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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 203 KB, 1701x1455, Crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12422392 No.12422392 [Reply] [Original]

So what is the solution?

>> No.12422454

XMR or just BTC donations.

>> No.12422456

JP is still making at least $50k a month on patreon

>> No.12422467

They are both leaving on the 15th.

>> No.12422477

It's impossible right now to replace patreon with something genuinely decentralized because you need either to get normies to install something like metamask or you need to use an oracle.

>> No.12422496

OIP on FLO - can still have normie apps like Youtube build their front ends on OIP

>> No.12422510

There isn't one. You have no choice but to accept that you cannot do anything about this technology. Its over.


This thread will be deleted again I imagine.

>> No.12422536

There has to be a way though. I find it hard to believe there is no way to have a decentralized patreon with the current technology.

>> No.12422539

He's right, you know. But the brainlets will pop up with their "muh bubble" again.

>> No.12422556

>It's impossible right now to replace patreon with something genuinely decentralized because you need either to get normies to install something like metamask or you need to use an oracle.

If normies can use steam to play video games they can use metamask or scatter . Sadly anyone who thinks that people wont instal a single app to avoid SJWs is going to get fucked.

The only chance you have is to hope banks and credit card companies start not allowing people to have accounts.

>> No.12422576

I think the problem is how to get the money to them rather than install anything. Installing a program is one thing but they need to buy crypto somehow or pay with their cards through the blockchain.

That seems like the biggest hangup.

>> No.12422598

>There has to be a way though.

Not only is it possible its not even that hard. Every single transaction can include a "tweet" with a link to an IPFS hash for video hosting. IPFS is extremely hard to deal with because anyone in the world can "pin" the content and the cost of a node is relatively cheap.

ETH ALREADY IS PATREON. You literally just need a glorified block explorer and give people a way to see a wallet to donate to. You can use encryption for subscription based content. The simpler the implementation the better.

>> No.12422617

All the youtubers opening a btc account and asking for donations to support them. That's the 4th revolution and I hope our guy starts it

>> No.12422624

That is actually really interesting. Why has nobody done this before?

>> No.12422628

>Installing a program is one thing but they need to buy crypto somehow or pay with their cards through the blockchain.

Normies only need a coinbase account frankly. Also a lot of you are vastly underestimating how disgusting the authoritarian left people are right now. A method to avoid them is definitely going to gain traction. Escaping the stench of account bannings for wrong think alone is enough to force most people to learn new tech. It a vicious cycle and the more you kick and scream the more free advertising there will be.

>> No.12422630
File: 8 KB, 234x216, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no shit.

BAT unironically solves every social media platform monetary support issue you could possibly have.

The only thing stopping BAT is the Rogers adoption / innovation curve. People detest change, especially when it comes to technology.

I know people violently oppose Brave and BAT for many ill-conceived and uninformed reasons, but the more you read about it, the more you realize it solves so many issues you see today on the internet.

>> No.12422632

web3 will be a browser standard once it is fleshed out.

>> No.12422637

oh you talkin bout BAT

>> No.12422660

>Why has nobody done this before?

Frankly I don't fucking know. But if I run into extra money in the future I will do it myself. I just need to hire a couple people. Hopefully Dave gets it right so I don't have to. It is one of the dumbest fucking things ever that this shit has not already been done. ETH even has native stable coins for fucks sake. I guess a lot of people still worry about

> muh scaling...

But it would work just fucking fine even with current scaling.

>> No.12422671

People are lazy. People hate doing anything with more than just a few clicks especially when alternatives exist.

>> No.12422674

>oh you talkin bout BAT

No, fuck bat. You can do what I said with just ETH and maybe DAI if you want to be fancy.

>> No.12422686

>especially when alternatives exist.

The alternative doesn't exist if freedom of speech doesn't exist. The ball is rolling already and leftists are about to get gang fucked by the blockchain. You cannot police political correctness in crypto.

>> No.12422689

I don't know much about the system so would decentralized websites be possible under a similar system? Or videos for that matter.

>> No.12422696

>You literally just need a glorified block explorer
It already exists. There are websites that provide API calls to check, for example, the wallet's balance extremely cheaply (or even for free) so you don't have to install a full node yourself.

>> No.12422706

Leeroy is ethereum twitter.

>> No.12422730


The tech is all there, the hardest part is the UX design aspects. Cryptos BIGGEST problem right now is UX. Everything else is 100% functional and ready to go.

>It already exists. There are websites that provide API calls to check, for example, the wallet's balance extremely cheaply (or even for free) so you don't have to install a full node yourself.

