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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12425463 No.12425463 [Reply] [Original]

This community has been nice to me over the past several years. Those of us who have been around know how to tell the difference between memes and the ones offering decent advice.

Several years have passed since I have been in crypto, I must say that I am more bullish now than ever about the future of blockchain.

Here is my honest to god advice for those interested. This space is changing, 90% of the coins will slowly die. The only ones that will survive are the ones with real life adoption and revenue generating.

If you can't fight them, join them. The only way for blockchain to be adopted and reach 5-10 trillion dollars in the next 5 years is for Wallstreet and VCs to join this market. That is going to be the tokenization of the equity market. STOs will cause massive, I mean massive, adoption.

There is only 1 team right now worth investing all your money on. ROI and benefit to risk ratio is at the bottom. It's called CHX (Own). Please research them, watch their interviews, the AMAs, and medium articles. My advice is to collect and accumulate CHX (OWN) up to 10 million market cap without even thinking. Sell 33% at 30mil, sell 17% when it hits 50mil, then hold the 50% for 3 years. You are going to make a massive amount of money.

CHx is making it possible for the average joe, to invest in real estate, small businesses, coffee shops, arts, drawings, the next album by the next artist, every single asset, intellectual asset or property. These guys are up to something and I hate to see you miss it.

Regardless I wish you nothing but the best. Thank you for all the help and support throughout the many years. Cheers.

>> No.12425528


By the way, in case someone here doesn't recognize me and thinks "I'm holding bags", here is a screenshot of some of my buy orders. I'm not holding "any bags". This is just a friendly advice that's all.

>> No.12425531
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See here.

>> No.12425539

Than you op.
Still accumulating before the fomo campaings kick in here.


Whenever i see these threads get no replies... I know other folks here are trying to avoid bumping it for the same reasons.

>> No.12425556

>Whenever i see these threads get no replies... I know other folks here are trying to avoid bumping it for the same reasons.
Last bump was literally 2 mins before you, fuck off pajeet

>> No.12425562

so buy low and shill high

go it

>> No.12425573

my ranjeet detector is beeping hard.

>> No.12425640

This doesn't even tell you what coin it is. Fuck off.

>> No.12425646

What's the market cap in 5 years op? If it ain't a trillion, I don't want to invest

>> No.12425654
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-- I'm going against my will to do this for you but here is my last gift. This is from the last AMA in December.


"Own works and talks to a number of regulators: in Liechtenstein (FMA), in Switzerland (FINMA), in Hong Kong (SFC) and SEC in the USA. The key is that you need to follow the rules!"

"Own has already companies lined up for Q1-Q4 and even 2020 that would like to do an issuance. With the Own products and what Own is launching in Q1, Own can easily sign up ten company every day.."

"..and even now, we go to a conference or we speak to people, we get so many referrals with our partner organisation iDeal Corp..I was in Asia and there were 50 or 60 businesses that were ready to go!"

"When I spoke to the SFC (Hong Kong) last week, I presented our model and how we helped private businesses raise money and how we effectively protect investors in that private market, which is an unregulated market, and they were actually quite pleased..it was a really really good conversation..it's opening the dialogue and that's IMPORTANT in that space!"

>> No.12425658
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AMA Question: "Will it be possible to offer other security tokens than business equity on the own platform in the future, like real estate etc?"

"Yes of course! At the moment we have a number of opportunities in the US. We're for example working with a company with a bank and a broker dealer on tokenizing real estate and it's a big opportunity. We're also working with the US company in donations (platform)."

"In Europe we have a number of discussions with companies about private dept (the dept market is much much bigger than the equities market) and we have a lot of specialists in that space".

"Through the partners, Own works in ALL the regions!" - "With our experience and with our network and our partners in Hong Kong, we're actually starting to roll out our services in January and it gives also us great access to mainland China."

"And we have a number of exciting initiatives and partnerships underway where we will roll certain services into China."

"The great thing is that some of the regulators are actually recommending us, so that's awesome."

"Every government, every economy has understood that if you reduce fees, you increase wealth, you increase the economy and you make things quicker.."

