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12422076 No.12422076 [Reply] [Original]

Is debt really necessary?

>> No.12422086

No the system has to go, im fucking it up regardless

>> No.12422096

NEET here, how does this apply to me

>> No.12422109

Debt is a privilege, people want it so bad that they will pay it back with interest. If all forms of debt suddenly disappeared then people would hardly be able to buy anything. It would cause mass suffering and widen the gap between classes.

>> No.12422128

it actually doesnt apply to you at all.
with beeing a NEET you actually play this whole system. but its on cost of your own sanity/mental health/ and not killing yourself when you are 30.

>> No.12422132

I'm already a diagnosed schizo, guess I'll take my chances

>> No.12422138

so if i make it past 30 (4 years from now), will I have beat the system?

>> No.12422144

Yes, or else how can anyone start businesses? I can't believe how dumb people here are.

>> No.12422151

no debt here

mostly because im cheap AFand still live with my parents, so its all good

>> No.12422207

it means that you have still time to get your shit together.
yeah beeing a typical KHV Neet at 30 is probably hard. but you are still moderatly healthy and young.

but try this lifestyle beeing 45,50,55 or 60 year olds. only sitting in front of your pc all day. never expose yourself to sunlight, eating only processed fast food or microwave stuff, cigerattes etccc....

you could be sure beeing still moderatly young your body can sustain this. but there will come time when you wont even enjoy neeting anymore because of physical health reasons that come on top of the mental ones....

>> No.12423046
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your value of your money is also inflated away to keep you needing to work forever but delet this thread now goy

>> No.12423136

Money is debt. Every dollar in existence has interest attached to it that can only be paid back, to the ((central bank)), through inflation.

>> No.12423248

i was neet for 6 years and now im a 30yo boomer. It's fine if you are genuinely working hard on your autistic shit, keep your health in order and provide something of value and respect to those around you.

NEETs that dont work hard on whatever is their strange path/autistic fascination is should realize they are pieces of shit. Neet isnt about not working its about using your time the way you want but still putting tremendous effort in.

You can disagree but know this. My time as neet was literal hyperbolic time chamber. I worked out and did cardio every single day for six years. I spent hours a day self studying up to theoretical comp sci, qm, masters level english, fluent 2nd language, finance, crypto etc and many other skills. I paid for this opportunity with status and dignity. Things that were less important to me than having the time to make my mind and body how i want.

Yet i still got consistent pussy even as a willfully broke fucker living with parents. Neets that dont have some sort of vision for themselves and cant get pussy while a neet are deluded pieces of shit with low iq and low t and i dont respect them. Neets like me will be superior to them always.

>> No.12423272

>beeing a NEET you actually play this whole system

If you live off of your parents, you're just being a good goy by proxy, not playing the system.

>> No.12423290


what job do you work now?

>> No.12423316
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>> No.12423329

Big boys call it leverage

>> No.12423369

their debt is different fro your debt
you unpaid debt will leave you herassed by the state or even in prison
their debt costs them the interest and the actual loan never has to paid back

>> No.12423412
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America is built on (((debt))) and making money appear out of thin air. Without it would be a nigger-tier muttland like South Africa or Brazil.

The only reason Japan is not THE economic superpower is because the concept of constantly borrowing money doesn't really exist in Japanese culture.

>> No.12423522

Self employed and paid to go to school

>> No.12423531

So how much money you make now?

>> No.12423549

Kek I love ben garristein originals

>> No.12423584

>Being able to buy shit you don't need and can't actually afford is a bad thing and would cause mass suffering
When the cancer it is Chemo or die.

>> No.12423606

Are you a moron?

It to do with not being able to afford Land, and thus retail therapy.

Also without he ability to issue loans at fractional reserve you are in eternal debt.

The consumerist narrative to to keep pleps believing if they could only save they would get ahead, and the problem is so obvious, your buying crap plasitck.

5% on a $1M house = more than you make after tax, then there is all the expences

>> No.12423640

japanese government debt is 180% of gdp

>> No.12423669

>expecting everyone to fork over a big pile of cash to buy a home
>expecting business to run with empty shelves

Yes debt is important you retarded kid

>> No.12423725


>> No.12423744


>> No.12423753

how long ago did you actually quit neeting?

>> No.12423777

I feel like i never quit, i moved in with my gf and she pays everything. She thinks i just do school she doesnt know i make money.

Women are very easy to dominate and manipulate. They are stupid, predictable creatures btw. She spends fucktons on me and i spend nothing on her. I do however fix things around her place or assemble/open shit etc. Whatever her dumb female brain cant comprehend because it requires 3 consecutive seconds of logical thinking.

>> No.12423790

Why do you even care what NPCs do? Just don't do what they do.

>> No.12424013


checked and absolutely based.