Just need proper UX and boom its done. When Jordan and Dave talk about how hard this shit is they are actually wrong.

>Leeroy is ethereum twitter.

Second problem is marketing. Marketing is a challenge because most social media platforms have a huge incentive to prevent something like Leeroy from catching on.

The TECH is good to go though. ETH can do it EOS can do it Steem already does it. BCH even fucking does it. BTC can do it.

>> No.12422736

>It's impossible right now to replace patreon with something genuinely decentralized
You don't actually need a "decentralized" platform. An unregulated platform is more than enough.

Crypto is good for unregulated payments, period. Decentralization beyond that is meaningless. "Blockchain hosting" is a completely garbage idea no one needs unless you're after child pornography or something of the kind.

>> No.12422756

>Crypto is good for unregulated payments, period. Decentralization beyond that is meaningless. "Blockchain hosting" is a completely garbage idea no one needs unless you're after child pornography or something of the kind.

Says the butt hurt 4chan shill who is worried as fuck about people not using 4chan anymore. Listen I understand this shit has people like you super worried. Maybe you have investments or some kind of stake in spreading bullshit like this to protect your pajeet bottom line. Maybe you are just low IQ or maybe you are evil as fuck and want to steer people in the wrong direction.

You are being called out.
Why the fuck is having a middleman ever needed on the Ethereum blockchain you absolute fucking moron?

>> No.12422769

>unless you're after child pornography

The last I checked ETH is not a privacy coin so posting shit like that is something that will get your dumb ass tracked down like the fucking dog you are. Its not our job to police what people can post. Leave that shit to the actual police and FBI

Because god fucking forbid we expect them to do their fucking jobs.

>> No.12422785

That kind of answers all of my questions. Since its so easy I wonder how they solve it. Probably find out in a few days or weeks.

>> No.12422794

There's no problem with hosting videos and shit. You have sites with all sorts of gross crap, sites with pirated content and it's not getting removed. The only problem is with the monetization. "Blockchain hosting" is a nonsense, it's entirely redundant other that for pursuit of idealist visions. To succeed, you have to focus on one particular things instead of scattering in all directions like a sperg.

>> No.12422844

Open index protocol

>> No.12422850

>That kind of answers all of my questions. Since its so easy I wonder how they solve it. Probably find out in a few days or weeks.

It absolutely needs to happen I think. One of the things that is important about it is that it emediatly clears the air of a lot of debate regarding hate speech and regulation or thought policing.

Its simply not possible anymore so why even discuss it anymore. Anyone who does can be told that they missed the memo. In a lot of ways its the single thread that unwinds the entire problem we are dealing with. The ending of socialism and communism in any possible format and an already conservative gen Z becoming self employ through social media nobody can control.

>You have sites with all sorts of gross crap
facing in regards to leftism.

Its not about that. Its more about absolutely curshing people like you into the dirt and making you shut the fuck up about muh hate speech for the next 100 years so we can talk about shit that matters. Its about crushing the legacy media and capitulating the tech industry into a point where they have to completely reformat. The destruction of reddit 4chan twitter and facebook. The automation of an industry that has no reason to exist anymore.

This is about finality of the discussion. The pendulum swinging so far in one direction that it might as well never come back.

ETH is already there it just needs a push.

>> No.12422902

What do you think the backlash would be from such a thing? I don't for one second think that traditional media is going to sit down and die. How do you think they would respond?

>> No.12422917

Can you give me a quick rundown on the broader sentiments? What are the violent oppositions? I just have faggot anecdotal evidence of muh friend group who constantly whinge about advertising but not one would even install the brave browser. I didn't even tell them it had anything to do with Bit Coins, literally chrome with an ad blocker is more than they could cope.

In terms of detesting the change this retarded sample size really reopened my eyes about the herd. A fucking personal browser on personal equipment, and the NPC will insist using the same one they thought everybody else was using, even if there was a very convenient solution to their problem 30 seconds away.

>> No.12422922

>Its not about that. Its more about absolutely curshing people like you into the dirt and making you shut the fuck up about muh hate speech for the next 100 years so we can talk about shit that matters. Its about crushing the legacy media and capitulating the tech industry into a point where they have to completely reformat. The destruction of reddit 4chan twitter and facebook. The automation of an industry that has no reason to exist anymore.
Why the fuck are throwing labels around, sperg?

