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12420951 No.12420951 [Reply] [Original]

Listen very carefully to what I'm about to say.

Ambrosos wants to represent external data (food) on the blockchain.

Walton wants to represent external data (RFID tags) on the blockchain.

Ripple wants to represent external data (financial transactions) on the blockchain.

These use cases are ENTIRELY contained within ChainLink.

ChainLink is the skeleton key that makes all these proects obsolete. It gives every company the building blocks to use oracles that represent ANY data, not just single use cases like food/RFID/financial transactions, however they want.

>> No.12420954

Ethereum is a blockchain with advanced scripting language whichallows running of decentralized applications (dapps) and Smart contracts. What are smart contracts? It is a digital contract planted in the Ethereum blockchain. It is a tamper-proof commitment of all participants of the contract. It is used to exchange money, property, shares etc, without a middleman. Ethereum's creator's description of smart contract is to compare the technology to a vending machine. Ordinarily, you would go to a lawyer or a notary, pay them, and wait while you get the document. With smart contracts, you simply drop a bitcoin into the vending machine (i.e. ledger), and your escrow, driver’s license, or whatever drops into your account. More so, smart contracts not only define the rules and penalties around an agreement in the same way that a traditional contract does, but also automatically enforce those obligations.

Now, how do we get tamper proof, secure data feeds into Ethereums blockchain in order to expand the variety of use cases. How do we get information, external data, about markets, shares, web API feeds, bank payments, back-end systems, retail payments, real life event data or data about other blockchains into the Ethereum blockchain.

>> No.12420961
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfH1B85YyFU - Sergey Q&A
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nmLU284fIk -Interview when he was NXT Secure Asset Exchange CEO, talking about Smart Contracts (2014)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=nMlpTgxKtAY - A technical overview of ChainLink, the decentralized oracle platform.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytv8U0bejPA - Ethereum Enthusiasts NYC: SmartContracts.com and Oracles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfJiRsYpgyc -Smart Contracts in Business: Sergey Nazarov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=T9R5fpxGeVc - What is SWIFT doing in terms of innovation that is new and exciting?

>> No.12420969

So basically what you are saying that Bitcoin is kind of like a tree, right? It has rings and stuff which can't be changed and you can open it up and look at the history and agree where all the rings are. And ethereum is kind of like the leaves. They're scattered around the branches off of the tree and have veins and shit on them for writing things on. But when you write on one, it copies over to all the other leaves. Which is good because if you look at 1 leaf you'll know that it is legit if it says the same things as the rest of the leaves.
So this is where Chainlink comes in. Chainlink is like a nigger jerking off on to the soil at the base of the tree. His cum is kind of like the external data which your bitcoin tree feeds to the ethereum leaves. So basically feeds the tree with stuff that it needs to give to the leaves which are asking for nutrients and stuff.
I think I get it.

>> No.12420972
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LINKS: (That won't steal your links)
https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink -the github
https://chainlink-docs.smartcontract.com/#installation -The ChainLink API documentation.
https://link.smartcontract.com/whitepaper -Whitepaper (Duh)
https://hudsonjameson.com/2017-08-06-advising-status-smartcontract/ -an Advisor's thoughts on smartcontracts
https://www.americanbanker.com/news/the-race-to-connect-smart-contracts-to-the-real-world American Banker [Financial Publication]
https://paymentweek.com/2017-9-7-previous-chief-scientist-rsa-releases-smart-contract-connectivity-whitepaper-facebook-director-engineering-llvm-creator-joins-chainlink-advisory-board/ -Previous Chief Scientist Of RSA Releases Smart Contract Connectivity Whitepaper, Facebook Director Of Engineering & LLVM Creator Joins ChainLink Advisory Board
https://www.febelfin.be/sites/default/files/InDepth/smart-contracts.pd_.pdf - Capegemini report
https://image.slidesharecdn.com/worldeconomicforumtippingpoint2015blockchain41-170330211144/95/world-economic-forum-tipping-points-report-1-638.jpg?cb=1490908469 - World Economic Forum
https://www.gartner.com/doc/3698947/cool-vendors-blockchain-applications- - Garner Report
https://www.coindesk.com/swift-startup-winner-demos-smart-contract-trade-5-financial-firms/ - Barclays, BNP Paribas, Fidelity, Societe Generale and Santander test out Chainlink
https://twitter.com/addyching/status/919995073990979591 - SIBOS updates

>> No.12421096

Based and redpilled pasta

>> No.12421219

stop sampling the pastebin to make it seem like you fucking wrote this

>> No.12421485


>> No.12421541

>black links steal links.

>> No.12421549

wow! Look at that buddy you finally caught up! good job newfag! Wouldnt be suprised if this is crypto oracle, dude shills to normies but has no idea he should be shilling to developers, fucking idiots