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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12427724 No.12427724 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/ please let me know what you think of my business plan.

>Have €70,000 in savings
>Live in tourist hotspot
>Want to buy 1-2 bedroom apartments and post them on AirBnb
>I don't own my own property to live in

My plan is to buy one a one bedroom property to begin with, transfer ownership over to the GmbH I will create for laibility reasons. Set the price point enough to cover the mortgage. Anything extra will go towards purchasing the next property.

>My salary from my day job is €5300 a month
>My expenses are low so I can cover renting a place to live, as well as the mortgage of a place I buy

>German requires about 9% upfront in fees that doesn't count towards the downpayment on the loan
>Loans wont give a good rate if you dont have 20%
>a cheap one bedroom at my location is €150,000.
>a decent 2 bedroom is €300,000-450,000

My end goal is to quit my day job to only host out vacation rentals. I haven't done the math on how many properties I would have to buy to accomplish this though.

What do you think? Is this crazy or does this approach make sense?

>> No.12427732


>> No.12427748

She's not even naked faggot.

>> No.12427780

Just buy link you fucking pedo

>> No.12427782

How much are the taxes on property?

>> No.12427787

Actual assets > fake assets

>> No.12427791

Accual assets gives you 10% return in a year. Have fun being poor fag pedo

>> No.12427803

People will always need a place to live and vacation. Link won't even exist next year

>> No.12427806

Lösch‘ dich, Brudi.
Lass‘ die Thai-Kinder aus dem Keller.

>> No.12427815
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 729ACF4E-6E63-4EEB-BE73-DD2790CF3F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427820

I'm not even German, but I live in Germany. What is up with so many Germans vacationing in Thailand and Mallorca?

>> No.12427830

People know that other people go to Mallorca and Thailand so they do that too. Don't ask. Germans are sheep.

>> No.12427840

All nazis are pedos

>> No.12427889
File: 18 KB, 297x189, peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my assessment for what its worth:

Pros: You have a plan (big plus)
You have a backup plan (your day job)
You thought this through and appear to commit to it, and have drawn down life expenses to accomodate the change
Potential profit is there
Moving your life toward passive income

Cons: Hard to get loans on rental properties through banks, unless you pay alot through hard lenders at first (doable but tough)
My wife is a realtor and does property management and it eats up alot more time and frustration than you think. Be prepared to work weekends!
I don't know anything about the airbnb scenario, not sure how the whole thing works but I'm guessing you do.
Cheap one bedroom in your area is VERY EXPENSIVE!!! But you'll perhaps balance the rents out with that aspect?

All in all...go for it.
You'll trip and fall along the way, but the satisfaction of being your own boss is worth every pfennig. Good luck!

>> No.12427905

fuck off pedo

>> No.12427937

>posts poorly cropped child porn to get attention

>> No.12427998

Thank you for the actual response.
>Hard to get loans on rental properties through banks
Thats what I was thinking too. Thats why I want to buy it under my own name first before transferring it over to the company. My buddy who is now retired did this with his own studio apartment and only wants to rent it out for 2 weeks a month since he said "he was a lazy old guy". He charges about €80 a night at his place.

She isn't a fucking child you retards. Its from SerpentZA's documentary he just released. She's a 24 year old Chinese model. Whats wrong with you people?

>> No.12428046

>looks like a kid
>skinny like a kid
>all boney and mishapen while growing like a kid

its a kid, and you saved the image because you know its a kid, and you wanted attention

>> No.12428131

>thinks only kids can be skinny/boney
>"Why doesn't this 24 year old look 40 like I do?"
You wanna know how I know you're American?

>> No.12428172


>> No.12428621

>My salary from my day job is €5300 a month

it's a comfy middle class life. why you even think about some shitty business...