa686aeb06c9573a9296b23af831e5f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know it's gonna autistic but I bet I think like bezos, but nowhere near as successful obvious.

For me, the appeal of doing something is solely because other people can't. E.g. I graduated valedictorian and went to a world famous uni solely because everyone wants to and very few can. Literally no other reason.

When I made 500k from bitcoin, I felt nothing cause it was just dumb luck. Basic rundown cause can't type essay on phone, Jeff only wants money to keep score. He has no intention of spending it and it's probably very dissatisfied and bored now he's at the top. I know when I got accepted to uni I felt good for a few days then just empty and bored.

>> No.12440982


They were married for 25 years. They were together before he started Amazon. She played her luck, and it paid off big time. Now, if he was filthy fucking rich, THEN decided to go after her, that would be fucking dumb.

>> No.12441011
File: 398 KB, 1242x1125, B4566BFC-0E3B-4C2A-8EF8-C8F8294AF15D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are beyond retarded to not know this is theater for the dumb masses. You retarded goyim will believe anything.

>> No.12441016

And it all started with seemingly harmless testosterone injections.

>> No.12441019

A man so rich and with so much power falls for a dumb hole. Let this be a lesson that you will never change your biological programming, and women will always have ultimate power over you, whether you're a homeless fag or the richest man on the planet, a single spread of legs is all it takes for you to submit like a dog.

>> No.12441085

>nothing is ever real it's all the jews!!

>> No.12441116

see, for long time bozo did good cause he was low test and that allowed him to really think, but his receptors were not prepended for the test

>> No.12441123

Only if you are unknown to public eye the riches matter then you can do whatever the hell you want

>> No.12441140

If you think that this isn't them selling their stock and putting it in their private investment firm then you have no idea what is going on.

They make all of this shit up so that normies don't care about market leaders exiting their positions in their companies while they still jointly own other business that don't have to publish papers.

>> No.12441145

Thats only for beta cucks who cannot control their dick and are desparate .You have to have control , that is what makes you true alpha ad let the bitch beg you for sex. like me

>> No.12441155

>We should invent a word that means the exact opposite of based.


>> No.12441171

many rich people are like that

>> No.12441212

Yeah I'd be amazed if they're not. No other reason to keep accumulating, not even charity cause he doesn't seem like the next bill gates

>> No.12441217

This is what happens when you've been a beta cuck faggot for your whole life then start shooting tren and gallons of test into your body and need to fuck like an animal for all those years you told people selling books online was the best idea in history

>> No.12441224

This is a really cringe and bluepilled post, but I concur that the plebeians get way too heavily invested in bullshit like this.

>> No.12441246


>> No.12441342

where is the dick pic

>> No.12441368

>bill gates
imagine being so blue pilled you don't know bill gates was a eugenicist

>> No.12441411

Where's the dickpic?

>> No.12441413

>Famous Uni
>Can't type on essay on phone
Nice larp mate, imagine being that insecure that you have to lie online about going to a "famous uni" also implying that a famous uni is actually something impressive.

>> No.12441444

I'd probs kms if I had to do that. I wonder if he learnt about that at his uni.

>> No.12441448

This. With 150b he could solve all the hunger and disease Problems of the world

>> No.12441459
File: 84 KB, 1151x469, VirginPillowVSChadDoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Take the MGTOW red pill and just get a doll.

>> No.12441476
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, wtfpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can't Jeff Bezos just bribe some kike lawyers or hide his assets overseas or something in order to get out of giving up half of his wealth?

>> No.12441494

You used to be able to do this shit in Switzerland with their black accounts, but those aren't available anymore

>> No.12441543


He doesn't have $150B in cash you fucking retards. The money is stock that he would have to sell entirely and then lose ownership over Amazon. Fucking imbeciles. Btw, shitskins like you both are not worth saving. Fuck off and die.

>> No.12441562

>but those aren't available anymore
Why aren't they?

>> No.12441564

Implying (((they))) wouldn't force him to liquidate all his assets

>> No.12441573
File: 39 KB, 736x601, Thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why his Millenium Eye didnt see this coming tho?