>> No.12424131
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how do you find women if you're a neet

>> No.12424256

One skill I learned as NEET was starting random conversations.

I progressed by approaching one person per day, anyone and saying anything. Even if I ask old guy for time and it takes 3 seconds.

Then I moved up to women and then women my age and then attractive women per day. Once I could have at least one normal convo with an attractive girl my age once per day, I continued this in fear a few weeks. Then I forced myself to progress to keeping convo going and slowly learned to flirt. Then I progressed to asking for numbers if it was an agreeable conversation. Then I would get about 30 numbers, end up chatting through text with like ten women, make plans to meet 5, actually meet with about 3, and then fuck 1 of the 3.

But at that point I had filtered down to someone with genuine interest and attraction then I would put all my effort into sustaining attraction and developing a relationship. Again, just adding in more progressions and getting comfortable with them.

Then, after 3 months of being le perfect guy xd, I started a new progression. How much like shit could I treat a girl and still have her give me sex. I progressed very gently and it turns out once you get comfortable with the progressions you can treat women like literal shit in terms of putting effort into the relationship.

You gotta have good dick game tho or it all falls apart.

>> No.12424271

switched to phone, new id

>> No.12424289


Another good way is to buy garrysmod then play the darkrp gamemode

i learned alot about life and socializing from it without ever going into public

>> No.12424318


I will give one more tip. At my school we get free counselling. Well, my counsellor happens to be an attractive, rich middle aged woman.

>I havent fucked her, I'm not THAT cool

what I do with her is talk only about my thoughts and ideas with women. I tell her my plans of how to approach various situations and stuff. I literally try out lines on her. This one time a bitch was mad at me and sent me this ultimatum type text thing. I didnt answer and went to see my counsellor. I imagined a way to approach answering and I said it out loud to my counsellor. She broke her professional frame for a moment and kind of "melted" like someone had just said some romantic shit and made her pussy wet. I watched her carefully as I recited the scenarios I had brainstormed. The one that made her go gooey is the exact thing I texted the bitch as an answer to her ultimatum and it worked and I got sex that night instead of a breakup.

>> No.12424407

how the fuck am i supposed to find a middle aged attractive woman. what kind of tip is that

>> No.12424753

This is the dumbest shit in this thread, which is saying a lot. Japan is one of the most in debt countries in the world and has been since before you were born. Fuck polfags, I'm just glad you dumbfucks are here to buy my bags when the bulls are here.

>> No.12424781

Jesus christ save us we are not ready.

>> No.12424809

Why do people find the need to gloat about their exploits to a bunch of anonymous losers? If that level of insecurity doesn't raise the red flag, you deserve to stay on this board.

>> No.12425466

what a heap of horseshit, the guy is an obvious Koch shill, yet, it is structured well enough to convince a bunch of drooling idiots to never vote Democrats again in their life.

>> No.12425484
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>> No.12425500

Government debt is not the same as private debt you absolute brainlets

>> No.12425508

mentally ill narcissist

>> No.12425904



>> No.12425936

what was the text plz plz plz
what did u say to her ultimatum

>> No.12426062


plz dude a girl has given me an ultimatum and i gave her a 'fuck you' kind of answer (but a beutiful well worked out one at that) and she has been silent since so it didn't feel like it worked (was like 10 days ago)

i need to know what ur reply was that worked

>> No.12426172


> it is structured enough to convince a bunch of drooling idiots to never vote Democrats again in their life

yeah whats the problem?

>> No.12426207

Paste & Reptilian

>> No.12426593

non burger here,
is the stuff with discretionary and mandatory spending true?

>> No.12426611

nevermind it is

You here so often "US spends 50% of its budget on the military".
Good to know that this is bullshit and typical media manipulation.

>> No.12426664

>things they don't need
You're not very smart, are you? These things are necessary to satisfy mind. There is no point in life except for getting as much dopamine as you can.

>> No.12426802

You have to admit it is genius, the fact is if the majority of people are too fucking dumb to get themselves in a debt whole they deserve to be a slave.

>> No.12426804


>> No.12426924


good goy!

>> No.12426939

crying about not being able to afford things, and wanting things for free, is just a different type of kike.

get money or kys

>> No.12426983
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>Is debt really necessary?

>> No.12427118

If people are borrowing as a way to finance productivity, then indebtedness isn’t bad. It is very beneficial.

>> No.12427232

It's understandable why they hate White people so much.
No other race stands a chance to uncuck itself out of this.
Arabs are redpilled partly and would be able to solve this rather with violence.
But they became easily manageable.. just direct aggresivity into Ahmed killing Abdul and vice versa, perpetually.

>> No.12428124

>The solution is to destroy money and barter
>Somehow this involves Trump

>> No.12429065

Jews behave exactly like a parasite. Are they really even human beings?