What I'm trying to do is show you that the alternative to reddit, twitter, facebook etc. is not their decentralized version (in a sense, you already have decentralized content platforms - they are called private websites). Because the platforms gain power from those who are using them. If no one uses your better, decentralized alternative, then it didn't live up to the goal, and even then there is no guarantee that it won't entail the same problems as with the original version.

The only alternative is to twitter, facebook, 4chan is simply NEW twitter, facebook, 4chan that will work under different rules.

>> No.12422984

>What do you think the backlash would be from such a thing? I don't for one second think that traditional media is going to sit down and die. How do you think they would respond?

My prediction is that its going to turn into a giant debate of child pornography. Its the only amunition that detractors actually have. WHich is funny because its going to give platform to actual pedophiles which will spark a massive debate in regards to people "coming out of the closet" and forcing the LGBTQ community to include the P.

I can already see the Philip Defranco episode talking about it where he goes off his rocker then gets called out on it and has to apologize that non offending pedophiles should not be discriminated against.

>Why the fuck are throwing labels around, sperg?

Sorry about that I will take it back a notch. Its not necisary. I was more or less just aiming that at detractors.

> The only alternative is to twitter, facebook, 4chan is simply NEW twitter, facebook, 4chan that will work under different rules.

The anbswer is simple. Fewer people needed. Code Is Law implementation.
Its easier. Its closer to what it should be anyway. This is one of those situations where the utopia example is achievable cheaper and faster with better results.

So fuck it.

>In terms of detesting the change this retarded sample size really reopened my eyes about the herd.

Bat is a scam. Any social media platform that wants a focus around advertising will want you to buy their bags and not some ERC 20 token. Advertising on steemit is done through SBD and that is how they give the platform more "stability" they just suck at implimenting it properly.

>> No.12423028

it's only a matter of time

>> No.12423059

the answer is always monero

>> No.12423125

There is going to be a first wave of content creation by anon users who make videos that are so over the top offensive and triggering its going to be used as a way to shock normies to a point where they lose their minds. Then they will realize that its too late and the technology is immutable. And in their panic they will inadvertently advertise to gen Z that this is the place to go for the stuff that pisses your SJW parents off. The timing on this is crucial though. But there will be a shock campaign later this year. The goal is to force people to bend to the new technology.

>> No.12423149

>right wing e-celebs start using crypto exclusively
>get completely wiped out every time there is a market fluctuation
Why would anyone want this?

>> No.12423152

you know the market can also fluctuate up right?

>> No.12423158

have them post a wallet adress on own website
make smart contract with monthly pay kn eth

>> No.12423167

I'm only really talking about the brave browser itself as an example of resistance to change. I find it interesting because the only practical difference is literally the ad blocking, the solution to the sole browsing problem these goys complain about. Literally a different name and icon prevent them from solving the problem.

The reason I shill them brave specifically is to try and meme them into having some loose connection to the Bit Coins without realizing, it's merely a practical experiment for me about adoption.

>> No.12423174

>Why would anyone want this?

Stable coins. Lots of them.

>> No.12423216
File: 75 KB, 750x731, worldrecord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good thread on /biz/ for a change. We did it, Reddit!!

>> No.12423274

There’s way more than just that they could use. For example personal info, stolen credit card lists, leaked nudes, the list goes on and on, not to mention dedicated actors with resources will flood these places with spam and gore if they have to. Look at what happened to Voat when they briefly became a threat to Reddit, they used every black hat trick they could to crush Voat.

>> No.12423291

That’s not how smart contracts work. They wouldn’t be able to get the address from the website without an Oracle which makes it censorable.

>> No.12423314

Can't wait to invest in RubinCoin.

>> No.12423332

this should be so easy
if I learned some coding I would just copypaste patren using crypto instad of usd
also I find the whole Idea of donating do youtubers so degenerate I would take a lot of fees to enable this degeneracy and decentralice it

>> No.12423490

I think the point is you can't really do anything about it so whinge as they might it will still exist.

>> No.12423500

Rubin and Peterson are just going to launch a IDWCoin (Intellectual Dark Web Coin) and will shill it endlessly.

>> No.12423593

>leaked nudes, the list goes on and on, not to mention dedicated actors with resources will flood these places with spam and gore if they have to.

let law inforcement handle it. Its not our job to police this shit. Its literally like saying roads should not be allowed because someone might do something bad. Thats why we have police to prevent people from breaking the law. Its not an argument that we should just avoid having roads completely.

> Look at what happened to Voat when they briefly became a threat to Reddit, they used every black hat trick they could to crush Voat.

