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12431867 No.12431867 [Reply] [Original]

can a non-bot explain the chain link thing to me? ive watched it spammed for the last year and i assume its just a russian troll farm trying to make a coin pop off.

but its so lame. someone said it is similar to pepe and chain link has a lot of meme potential but its really really dumb and no one cares

>> No.12431882


>> No.12431881

Are you having a stroke....your post is completely coherent

>> No.12431893

you got a lot of reading to do

>> No.12431898

yeah this response is kinda a good example too of how it works against fud. fud isnt rejected. fud is just accepted and made into another joke, yeah?

>> No.12431909

This will be the only thing I spoonfeed you because I don’t have the patience to teach brainlets



>> No.12431927

yeah ive read the white paper its about the same as every other coin. whats the point?? and why does it seem like 4chan is the headquarters of chainlink? its as if this thing only exists here.

>> No.12431937

Ok you’re too dumb to help goodbye

>> No.12431948

Think about how to verify data into a smart contract


>> No.12431951

nah see you guys cant just call me beta or newfag or whatever and get rid of me. this is my board too i can do whatever the fuck i want.

and i want to point out on how dumb this is.

>> No.12431957
File: 34 KB, 817x443, d1518058598300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah ive read the white paper its about the same as every other coin. whats the point??

>> No.12431978

yeah this is funny i guess.

but hey seriously though why target chain link as the single coin to pump on this board? there's a missing piece here. i dont believe all you guys are genuine people actually shilling this coin because you believe in it.

>> No.12431991
File: 573 KB, 720x576, 0kEZNQm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't deserve link. You sound like you have some weak hands to match your weak mind anyway...

>> No.12431994

Good god please stop posting you're killing my brain cells

>> No.12432007

nah its cool man we can talk about it. its okay.

i mean think about it this place is just chain link 100% all day 24/7 so why not just speak our minds, you know?

>> No.12432029

Take the time to actually learn about it. If you come here with a legitimate question/concern about the technology I will gladly take time out of my day to help you better understand it because I realize how confusing it can be for someone who is new to understand it. I have zero problems helping someone who is taking the time to learn about it.

But if you come here asking me to explain it from square one, demanding I let you in on some imaginary secret and hold your hand through the entire process I wont because I just dont have the patience to sit here and waste my time on someone who doesn't even grasp the concept.

>> No.12432055

because your question have been asked numerous time and we are tired of damn old questions being asked, when there are available resources at your disposal. Also I believe you are full of shit and probably hold some link.

>> No.12432059

Chainlink is a meme is a meme is a meme is a meme. Now make an effort to find out why everyone here holds it before you miss out and kys

>> No.12432091

i dont think anyone on here cares about the "technology". it seems like people just care about sparking everyone else's fomo. it's like a fomo coin.

but other coins are the same i guess. there just seems to be more consensus around shilling this one.

>> No.12432123

yeah but what if i have seen pointless "link soldier" memes as often as you have seen questions skeptical of link chain.

i mean. . . this type of thread that i have going here is waaaay less common then the shitty plaid link cube bull shit i see here every day.

>> No.12432144
File: 31 KB, 1242x351, 1539132619592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, you're right.
This board collectively came together, closed our eyes and threw a dart on coinmarketcap that landed on chainlink and we came to a consensus to shill it together to amass fomo into the community. You caught us, there is literally no other reason why we obsess over this token other then pure random dumb luck. I am very happy you came to a logical conclusion.

>> No.12432156
File: 19 KB, 399x384, 1523829134966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an imbecile and you deserve to die

>> No.12432179

lol shit guys you should have started with this because no i actually want to buy some.

>> No.12432185

its a glorified json parser.

>> No.12432186

it's a meme, we post it ironically, no one here actually owns any links lol

>> No.12432198
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>> No.12432237
File: 899 KB, 1962x1139, 1546959854364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russian troll farm
>white space between sentences
Kek you came straight from the r/cc thread about LINK, didn't you? Shoo shoo, plebbitor! We're not spoonfeeding you.

>> No.12432341

yeah this is interesting too because you guys want to make non-linkers feel like "others" and the only way to join is to buy. i guess this works.

are you guys worried that chain link has not had as big of swings as the other coins? like, maybe when everything goes up 3,000% then chain link will only go up by 600%?

>> No.12432353

>yeah this is interesting too because you guys want to make non-linkers feel like "others"
Yes, they are others
>are you guys worried that chain link has not had as big of swings as the other coins?
No. $1000 EOY

>> No.12432476

Lol it’s funny to see you get sucked into this pump and dump like so many others. Enjoy losing your money kiddo