>> No.12441596

How the fuck would (((they))) be able to force him to liquidate his assets? If he has over $100 billion, he can bribe whoever he needs to to get out of it.

>> No.12441602

I doubt it because they're making tons of money off Amazon stock and liquidating would cause them to lose all their money. Dumb post.

>> No.12441614

Cringe and insecure. Uni is Yale, prefer not saying cause of how few people are on the board

>> No.12441620

Yeah, now we have luxembourgian bank accounts.

>> No.12441643

>We should invent a word that means the exact opposite of based


>> No.12441664

>We should invent a word that means the exact opposite of based.
Bez'd and Jeffpilled

>> No.12441665


Future is terrifying, how the hell will the sexes compete with sexdroids?

>> No.12441694

Is it confirmed that he is losing half his assets or is this just a rumor?
I don't understand how people can be married for 25 years and still try to rob their partner in their divorce. Do they have any respect or decency? If you just took 1 bil you have more than you'd ever need. How do they become so evil toward their spouse of 25 years?

>> No.12441755

yeah i'm not buying one until they self clean

>> No.12441762

The thing is, if they can't, then maybe the sexdroid future is for the best. Maybe humanity just wasn't that good for itself.

>> No.12441952

Nobody has any clue whether he has a prenup, or what it says. Neither of them were poor, when they met, so it's not unlikely that they signed a prenup when they got married.

This is all just media speculation.

>> No.12442002

>Jeff bezos is having a divorce haha what an idiot

Anon, read through the news. Public divorce? Public no prenup? Roastie takes half his 27% of amazon and liquidates it? You honestly see nothing shady here?

Bezos lived through the dotcom bubble. He knows the signs of a crash coming and he definitely knows tech stocks are massively inflated. This is the perfect cover for him to exit half his position 3-6 months ahead without spooking the investors. Might even buy it back when it all comes tumbling down.

>> No.12442024

His wealth is in fucking amazon stock. If he hides it, he loses it.

>> No.12442057

Bullshieeeet. Jeff wants to take humanity to space. The billions were his space fund. Now half of that will be spent on shoes.

>> No.12442067

where dick pics?

>> No.12442085

based and IQ pilled

>> No.12442193
File: 10 KB, 286x200, baby face2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always amusing to me how little people know about marital property and prenups.

They're domiciled in Washington State which is a community property law jurisdiction. That means marital property is split 50/50. Jeff started Amazon with MacKenzie in Seattle. She was his first employee. Essentially their Amazon stocks are marital property - that means it will likely get split 50/50. Even if Jeff and MacKenzie signed a prenuptial agreement stating she wouldn't get any stock in Amazon, which would be ridiculous, that agreement would get thrown out because they started the company together, have both worked for Amazon the entire time, and it's no longer an equitable agreement.

You can't just write a prenup saying "MY EX-BITCH GETS NOTHING!!!" like so many retards think. Courts will laugh and say, yeah no, then tear it up. That's how the courts work.

>> No.12442218


Do you even know the concept of loans and how he could potentially get lots of loans for new projects without any fear of being liquidated and how that would potentially bull run all the economy?

He instead chooses to cuck all that money into entertainment and his wife

Fuck off i bet you are a wageslave who got buttmad

>> No.12442270
File: 670 KB, 1080x1244, 1518911892839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing you could've done with 120bn that you couldn't do with 60bn. It's all the same. His revenue stays the same as well. It's not that bad.

>> No.12442435

It's the fault of the modern legal system, not the woman or man as individuals.

>> No.12442456

>The money is stock that he would have to sell entirely and then lose ownership over Amazon.
>Noboy implied they didn't know how his wealt is constituted.

And yet you're here making assumptions like the faggot you are.

This is why this board is so shit nowaday. Go to bed kid.

>> No.12442476

How so?



>only no LARP so far


In your mouth.

>There's nothing you could've done with 120bn
>for humanity

Now shut the fuck up

>> No.12442547

BS, see >>12442057
Space travel costs billions. Bezos said his funding for blue origin is to sell a billion of Amazon stocks every year.

>> No.12442692

Feminism is our answer to the fermi paradox