Sure, but this wont work on a blockchain. Also people will form opt in groups where they hire moderators to go through content as its posted to tell you what it is before you open it. Delegated moderation is the only metho to moderate on these kinds of systems.

You will be tracked down not just by the FBI but users can dox you too. Illegal activity is going to be punished on the blockchain just as it is in the real world. The only difference between legacy social media is that nobody can delete it.

>> No.12423617

it says right fucking there OP:
"Crypto is the Answer..."

cant you fucking read? its your image

>> No.12423629
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Oh wait none of this will ever bring coinholder value to your dead scam coins...

>> No.12423653

>not holding RubinCoin
Never going to make it.

>> No.12423663

>I think the point is you can't really do anything about it so whinge as they might it will still exist.

even more so. Whine as they might, it will end up being the standard for modern day social media and crowd funding.

>> No.12423674

That's what they said about the internet.
>lolz keep holding them heavy modem bags, lolz cant even call and use the phone at the same time, lolz only like two websites and nobody emails when I can just make a call or send a fax, lolz...

>> No.12423683

news flash: bitcoin doesn't have to be worth 100 fucking thousand dollars for it to be used as a solution to anything. frankly, it works better being worth around 3k. maybe even less.

>> No.12423688

This. I went all in on 56k modems and am a millionaire now since they are still in such high demand.

>> No.12423694
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 4aa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberty, Freedom, and Mobility


>> No.12423697

If it's not increasing in value by more than 10% every year then I'd rather just invest in stocks.

>> No.12423707


>> No.12423710

If in some crazy twisted world Crypto currency becomes popular and used by everyone, it STILL wouldnt translate into value for your coins, because they are are currencies and not securities. You lost all your money

>> No.12423728

most stocks move around 10% a week
Youre dumb as fuck

>> No.12423732
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>every year
Learn to read

>> No.12423733

Not sadly actually. Sorry anon. More like fuck anyone who thinks that!

>> No.12423736

>He thinks I invested in scam currencies and not useful protocols that will revolutionize the blockchain industry

>> No.12423740
File: 11 KB, 370x320, smug akko 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blockchain industry

>> No.12423743

> He also doesnt know that during a bull run in crypto even fucking stable coins might 1000x...

>> No.12423763

I really hope you are not a no coiner/to enter. You will be as dumb as the idiots fudding bitcoin in 2011. I can't even imagine how suicide inducing that must be.

>> No.12423779


Brave's current user growth is phenomenal. 5.5 million active users Facebook had 6 million around the same time period. Mass adoption is happening right before our eyes. Web 3.0 is here

>> No.12423798
File: 371 KB, 1132x614, chad brave virgin cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bat is a scam. Any social media platform that wants a focus around advertising will want you to buy their bags and not some ERC 20 token. Advertising on steemit is done through SBD and that is how they give the platform more "stability" they just suck at implimenting it properly.

See, it's so hilarious yet sad to see. Look at >>12422917 : this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about when it comes to unfounded opposition to Brave / BAT. People are unable to cope with any sort of change or threat to the status quo. I think it's human nature to become threatened by things you don't understand or things that threaten to change the way things currently are.

I have a tech savy group of friends / family, yet I don't even try to convince them to switch to Brave. I don't dare try to shill them BAT either. Some people are 1) unwilling to even consider change and 2) nowhere near ready to accept cryptocurrencies as a means of change.

There are users on /biz/ (which sadly I consider one of the best crypto resources) that STILL believe Brave / BAT is some sort of illegal scam, and yet they will accept GoogleAds and malvertising trackers as status quo and the way things will always be. They're afraid of change and dislike things that threaten their comfort zone.

We'll know Brave/BAT are succeeding when people like your friends and my friends begin to switch over. I was one of the early adopters of Chrome - I LOVED Chrome and was using it when everyone I knew was still on Mozilla/Internet Explorer. But I have already seen the writing on the wall with Chrome and advertising. There is no possible way for Google to marry the idea of "blocking ads / trackers" with "keep Google Ads profitable." It's not possible. Brave solves all of this (and more, through BAT).

>> No.12423808

Meant to say check out this dude >>12422984 for unfounded FUD, not blaming you for it.

>> No.12423836
File: 39 KB, 600x760, 7AB51A2D-E68E-4557-93C8-E8A01E783776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OIP on FLO is the answer.
Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson are working together with #Alexandria #FLO #FLOBLOCKCHAIN $FLO


FLO is a decentralized file storage blockchain with under a $10 million marketcap. It was fairly launched in 2013, with no ico, or developer premine, and is one of the original 10 blockchains,
It is also the backbone for tZero's DLR platform.