"..(The governments) are looking at all these different things and they absolutely support businesses like ours that want to do something differently."

>> No.12425670

the only sto platform that makes sense is an ethereum sidechain, or something that builds on ethereum in some other way.
Expecting anyone to use a new tiny separate network is delusional.
For stos existing scalability is enough, as trading is still going to happen on centralized exchanges, the blockchain is only needed for settlement

>> No.12425699
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I'm not here to spoon feed anyone but here is the answer to your question:


Short answer: no, you are wrong. You need your own blockchain. Which is why SLT and Poly are useless. CHX and in 6-9 months maybe, maybe DUSK. Both understood the privacy needed for this space. ETH will not survive the STO boom.

Read the article.

>> No.12425719

>and it securely stores asset movement transactions, shareholder voting information and private investor data (which is hosted on a private blockchain)
>private blockchain
so it's literally a stock broker. Everything already runs on internal databases since at least 1970s.
zero value added over existing solutions, pointless

>> No.12425779

It literally can't be private... It's investor data.

>> No.12425789


>> No.12425796

Anon, do you know how an IPO works and how much time and effort to set one up takes?

>> No.12425802


I answer by pointing you to the right resources and information, and unlike you, don't speculate and don't state baseless information and elementary arguments.

Read these before posting again:




Will be happy to provide more resources.

>> No.12425811

OP I was against the CHX shilling at first, but my bags are locked and loaded now

>> No.12425820
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That's exactly the challenge STOs are tackling. Not only effort and time, but COST. Which is why small and medium ventures can't participate.

STOs are here already, other projects like Poly and SWM and SLT have already risen MILLIONS of dollars. If you think this is not going to work, you need to do more readings and I'm happy to send you some links.

>> No.12425835

If only people realized how big talking to regulators and having a DSR is

>> No.12425852

Don't forget that CHX is also tokenizing debt, a bigger market than the equity one

>> No.12425911
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Another thing is staking will take out a large chunk of the circulating supply, driving up the token price.

These guys have 15 years of experience in equity market, i swear over the last few years, i have never seen a well experienced yet so professional team. CHX under 10million is a joke. One day we will be looking at these posts and be laughing.

>> No.12425945

it doesn't have to be on blockchain at all, or can be encrypted
it's a new stock broker, they didn't change anything.
they completely missed the point of tokenized securities. The point is to remove middlemen like them and allow cooperation with everything.
To issue stock on ethereum you don't need any broker with a database ('private blockchain'), you can sell tokens representing stocks to accredited investors all on your own. In the future, it's going to be possible to use your tokenized stocks as a collateral for debt, all through smart contracts. Or pay with fraction of a stock for a game item, utilizing automatic arbitrage on connected markets - why not.
What sensible projects like polychain do is make this process easier - libraries, token standards etc.
What's coming to connect disparate projects are decentralized identity providers - rather than have each company check investors' status, you will have a signed message that address X is an accredited investor and can invest. Then those tokens could be freely traded between allowed participants. It's all a work in progress.

Private blockchain doesn't fit into this at all. The idea of cooperation is killed by their own admission "2. We wanted something built specifically for asset trading". They are so clueless that they described the biggest advantage of ethereum as a disadvantage "the downside is that applications from other businesses are running on that network at the same time". It's a 100% centralized stock broker, but instead of sql they use 'blockchain' for no reason at all, except hype.

In short, the value added in tokenization comes from a fully decentralized (controlled by no one) platform that allows everything to interact with everything, in ways that can be foreseen and ways that are going to surprise everybody.

>> No.12425958

>What sensible projects like polychain

>> No.12425996

So how is a token issuance platform like chx not a big plus? It's 100 percent compliant with the regulator of the given country and also gives advantages to businesses who would otherwise not be able to do an IPO for example

>> No.12426038

Have you heard the name 'pink sheets'? These are stocks that just aren't listed on 'major' exchanges. Instead they are listed on a 'platform' ran by
with much easier requirements.
that's what Own is. It's a very old business model. There are many platforms like that globally.

