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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12419146 No.12419146 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they hate money

>> No.12419257

Shilling LINK on pol is basically the worst thing you can do for the project. Fuck you and fuck those faggots

>> No.12419264
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Pol is full of low on losers like yourself. Dumb incels

Pic related

>> No.12419278

We need to make Chainlink seem like the alt-right incel hate machine incarnated.

At some point, we have to have Redditors to buy our bags at >$100, we need the Fresh money to this thing

But at the moment, I want every potential ceo, investor or new buyer that first thing when they hear the word "Chainlink" they think of racist hate symbol Pepe the frog, Donald Drumpf and inceldom.

We must make this token so loathsome, that even Reddit does not want nothing to do with this nazi hate project that only makes incels filthy rich

>> No.12419383

>goes to make dozens of atrocious link memes to piss pol off

>> No.12419400

Now if only /pol/ posters would get banned from /biz/ too, we'd really be on to something.

>> No.12419416
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chainlink and trump is the way to save the world

>> No.12419443

C..can you please stop saving the world for half of year or so mr. President ?
I have kids to feed..

>> No.12419453

You wanna some mexican nigger shoots and rapes them you stupid cunt?

>> No.12419491

He can always adopt replacement Mexicans if his kids get shot.

>> No.12419537

Why would you shill link? Link is a b2b company and tech. theres no need for retail investor for this to skyrocket to 1000

>> No.12419557

are you a fucking moron? Do you know link is a B2B company and tech? Did you know link doesnt need retail investors to skyrocket to $1000? fucking dense idiot, shill to developers not normies you STUPID FUCKING RETARD

>> No.12419558

heh. reminds me of trumpcoin.

>> No.12419574


>posting link on 4chan

chainlink is a 4channel coin you cunt

>> No.12419585

you are retarded

>> No.12419598

hes run by jews

>> No.12419600

Stop shilling please.

I think most /biz users get it now.

>> No.12420277

>We need to make Chainlink seem like the alt-right incel hate machine incarnated.
>At some point, we have to have Redditors to buy our bags at >$100, we need the Fresh money to this thing

Pick one genius.

>> No.12420310

They do not deserve it.

>> No.12420336

The project stands on its own and this type of manipulation is unnecessary. Get back to your discord faggot. Not saying that everyone discussing link needs to censor themselves but the forced ideologies are transparent and unconvincing. In fact, I will go as far to say that such a forfed tactic is the work of Shareblue, Media Matters, Mind Geek, type groups hired by link whales, foreign adversaries, & salty autists. And guess what? They are really bad at what they do. Just trying to save you from wasting your time & effort. How many drafts of that post did you do before management approved it?

>> No.12420338 [DELETED] 
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>browsing /pol/

>> No.12420359

That's what everyone says about browsing 4chan, stop generalizing you plebian

Also buy coinmetro sirs

>> No.12420414

I've been there fren. CL will thrust a bunch of neets into the 1% and the goal after that is to defeat the jews. /pol/ should be all over this, but the mods on there are gay and will delete anything to do with crypto.

/biz/ as a containment board is just a huge loss for the degens who visit every other board and wont be able to use collective wisdom and meme magick to /make it/.

>> No.12420548

pol jannies are retards
biz jannies are slightly more intelligent but still retarded

>> No.12420566

Y would u go 2 the boomer board?

>> No.12420572

>the iq of linktards

>> No.12420575

t. fat nigger woman

>> No.12420582

what the fuck are you trying to do you retard

>> No.12420626


>> No.12420784
File: 166 KB, 1500x729, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back faggot

>> No.12420805

2018 called and wants its post back

>> No.12420834

Shill shill shilling

It's the same guy posting constantly the same shit about Link.

Now we are bored. Now we won't even read LINK posts anymore.