FLO is being used by the US government to register land on the blockchain.

Even the bitcoin maximalist Erik VoorHees took notice and tweeted out the FLO article

FLO is also used by Caltech's EMTB Laboratory to store over $10 million worth of scientific data, 10,000+ electron tomography samples. It's only a matter of time before universities all around the world begin storing their data in #FLO.
Caltech ETDB whitepaper

Presentation alongside Vitalik on January 11th, 2019. FLO won 1st place for best project.

>> No.12423844

What is the advantage to using bat over ether?
Why would (I say "would" because the whole idea is stupid so competitors will never actually appear) the bat ecosystem not be outcompeted by someone stealing their idea except with eth instead of bat?

>> No.12423868

>for unfounded FUD, not blaming you for it.

All I know is that if there is a crypto based patreon, for example. Then the devs will likely design it so highest bidder in whatever coin they want gets the ad space. I personally would even want to avoid having people use bat because if its my dapp I would rather I get paid directly by people who use the dapp I designed.

>> No.12423897
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loads of reasons, I should really write a copy + paste answer for this because it gets asked so often. Honestly I think the number 1 reason is this:

Brave has a huge fund of BAT that it gives away with every update to the browser. Since January 2018 I've received over 200 BAT (~$26) from Brave. That's free BAT given to me for simply using the browser. They could NEVER do this with ETH or BTC. So basically Brave was given a bunch of VC money, and a portion of that went into buying/holding BAT that they're slowly releasing to users in order to get the project running.

The BAT given to users can only be donated, can't be sent to your own wallet. But the point is, the advertiser-producer-user ecosystem never could happen with ETH.

TLDR; if you don't understand why ETH couldn't be used, you don't really understand the Brave project.

>> No.12423917

Handing out free coins is not a competitive moat. All it does is dump on the market. That is a negative, not a positive. People dont want to hold a coin that is being given out for free.
So the only advantage you can name is actually a disadvantage.

>> No.12423930
File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But just to tie this back to the OP's post, Brave's free BAT is considered a "grant". So basically if you download Brave, you automatically get a "grant" that ranges from like 15-35 BAT (every few months).

If you're a rebuked content producer like Dave Rubin, you solve your censorship issue in a few easy steps through BAT:

1) get your fans/supporters to download/user Brave.
2) become Brave verified (get your KYC shit completed through Uphold so you can cash out your BAT)
3) tell them to donate some BAT to you (or whoever they want to support)
4) collect BAT every month and cash out as needed. Once ads roll around, brave will probably stop with the BAT grants, because users will be "earning" BAT by turning BraveAds on.

Also, the most important thing about this, is this IS NOT vaporware. You can LITERALLY go download Brave and start using BAT TODAY. It's actual, working software and cryptocurrency. You can literally support people online using a cryptocurrency. It's mental how cool it is, and even crazier how many people fucking disdain BAT for stupid reasons.

>> No.12423945

Why not use ETH? You still havent answered.

>> No.12423952
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>2) become Brave verified (get your KYC shit completed through Uphold so you can cash out your BAT)

>> No.12423961
File: 21 KB, 600x600, back pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BAT grants won't last forever. They're meant to encourage users to actually *use* the cryptocurrency through donations. It's only one use case for BAT, but a good way to get that started is by giving it away to users.

I think what you need to realize is where the buy pressure comes from, which I explain in almost every BAT thread. Buy pressure comes from the advertisers themselves, who buy in FIAT which is used to immediately purchase BAT.

So once grants end ("that's a dump on the market" = over), the buy pressure is introduced (advertisers purchasing ad campaigns through buying BAT). So there you go. What's your next question?

>> No.12423981

So nothing. There is no reason to use bat over eth, and anyone who releases a similar product with eth as the currency will have an advantage by eth's greater liquidity and brand awareness. So bat is shit.

>> No.12424003

This is true, everyone hates having to adapt their business to a new change/technology. The larger the business, the more costly the change, so often times they are slow to adapt and this is how big businesses slowly die.

>> No.12424012

No I've already gone over this, but you keep ignoring my answer. Having their own token allows Brave to give anonymous grants of BAT to every single user of Brave. That wouldn't be possible with Ether, and it's a necessary part of the Brave project.

Imagine granting a user Ether:
1) they're not going to want to donate it (do not pretend like you would donated ETH given to you. You wouldn't. If you tell me you would, you're bullshitting me.)
2) They wouldn't be able to STOP people from transferring ether to their own wallet

With BAT, it encourages the flow of donations/use and allows Brave to keep users from transferring the grant BAT to their own wallets.