>> No.12426071

So basically STO's are only good if major companies tokenize their assets to allow outside market time trading? Along with trading paintings, real estate and other collectibles

>> No.12426096

This is scam shitcoin.
They changed name.
They have spelling issues in website.
They paid for advisors to get them.
Volume is fake.

>> No.12426101

The simplest explanation is that tokenized stocks are digital paper certificates. Paper certificates can have contractual limitations on trading, but they physically exist outside of any broker or exchange, and you could also do everything that's not expressly forbidden (like pay with it in a shop), at least in theory.
Tokens would be perfect for bearer's stock, but unfortunately that _just_ got delegalized globally, after literally centuries of history.

>> No.12426177

bizbros.. op actually knows what hes talking about.. im all in chx btw.. and op knows.. chx and maybe dusk in 6-9 months.. he know his shit

>> No.12426486

eth can't handel cryptokitties.. fuck off.. it's also at a ridiculous valuation.. 30 billion. again fuck off... chx is only 7 million..

>> No.12427156

i also am all in on chx, everything OP says makes sense to me, quite happy to feel crestfallen but i doubt that will transpire. bullish on this project

>> No.12427186

do the needful and be investing in this powerful house of a coin sirs. it is a pleasure to be doing business with CHX. Many lambos and bobs and vagenes for all involved very soons

>> No.12427648


it's okay man, not sure how long you have been around but if you were here back when ETH was a few bucks, we had the exact same issue; some dumb ass low IQ 12-year old saying "SCAM" to everything while holding a bag full of absolute shit coins like TURTLE COINS or whatever fuck /biz is on. Doesn't matter.

Screencap this:
- they will release FAST platform at the end of January
- AMA in the next few days will reveal more good news
- Q1 mainnet launch, dPOS, staking
- Q1 is when they will start announcing the partners. And you will see CHX climbing highr and higher every fucking day until it reaches 20million (this is in the matter of 1-2 weeks) - similar to SLT announcing Colliers
- As businesses get on, as tokens get locked due to staking, more exchanges will come on board, you will be looking at a 40-80million cap (depending on where BTC is). EOY this will be a 200million cap IF BTC STAYS LOW and we stay in a BEAR MARKET. In 2-3 years, you are looking at 1-2 trillion dollars because of media covering STOs.

I've done this so many times. Let them ignore it, they will find out when it's on top 10.

>> No.12427660


*correction. 1-2 trillion market for STOs in 2-3 years, with CHX being top 5 being multiple billion dollars in market cap. STOs will take off very fast.

>> No.12427817
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herro flen pls buy chinx

>> No.12427968

OP I picked up a back of like 20k back in November will this be sufficient you think?

>> No.12428233


it all depends on what % of your portfolio it is and how much money you need. Overall, 20k is sufficient man. I personally think >50K for life changing money but >20K will land you a decent amount. Do not sell anything until 50million, sell 25% then, then leave 75% for at least 2 years. EOY return you are looking to 10-12X if we stay in bear market (which most likely we will, btc jumping between 3-6K). GL brother.

>> No.12428287


>> No.12428295

this too

>> No.12428432

Cool thanks for the tip

>> No.12428509
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whats this supposed to mean pic related

>> No.12428911

i think it means..........:when a business wants to do an sto on chx.. initially you need to be an accredited investors to buy in... but non accredited investors like us will be able to buy it on chx's secondary market

>> No.12428956

Doesn't sound legal. Also doesn't sound like something that ever would be legal

>> No.12429015

I mean, I can't currently invest in an IPO, but I can buy shares in a company post-IPO

>> No.12429035

3 threads , three fucking threads of this shitcoin are up right now

>> No.12429202


It's a private and a public blockchain, dual. It gives the option for businesses/nocoiners to have the company set everything up and use their services and blockchain or the option for smartcontract programmer Jo to do it himself. The private chain just holds log-in details and all that shit. Essentially just a database.

Again... DYOFR

>> No.12429312

1 faggot, 1 fucking faggot posting in this thread right now