>> No.12424018

Yeah you can definitely make stuff like this on ETH. Perhaps it will take a year or so for ETH to improve but it seems like they are making progress and hopefully something like this can be implemented soon.

>> No.12424203

Yes I do actually consider the brave browser one of the best entrances to practical mainstream adoption, mostly just because you don't need to convince anybody else to use it for it to have personal utility unlike say cyber commerce or social faggotry. For the BAT token itself it will need some network, but the growing userbase will prime it for that.

It's really a pretty straightforward project that could be high impact, it's interesting to observe and think about. I never actually bought into it though, I tried at ICO and got cucked with the rest of this board, after it instamooned I didn't think there was value for now.

>> No.12424211

Crypto is hyper inflationary. Try again.

>> No.12424231

The problem is credit cards. Normies love credit cards and love giving jews all their money on interest. It's sad really.

If credit cards embargo crypto then it's going to be very hard to fight this.

>> No.12424323


Just watch based brendan:


>> No.12424332


> seething steem shill detected

You guys are fukt.

>> No.12424400

Jews aren’t unstoppable.

>> No.12424546

he sounds like a very based goy. current problem is you even mention fucking crypto currencies and NPC will believe the browser is a way to scam him. ad and speed gains are clever memes, but resistance to change still very powerful even when not logical

>> No.12424616


1. They needed funds from the ICO.
2. Why would they shit on early supporters by dropping BAT and switching over to ETH ?
3. A key component to nurturing the Brave/BAT ecosystem is the monthly user grants. This wouldn't be possible with BTC, ETH or other alts

>> No.12424620

A gay that's a conservative? What a twist! He must have reasonable opinions and be able to conversate with people.

>> No.12424626

> gay
> jewish
> conservative

Pick three

>> No.12424751
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>people have already forgotten milo

>> No.12424847

I'm unironically nearly all in

>> No.12424852

>2) become Brave verified (get your KYC shit completed through Uphold so you can cash out your BAT)
You know, the purpose of the browser/token was to bypass centralized authorities. Otherwise what is the fucking point. I want to like brave, I even have installed it on my phone for the native ad blocker, but until they get rid of that gatekeeping shit I won't even bother switching with my desktop or with the free gibs that you have to donate or lose but oops, nobody fucking accepst bat, though luck hehehe.

>> No.12425023

Milo was a raging cunt even if he made liberals mad.

>> No.12425362

Cool idea, shit coin.

>> No.12426253

Is steemit the answer?

>> No.12426373

plz kys

>> No.12426389

What is wrong with Patreon?

>> No.12426409

But something similar to it is likely the answer

Also people, stop talking about fucking bat, its garbage. Its a coin where its only use case is to dump on people. I will never hold or buy the shit ever.

>> No.12426846

is the guy in the image saying "bitcoin's not a mesh"?

>> No.12426949

>Normies only need a coinbase account frankly.

they will get banned from coinbase for 'payments to known nazi wallets' (i think coinbase has already done this before)

>> No.12426955

It's too late. Too damned late.

>> No.12427405

We have determined that it isn't too late and there is still hope.

>> No.12427588


They are not going to leave and they will be back on it.

Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin supporters are mouth breathing retards who need to be told to clean their room.

A person who needs to be told to clean their room is too stupid to be able to figure out crypto.

>> No.12427632
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 88943986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm sure /biz/ all has clean rooms

>> No.12427647

They themselves aren't important. The important part is the deplatforming and censorship that is going on and the response and solution to it.

>> No.12427665

It won't fix anything if they make their platform. Mastercard or PayPal will tell them who can participate and they will go along. Nothing will change. Just juden Petersen and jew rubins chance to take a cut.

>> No.12427666

Unironically, Skycoin. The ecosystem with Skywire, CXO, and CX, creating a decentralized SDN. This is going to solve alot more than just the censorship issues going on on the traditional internet. Better security, performance, and privacy will make Skywire into a winner regardless of who begins availing themselves of it first. Normies are always the last ones to anything good though, so I'm going to bet that non tech sector and smaller business are the ones who will start using Skywire first. By the time it becomes a thorn in the side of the fascists, it will be too established to dislodge.

>> No.12427692

>they will get banned from coinbase for 'payments to known nazi wallets' (i think coinbase has already done this before)

Yep, They did this very recently by banning Gab. We absolutely fucking need to take action now.